Junge Uni (Youth University)—Activities for Children and Teenagers
Would you like to know what researchers and students at the University of Bonn are currently working on? Fancy taking a look inside one of the University’s many institutes or hearing a lecture in a real lecture hall? Then the Youth University is just the right thing for you! Browse our website and learn more about our program, which ranges from the Children’s University and Science Scavenger Hunts to activities at our museums and assistance with study preparation. You will also find contact details for each department as well as all the important University terminology - compiled in a special Youth University glossary just for you. Feel free to take a look around!
Please note: We have translated our Junge Uni (Youth University) landing page for you to give you an impression of what we offer. However, please be aware that all our activities are held in German unless otherwise noted.

Activities for all age groups
Junge Uni-Aktivitäten (Youth University activities)

Kinderuni (Children’s University)
Do you want to see a lecture hall and feel like a real University student? Are you between 8 and 13 years old? Then attend our Children’s University and listen to lectures about some of the exciting things going on in the world of science and research in one of the largest lecture halls at the University of Bonn.

Wissenschaftsrallyes (Science Scavenger Hunts)
Are you 13 years old or older, do you love discovering new things and are you keen to see what life is like in the University of Bonn’s departments and museums? Would you like to spend a Saturday trying out one of your dream subjects in a casual setting and chat with students and lecturers? Then the Science Scavenger Hunts will be right up your alley!

Jugend forscht
Got an unusual research question? Are you busy working on a research project? Then apply for Jugend forscht! Your entry might win the Bonn/Cologne regional competition, which the University of Bonn organizes for young researchers.
Find out all about the conditions of participation here.

Facharbeitspreise (Research paper awards)
Make more of your research paper! Submit a research paper you have written at school, whether it is for religious studies, biology, geography, math, chemistry, physics or IT, and have it assessed by professors at the University of Bonn. You will also make some useful contacts with lecturers and other people at the University in the process.

Fördern, Fordern, Forschen (Promoting Young Academic Talent)
The “FFF” early studies program gives schoolchildren the opportunity to attend authentic University events. All they need is motivation and a strong interest! The core elements of the project can be summed up in the three German words that make up the name “FFF”: Fördern (supporting), Fordern (challenging), Forschen (researching).

Junge Uni-Lexikon (Youth University glossary)
Here's an animated online glossary that has just about everything you need to be able to talk like a real student! It will tell you more about the unique jargon used at the University and its origins. Of course, the glossary can be used to quickly look things up, but more importantly, you can digitally explore the castle now serving as the University’s main building, and discover University terms hidden in various places. Sometimes you can even find something to listen to…
Uni Bonn to go!
For everyone who wants to discover the University of Bonn—from anywhere and at any time! Come along and explore our campuses, their surroundings and your potential future home as a student with our virtual University tours using the Actionbound app. And who knows? You might even set a new high score in the process…
Für Schulen, mit Schulen (For schools, with schools)
Forging close links between school and university is important to us. This is why the University offers a wide range of activities and advice for schools and teachers. Here you can find, among other things, details of who to contact in the various departments, help with planning a visit to the University of Bonn with your class or course group, and information on the advice offered by the Central Study Advisory and Counseling Service.

Junge Uni-Botschafter*innen an Schulen (Youth University ambassadors in schools)
We’d like to thank our trainee teachers, who serve as excellent ambassadors for the University of Bonn during their practical semesters. They provide an important link between school and university and give students an insight into what we offer.

Latest news and tips
Find the latest Junge Uni-news as well as event tips for children and teenagers on our German Junge Uni-Page!
Contact | Register for updates
Want to keep up-to-date about Junge Uni (Youth University) activities? Then add your e-mail and/or postal address to our mailing list. Of course, you can specify which age groups and activities you would like us to inform you about.
For departments, with departments
Are you a scientist at the University of Bonn? Are you planning your own activity for children or teenagers? Or would you or your department like to participate in an existing Junge Uni format? Find more information, tips and support here.
Dr. Andrea Grugel
Dechenstraße 3-11
53115 Bonn
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