Workshops, seminars and talks
Strategies for a healthy university experience. We organize workshops, seminars and talks focusing on a range of issues, from stress management to micronutrients. Turn up and take part! Further details about the individual aspects of this provision is available on the relevant sub-page.
SpeedReading - Schneller lesen mit Köpfchen
Language: German (Face-to-face workshop)
SpeedReading ist eine Kombination verschiedener Techniken, die schnell Erfolge zeigt. In diesem Seminar lernt ihr unterschiedliche Techniken des Schnell-Lesens kennen und übt diese ganz praktisch. Ihr werdet überrascht sein, wie viel schneller Ihr Texte lesen, verstehen und abspeichern könnt! Meldet euch an und probiert es aus!
Find Your Path - Navigating Stress and Success as an International Student
Language: English (Online workshop)
This resource-oriented workshop is designed to support you as international students in alleviating stress and leading a more fulfilling and productive student life. By focusing on your strengths, values, and mindfulness practices, we will explore strategies to help you navigate challenging situations and build the academic and personal life you aspire to.
Mentalstrategien für Studierende der LWF
Language: German
Das curricular eingebundene Modul "Mentalstrategien" ist ein Seminar zur Stressbewältigung im Studienalltag sowie für das spätere Berufsleben und setzt sich aus verschiedenen inhaltlichen Schwerpunkten, wie beispielsweise dem Selbst-, Stress-, Lern- und Zeitmanagement, zusammen.
Cooking courses by students for students
Healthy Campus Bonn offers to support student representatives and student groups at the University of Bonn in the organization of cooking courses for students by providing financial and organizational support. Interested groups are welcome to contact us for more information!
Workshops of the Central Student Advisory Service
The ZSB offers regular workshops and coaching sessions for prospective and current students on study-related topics and on optimizing study skills. It supports autonomous decision-making, coaches in the development of personal competencies and helps to strengthen one's own resources.
Here you will also find the workshop series "RessourcenStark durch's Studium". This supports you in developing your competencies and skills in the long term and in strengthening your resources - for successful and health-oriented studies.