Anzahl Personen (91)
Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectroscopy, Metalloproteins, Software development, Structural biology
Baryon spectroscopy, Excitation spectrum of nucleons, Strong interaction
CKM Metrology with Vub and Vcb, Heavy Quarks, Search for dark photons and heavy neutral leptons at the LHC, Search for new physics in semileptonic decays, Study of collider neutrinos
Atomic & Molecular Spectroscopy, Interstellar Medium, Radioastronomy, Star Formation
Bismuth and antimony-based catalysis, Low-valent pnictogens species, Luminescent main group materials
Heavy elementary particles, Machine learning in particle physics, Particle physics at the highest energies
In vivo modelling and imaging in Drosophila melanogaster brains, Membrane contact sites in neurons, Organelle dynamics, Super-resolution microscopy
Galaxy evolution, Interstellar medium, Milky Way structure, Star formation quenching
Experimental high-energy physics, Flavor physics, Hadron collider physics, Higgs boson, microelectronics, Radiation detectors
Beyond Standard Model Phenomenology, LHC Physics, Light long-lived Particles, Theoretical Elementary Particle Physics
Chemical synthesis and purification of bioactive molecules, Development of in vitro assays, Development of radioligands, fluorescence ligands, Stability and metabolism studies
Detection of reactive Intermediates, Mass Spectrometry, Reaction Mechanisms, Structure Elucidation
Molecular Chemistry of Silicon in Low Oxidation States, Quantum Chemical Analyses of Novel Bonds, The Chemistry of Transition Metal-Tetrel Triple bonds
Erkenntnistheorie, Metaphysik/Ontologie, Philosophie des Geistes, Philosophie und Ethik der K.I.
Density functional theory, Quantum chemistry, Theoretical spectroscopy, Thermochemistry
Directional Dark Matter Searches, Gaseous Detectors, Neutron detectors, Sustainability
Benchmarking and high performance computing, Computational chemistry, (Local) coupled cluster methods, Multilevel workflows
Quantum optics, Quantum science, Quantum technology, Ultracold atoms
Antimicrobial coatings, Ladder polymers, Macrocycles and molecular spoked wheels, pi-Conjugated oligomers and polymers
Particle detection for tracking in particle physics experiments, Semiconductor pixel detectors, Ultra-fast and high resolution particle detecting system, X-ray detection and imaging detectors
Scanning probe microscopy, Self-assembled monolayers, Shape-persistent molecules, Solid/liquid interface
Gas-filled particle detectors, GridPix-Decectors, Neutron detectors, Time projection chambers
Detector physics: development of high-resolution, fast Micropattern Gaseous Detectors and readout electronics, Experimental hadron physics with electromagnetic and hadronic probes: hadron structure and spectroscopy, Physics beyond the Standard Model with hadron physics methods: search for Dark Photons
AI applications, Electron transfer via coupled Tyr/Trp networks in metalloenzymes., Rational design of artificial copper/heme-containing biocatalysts., Unraveling the molecular mechanism of O2-converting copper-containing enzymes., UV/Vis Raman spectro-electrochemistry – method development.
Ab initio and traditional molecular dynamics simulations, Development of tool for analyzing and visualizing trajectories, Quantum cluster equilibrium mode, Solvents and solvent effects
Photoswitsches, their synthesis, investigation, and their use in supramolecular architectures, Supramolecular chemistry and molecular self-assembly of metallo-supramolecular coordination complexes and cages, Thermodynamic and kinetic investigation of self-assembled dynamic systems, Thermodynamic investigation of host-guest equilibria
Non-equilibrium dynamics in strongly correlated electron systems and in Bose-Einstein condensates (BEC), Theoretical quantum many-body physics
Antibiotic mode of action, Light sheet fluorescence microscopy, Neuronal connectomics, Nucleocytoplasmic transport
Future sensors and observation systems, Satellite geodesy, Sea level and climate, Terrestrial water cycle
Compact stars in binaries, Gravitational wave sources, Massive star evolution, Origin of the chemical elements
Catalysis, Energy and sustainability, Ligand design, Metal-metal bonding
Nonequilibrium phenomena, Quantum computing, Quantum many-body systems, Thermalization
Data Acquisition Systems, Fast Timing Detectors, Gaseous Detectors, Maschine Learing on FPGA
Organic Electronics, Organic Synthesis, Self-Assembly Processes, Supramolecular Chemistry
Structure-activity relationships, Synthetic method development, Total synthesis of complex natural products
Atomic Physics, Laser Physics, Quantum Information Science, Quantum Optics
Cosmological probe combination, Cosmology, Large-scale structure of the Universe
Lattice Field Theory, Machine Learning, Quantum Computing, Variational Inference
HV-CMOS sensors, Large experiment data acquisition, Radiation hard pixel detectors, The LHCb Mighy Tracker
Genome stability regulation, Nucleic acid structure mediated immune changes, Nucleic acid structures formation and function in cells, Protein - DNA or RNA interaction
Antimicrobial Agents, Efficacy Testing, Innovative Disinfection Methods, Tolerance and Resistance to Disinfectants
Cosmology, Galaxy clusters, Supermassive black holes, X-ray astronomy
Gravitational physics, Loop quantum gravity, Relativistic quantum (field) theory in curved spacetimes, Theoretical astroparticle and heliophysics
Biomacromolecular Complexes, EPR Spectroscopy, Structure-Dynamics-Function Relationships
Precision Measurements in the Electroweak Section and QCD, Searches for Axion-Like Particles, Searches for High-Frequency Gravitational Waves, Study of Non-Perturbative Effects in proton-proton and Heavy Ion Collisions
Adsorption of functional organic molecules on surfaces, Collective optical properties, Laser and fluorescence spectroscopy, Surface Science
Baryon Spectroscopy, Exotic States, Meson Spectroscopy, Partial Wave Analysis
Bose-Einstein condensation of photons, Coherent light-matter interaction, High-pressure spectroscopy
Astrochemical Modeling, Astrochemical Observations, Statistical Astrochemistry
Experimental High Energy Particle Physics, Hadron Collider Physics, Radiation Detectors and Micro Electronics
Amplitude analysis and partial-wave analysis, Hadron spectroscopy, Polarization measurements for photonuclear reactions and complete experiments