Photo: Volker Lannert / Uni Bonn

Building Blocks of Matter and Fundamental Interactions (TRA Matter)

© Bialek/Uni Bonn

The formation of complex structures based on the fundamental building blocks of matter and their interactions is investigated from subnuclear and subatomic over atomic, molecular, bio-molecular to terrestrial and astronomical length scales, increasing the knowledge of mankind on the fundamentals of nature. Sophisticated and highly visible experiments are done in the synthetic, analytical, spectroscopy, optics and detector laboratories at various Institutes at the University of Bonn, at its electron accelerator ELSA, and colliders worldwide as well as at observatories on the ground and in space. These experiments are complemented by world-leading theoretical calculations which in part also surpass the boundaries presently accessible by experiment. This research is highly recognized internationally and is supported within several coordinated research programs.

Scientific networks of chemists, physicists, biologists, pharmacists, geologists, and many more address highly challenging questions by exploring nature at all relevant distance scales. Even though the investigations are largely driven by curiosity to understand the inner workings of nature, they also lead to numerous spin-offs for technology and society such as detector technologies, first steps toward quantum technology, image analysis and rational molecular design.

Intensified collaboration between the various research groups crossing the boundaries of the different fields of science benefits not only the research but also the education of our students. Strong connections not only to large scale research infrastructures worldwide, such as CERN, FAIR, KEK, BESSY, ALMA, eROSITA , Euclid, and Athena, but also its local infrastructure and the connections to the institutions of the Max-Planck Society (MPIfR, MPI CEC, caesar), the ABC/J Geoverbund and the Forschungszentrum Jülich make Bonn a unique location for fundamental research.

Cluster of Excellence: ML4Q - Matter and Light for Quantum Computing

About TRA
© Raul Varzar on unsplash

About TRA Matter

Mission, Objectives, Organisation

© Markus Winkler on unsplash


Profile, Areas, Awards 

© Jordan Ladikos on unsplash



© Fabio Bracht on unsplash


Members, Partners

Our members

The scientific network of TRA Matter continues to grow and consists of members from different disciplines (e.g. Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Molecular Biomedicine, Geodesy, Pharmacy).

Research Professorships of the Transdisciplinary Research Area

Lena Funcke
© Gregor Hübl / Uni Bonn

Clausius Professorship

We are pleased to welcome Jun.-Prof. Lena Funcke as new Clausius professor of TRA Matter at the University of Bonn as of November 1st, 2022. The research of Funcke and her team focuses on the development of new models and computational methods to tackle the fundamental questions of particle physics.

Patrycja Kielb
© Gregor Hübl / Uni Bonn

Argelander Professorship

We are pleased to welcome Jun.-Prof. Patrycja Kielb as new Argelander professor of TRA Matter at the University of Bonn. Kielb and her team explore how nature performs complicated redox reactions constituting key processes in the environment and life, like biomass degradation and/or cellular respiration and how such a knowledge can be harnessed in the development of biohybrid systems.

© Gregor Hübl / Uni Bonn

Designated Hertz-Chair

We are pleased to welcome  Prof. Serena Viti as new designated Hertz Chair of TRA Matter at the University of Bonn. Serena Viti's research interests span a very wide range of topics but they are all centered around the role of molecules in space, especially in the dense gas of the interstellar medium and star forming regions in our own as well as in other galaxies.

Current Highlights

Third TRA Matter Network Symposium ''MATTER connects''

October 28, 2024

On October 28, we held our third Networking Symposium“MATTER connects”, which was attended by 50 scientists ranging from PhD students to experienced researchers. The day's agenda included various activities, including two interdisciplinary talks from different disciplines to which participants could ask questions.

In addition, the scientists had the opportunity to exchange ideas and discuss with colleagues from other disciplines during the poster session. These annual networking meeting aim to bring together researchers from different fields and promote exchange across different research areas of TRA Matter.

Workshop on Machine-Learning-Based Sampling in Lattice FieldTheory and Quantum Chemistry

