Patrycja Kielb
Junior Prof. Dr. Patrycja Kielb
TRA Matter Steering Committee
  • Argelander-Professor of TRA Matter
  • Clausius-Institut für Physikalische und Theoretische Chemie
  • Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät
  • Electron transfer via coupled Tyr/Trp networks in metalloenzymes.
  • Unraveling the molecular mechanism of O2-converting copper-containing enzymes.
  • Rational design of artificial copper/heme-containing biocatalysts.
  • AI applications
  • UV/Vis Raman spectro-electrochemistry – method development.
We aim at exploring how nature performs complicated redox reactions constituting key processes in the environment and life, like biomass degradation and or cellular respiration. At the heart of such processes are often redox biocatalytic metalloproteins which present the main inspiration for our mechanistic investigations. In our research mission, we want to understand how we can harness and further engineer the unrivaled efficiency of such natural biological systems towards the development of artificial biohybrid systems applicable in bioelectronic devices. Methodologically, we employ the combination of experimental techniques including advanced Raman spectroscopy, electrochemistry, and protein engineering. Specifically, surface-enhanced resonance Raman spectro-electrochemistry allows us to correlate the structural information of the molecule interfaced on electrodes with its redox functionality.
Ausgewählte Publikationen

Kielb*, Teutloff, Bittl, Gray*, Winkler* (2022) Does tyrosine protect S. coelicolor laccase from oxidative degradation or act as an extended catalytic site? J. Phys. Chem. B. submitted.

Kielb, Utesch, Kozuch, Jeoung, Dobbek, Mroginski, Hildebrandt, Weidinger* (2017) Switchable redox chemistry of hexameric Tyrosine-coordinated heme protein. J. Phys. Chem. B. 121:3955-3964.

Kielb, Sezer, Katz, Lopez, Schulz, Gorton, Ludwig, Wollenberger, Zebger, Weidinger* (2015) Spectroscopic observation of calcium-induced reorientation of cellobiose dehydrogenase immobilized on electrodes and ist effect on electrocatalytic activity. ChemPhysChem 16(9):1960-1968.

Patrycja Kielb
Junior Prof. Dr. Patrycja Kielb
TRA Matter Steering Committee
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