Past Worlds and Modern Questions - Cultures Across Time and Space
The TRA Present Pasts takes an interdisciplinary approach to the research of past cultural, political, social and economic constellations embedded in a broad geographical context and historical depth. Its work focuses on the interaction of contemporary challenges and processes and comparable phenomena in the past. The knowledge about the functioning of cultures generated by such a historical-comparative approach can lead to a better understanding of the present.
The interdisciplinary approach of the TRA Present Pasts and its research fields heritage and communication seek to combine the different traditions and structures of the various cultures of research present at the University of Bonn. In particular, it seeks to effect the networking of the "minor subjects". The holdings of the university collections function as a research infrastructure, integrating the various disciplinary approaches involved in TRA 5 in historical and contemporary contexts and processes.

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Our members are professors, postdoc researchers and PhD students of all Faculties and of central scientific research institutions.
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Our transdisciplinary Professorships in the Global Heritage Lab

Critical Museum and Heritage Studies Jun.-Prof. Dr. Julia Binter
Julia Binter joins the Global Heritage Lab. Her transcultural research opens new collaborations to the natural sciences and theologies.

The Global Heritage Lab
The Global Heritage Lab emerges as a central hub for heritage and museum-related research and operates as a transdisciplinary laboratory hosted by the TRA Present Pasts.

Humboldt-Fellow Prof. Dr. Sophia Labadi
Sophia Labadi is Professor of Heritage at the University of Kent and is extending the GHL for one year with a Humboldt Fellowship.
Notice Board
Have an event overview with our digital 'notice board'.

Dr. Kim Alings
Department of History
Department of Archaeology and Cultural Anthropology
Discover more
The six Transdisciplinary Research Areas
The six Transdisciplinary Research Areas (TRAs) create areas for exploration and innovation in research and teaching at the University of Bonn.
Research Profile
Top-Level Research. The University of Bonn has stood for top-level research for over 200 years.
Research Funding
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