October 25, 2024

The recent Bethe Forum, supported by TRA Matter and the CRC NuMeriQs, successfully brought together researchers from various fields facing similar challenges in their work. Modern scientific research is increasingly interdisciplinary, with many fields now integrating artificial intelligence and machine learning. Despite tackling similar problems, these different sub-communities often struggle to "talk" to each other. This lack of communication presents a significant barrier to collaboration and sharing tools that could accelerate progress in multiple domains. For example, while the incorporation of physical symmetries into machine learning models has been widely studied in quantum chemistry, it’s only recently gaining traction in lattice quantum field theory. To address this challenge, the workshop Machine-Learning-Based Sampling in Lattice Field Theory and Quantum Chemistry (add link to website) was initiated by Dr. Kim A. Nicoli and Prof. Lena Funcke from TRA Matter, along with Tom Froembgen (University of Bonn) and Dr. Shinichi Nakajima (BIFOLD). The event aimed to bring together academic and industry experts facing similar challenges that recently started to be tackled by machine learning methods. A core focus of the workshop was on the Boltzmann distribution, an essential quantity in physical systems and critical for simulations and estimating physical observables. Recent advances in Generative AI have highlighted efficient protocols using machine learning for sampling from the target Boltzmann distribution of a given physical system. Both the lattice field theory and quantum chemistry communities have developed innovative tools for this purpose, and the forum provided an opportunity to explore how these tools might benefit each field. The Bethe Forum was a great success, drawing a diverse audience including Master's and PhD students, postdoctoral researchers, faculty, and industry professionals. Notably, two technical staff members from, a pioneering startup focused on developing CO2-capturing materials through machine learning, participated in the workshop and presented some of their work. The forum featured a rich program with thirteen technical talks, a poster session, three panel discussions, a Bethe colloquium on Normalizing Flows for Lattice QCD by Dr.Gurtej Kanwar, and a TRA colloquium on Symmetries and Equivariance in AI for Science by Prof. Jan Gerken. Alongside the daily business, there was a lot of room for social gatherings, which was highly appreciated by the
participants. The organizing team thanks all the speakers for their insightful and accessible presentations, as well as the participants for fostering a relaxed, engaging environment that encouraged discussion and collaboration. We hope our efforts in bringing these communities togetherwill pave the way for future collaborations. Encouraged by the success of this first edition, the organizing team is already looking forward to planning the next edition for 2026.

Interdisciplinary hands-on workshop “Machine Learning” for young scientists from the fields of matter, modelling and life sciences

March 19 + 20, 2024

Around 60 post-docs and doctoral students from the transdisciplinary research areas “Matter”, “Modelling”, “Life and Health” and the “Bonner Forum Biomedizin” (BFB) took part in this year's interdisciplinary hands-on workshop “Machine Learning”. At the two-day workshop, early career scientists gained insights into machine learning and its theoretical concepts in various ways. Following a basic lecture in three parts by Prof. Dr. Bauckhage, all participants had the opportunity to try out what they had learned in practical application exercises. On the second day, lectures provided insights on the application of “Physics-informed Neural Networks” (PINN) to model gene regulation in stem cells (Dr. Maria Mircea), the use of generative AI models for physical questions (Dr. Kim Nicoli) and the Use of “Active Learning” for behavior analysis in neuroscience (Dr. Jens Tillmann). The event ended with a small networking session in which the participants were able to exchange information about their research and what they had learned during these two days of workshop.

We would like to thank the excellent speakers and dedicated tutors for their contribution to the success of this workshop!

Group picture - Hands-on workshop ML 2024
© Birgit Westernströer, Uni Bonn
Simon Stellmer receives ERC Proof of Concept Grant
Professor Simon Stellmer,  a member of the Cluster of Excellence ML4Q, receives a ‘Proof of Concept Grant’ from the European Research Council (ERC) for his project „GyroRevolutionPlus“. With the funding of €150,000 for up to 18 months, the physicist will continue to prepare his research results from previous ERC projects for commercial application. This is the second time that Professor Stellmer has been successful in this funding program after having received a grant for his previous project ‘GyroRevolution’ in 2023. The precision instruments he and his team are developing can be used to improve natural disaster early warning systems.
The Chemistry of Outer Space
The University of Bonn has recruited a pioneer in astrochemistry in the shape of Professor Serena Viti, who has been appointed designated Hertz Professor in the Matter Transdisciplinary Research Area. The aim of her Hertz Professorship, which she intends to take up in 2026, will be to establish astrochemistry at the University of Excellence in order to build a structural bridge between astrophysics and chemistry. Professor Viti is currently working at Leiden University but will already be spending time researching and teaching at the University of Bonn over the next two years in order to establish the research field for her Hertz Professorship.
University of Bonn participating in two ERC Synergy Grants
The University of Bonn has been successful twice in the funding line for the Synergy Grants from the European Research Council (ERC) with other partners. The GravNet project is building a global detector network to search for high-frequency gravitational waves. The CeLEARN project coordinated by the Max Planck Institute for Neurobiology of Behavior – CAESAR aims to decode how single cells learn from their environment. The ERC uses Synergy Grants to support research groups in which different skills, knowledge, and resources are brought together in order to tackle ambitious research questions. The projects will receive several million euros of support in the next six years.
Innovative catalyst produces methane using electricity
Researchers at the University of Bonn and University of Montreal have developed a new type of catalyst and used it in their study to produce methane out of carbon dioxide and water in a highly efficient way using electricity. Methane can be used, for example, to heat apartments or as a starting material in the chemical industry. It is also the main component of natural gas. If it is produced using green electricity, however, it is largely climate neutral. The insights gained from the model system studied by the researchers can be transferred to large-scale technical catalysts. The system could also be used to produce other important chemical compounds. The study was recently published in the prestigious journal “Nature Chemistry.” 

