TRA Life and Health for you
We promote and fund projects and events that support our goals.
Suggestions, ideas and initiatives are always welcome!

Funding opportunities and events
Call for Proposals: Transdisciplinary Research in Intercellular Communication and Functional Cellular Ensembles in the Tissue
The Transdisciplinary Research Area (TRA) Life and Health is pleased to announce a call for proposals for innovative, transdisciplinary research in the outlined emerging fields of tissue biology that investigates the communication and regulation of functional cellular ensembles in both tissues derived from animals and clinical samples (ex vivo models) and organoid models derived from stem cells and self-regenerating tissue samples (constructive biology). We are seeking for innovative projects bridging micro-physiological culture systems to biophysics, pharmaceutical and computer sciences with the potential to advance our understanding on cell-cell communications within a functional tissue, driving homeostasis and disease.
Expected are joint applications from two project leaders, of which at least one should be member of TRA Life and Health (University of Bonn affiliation).
Funding can also be awarded to postdocs hosted within the groups of university TRA members.
Grant Amount: Each successful proposal will be funded with up to 40,000 €, depending on the scope and complexity of the proposed research.
Please use the application form for applying.
Application Deadline: March 2, 2025
Transdisciplinary Research Prize "Modelling for Life and Health" 2025 (closed)
The University of Bonn Transdisciplinary Research Areas (TRAs) “Modelling” and “Life and Health” aim to support highly innovative, transdisciplinary research projects addressing new and relevant questions at the interface between Mathematics or Computer Sciences and the research topics of “Life and Health” or aimed at the development of new tools, which push the borders of existing research questions in this area.
The innovative and cross-disciplinary nature of the proposal is the most important requirement for funding. A continuation of already established projects, or projects well within past research trajectories, will not be funded.
The successful proposal will receive a funding of up to 100.000 EUR.
Download the full call text "Modelling for Life and Health" 2025
Please use the application form for applying.
Please note that only scientists/TRA members from the University of Bonn and cooperating instituitions are eligible to apply!
Bonn Organoid Club

Bonn Organoid Symposium 2024
Join us on November 6 for the “Bonn Organoid Symposium 2024“!
With seven invited speakers, short talks and a poster session, we expect a full day of presentations, discussions and networking opportunities around organoids and other 3D culturing systems in multiple application cases.
“Technologies Drive New Science”
TRA Life and Health Mini Symposium

Date: 16.09.2024. 13-15:30 h
Venue: Seminar room ground floor, BMZ 2, Building 12, Venusberg-Campus 1, 53127 Bonn
13:00 h “Rabid-Seq: a single cell methodology to examine true local inter-cellular interactions within the Neurovascular Unit”
Sebastián Dupraz, Institute for Neurovascular Cell Biology (Method Development Grant 2023, Dupraz/Ruiz de Almodóvar/Wachten)
13:25 h Introduction: Competence Hub for Spatial Biology
Dagmar Wachten, Institute of Innate Immunity
13:35 h Spatial Biology Technologies: "Deep Visual Proteomics to Resolve Spatial Prognostic Pathomechanisms in Lung Adenocarcinoma”
Nikolaus Deigendesch, Systems Immunology and Proteomics group, Institute of Innate Immunity
13:55 h “Systematic Mapping and Characterization of Protein Complexes by Complexome Profiling“
Dominic Winter, Institute for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (Method Development Grant 2023, Becker/Winter)
14:20 h Coffee Break
14:45 h “Revolutionizing Fluorescence Microscopy with Event-based sensors for High Temporal Resolution and Dynamic Range Imaging”
Ulrike Endesfelder, Institute for Microbiology and Biotechnology (Method Development Grant 2023)
15:10 h Organoid Technologies: “Light Sheet Expansion Microscopy: Imaging mouse brains and human brain organoids from meso to nano-scale"
Juan Edo. Rodriguez Gatica, Functional Neuroconnectomics group, IEECR
Bonn Spatial Biology Club

Bonn Conference on Mathematical Life Sciences

Mathematical modelling and analysis are nowadays essential for all fields of the life sciences, ranging from basic research to clinical application. To discuss the state of the field and potential future development, we would like to invite you to the
Bonn Conference on Mathematical Life Sciences
Bonn, April 17-20, 2023
Funding opportunities and events
Transdisciplinary Research Prize "Modelling for Life and Health" 2025
The University of Bonn Transdisciplinary Research Areas (TRAs) “Modelling” and “Life and Health” aim to support highly innovative, transdisciplinary research projects addressing new and relevant questions at the interface between Mathematics or Computer Sciences and the research topics of “Life and Health” or aimed at the development of new tools, which push the borders of existing research questions in this area.
The innovative and cross-disciplinary nature of the proposal is the most important requirement for funding. A continuation of already established projects, or projects well within past research trajectories, will not be funded.
The successful proposal will receive a funding of up to 100.000 EUR.
Download the full call text "Modelling for Life and Health" 2025
Please use the application form for applying.
Talks, seminars, events
Life Science events: Bonner Forum Biomedizin provides an overview about talks, seminars, workshops in Bonn
Please send your seminar announcements to
Dr. Meike Brömer