Current Call

Events & Offers

Here you will find information on ongoing events (e.g. TRA Matter Colloquium, Networking events) and offers of TRA Matter.

Press archive

Press archive of the University of Bonn, related to TRA Matter

Fascination of the unknown: black holes and the limits of our knowledge (Press release 11.08.2023)

On the trail of the big questions of particle physics (Press release 27.03.2023)

New ATLAS result weighs in on the W boson (Press release 23.03.2023)

Helium-burning white dwarf discovered (Press release 23.03.2023)

European Football Championship with side effects (Press release 20.01.2023)

Physical effect also valid in the quantum world (Press release 20.01.2023)

Astronomy: Observation puzzles researchers (Press release 26.10.2022)

Therapeutic drug renders cancer cell weapon harmless (Press release 24.08.2022)

No trace of dark matter halos (Press release 05.08.2022)

Four ERC Grants for the University of Bonn (Press release 25.07.2022)

Dormant black hole discovered outside our galaxy (Press release 19.07.2022)

University and Nobel Laureates Celebrate Rudolph Clausius as Visionary (Press release 14.07.2022)

Dating for researchers at the Bundeskunsthalle (Press release 09.06.22)

1.5 million euros for improved quantum sensors (Press release 25.04.2022)

Successful spin-off from the University of Bonn and LSI (Press release 25.04.2022)

Study shows how bioactive substance inhibits important receptor (Press release 25.03.2022)

Three ERC Grants for the University of Bonn at once (Press release 17.03.2022)

Too many disk galaxies than theory allows (Press release 04.02.2022)

Protons are probably actually smaller than long thought (Press release 04.02.2022)

“Bonn is the proper place for Clausius to be memorialized” (Press release 24.1.2022)

"Heavy" hydrogen stabilizes drugs (Press release 23.12.2021)

Chemists design "molecular sea of flags" (Press release 26.11.2021)

Kekulé's shattered dream: snakes become ladders (Press release 16.11.2021)

University of Bonn’s Research and Technology Center for Detector Physics gets ceremonial opening (Press release 09.11.2021)

Researchers film fundamental life process (Press release 27.10.2021)

Between nature and technology (Press release 04.10.2021)

Artificial intelligence sharpens the view into space (Press release 30.08.2021)

Transformation in the particle zoo - Study led by the University of Bonn finds evidence of a long-sought effect in CERN data (Press release 18.08.2021)

Physicist honored for excellent teaching (Press release 02.07.2021)

Matter highway in space makes galaxy clusters grow (Press release 28.06.2021)

Researchers investigate structural changes in snap-frozen proteins (Press release 27.04.2021)

Ulf-G. Meißner receives an ERC Advanced Grant (Press release 12.04.2021)

A new state of light (Press release 30.03.2021)

Molecule attacks coronavirus in a novel way (Press release 26.03.2021)

When memory qubits and photons get entangled (Press release 12.03.2021)

Innovations through hair-thin optical fibres (Press release 20.01.21)

Researchers develop sustainable catalysis process (Press release 18.01.2021)

Physicists observe competition between magnetic orders (Press release 06.01.2021)

Chemists synthesize "flat" silicon compounds (Press release 22.12.2020)

Longest intergalactic gas filament discovered (Press release 17.12.2020)

Forschungsgroßvorhaben gehen in neue Runde (Press release 27.11.2020)

Catalyst enables reactions with the help of green light (Press release 20.04.2020)

Press review

LHCb releases first set of data to the public (8.12.2022)


Here you will find links, videos and announcements related to TRA Matter or from past events.


TRA Management

Dr. Birgit Westernströer

TRA Manager

Strategic Development and Quality Assurance

Vice Rectorate for Research and Career Development

Tel.: +49 (0) 15152560751



Prof. Dr. Connie C. Lu

Institut für Anorganische Chemie

Prof. Dr. Sebastian Neubert

Helmholtz-Institut für Strahlen- und Kernphysik

The other TRAs at the University of Bonn

Get an interesting insight into the other Transdisciplinary Research Areas (TRAs) of the University of Bonn here. 

Six TRAs: the research profile of the University of Bonn 

TRA Mathematics, Modelling and Simulation of Complex Systems

TRA Life and Health

TRA Individuals, Institutions and Societies

TRA Past Worlds and Modern Questions. Cultures Across Time and Space

TRA Innovation and Technology for Sustainable Futures

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