Bonn Conference on Mathematical Life Sciences
Mathematical modelling and analysis are nowadays essential for all fields of the life sciences, ranging from basic research to clinical application. To discuss the state of the field and potential future development, please join us in Bonn, April 17-20, 2023.
We have put together an exciting scientific program with eight keynote speeches and conference tracks on
- Systems Biology
- Integrative Pathway Modelling
- Mathematical Image Analysis
- Computational Immunology
- Chemoinformatics and Computational Drug Design
- Single Cell Analysis
- Mathematical Biology
- Dynamics of Cellular and Neuronal Networks
- Computational Protein Modelling and Design
The conference is jointly organized by the Clusters of Excellence Hausdorff Center for Mathematics (HCM) and ImmunoSensation2, the Transdisciplinary Research Areas (TRA) “Mathematics, Modelling and Simulation of Complex Systems” and “Life and Health”, and the Interdisciplinary Research Unit Mathematics and Life Sciences.
The conference will be followed by a hackathon and workshop to which all interested participants can contribute. This events will provide space and time for jointly working on new ideas
Full program online now!
Please find all program details here.
General Information
When: 17. - 20.4.2023
Where: Wissenschaftszentrum Bonn, Ahrstr. 45, 53175 Bonn, Germany
Program: Keynote lectures, individual tracks on various topics, poster session, social event, conference dinner
Registration fee: (Doctoral-) Students: 150 €, Postdocs 250 €, Principal Investigators 350 €
Accommodation options: a number of hotel rooms for participants have been reserved and details will be available after registration
Wissenschaftszentrum Bonn
Find the venue on OpenstreetMap
Public Transport
To Bonn main station
from Cologne/Bonn Airport with bus line SB60
from Siegburg ICE station by subway line 66 ("Telekom-Express")
From the main station to Wissenschaftszentrum Bonn
with the subway lines 16 and 63 (to stop "Hochkreuz/Deutsches Museum Bonn")
by bus line 610, 611 (to bus stop "Kennedyallee")
By car
We have a limited number of parking spaces reserved for the conference. However, we recommend to use public transport.
Important dates
Abstract submission: until 31.01.2023
Late breaking poster abstract: until 15.03.2023
Registration: until 28.02.2023
Late registration: until 15.03.2023
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Warning of phishing emails from travellerpoint(dot)org
If you received emails from travellerpoint(dot)org, please be careful. The email asks about arrival and departure dates and offers a hotel booking form where they ask for credit card details.
Please, ignore the emails and do not reply nor click on any link given by them. We will never ask you for credit card details!
Keynote lectures

Ruth Baker
Oxford University

Ana Pombo
Max-Delbrück-Center for Molecular Medicine

Oliver Stegle
German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ)

Gabriele Steidl
TU Berlin

Carola-Bibiane Schönlieb
University of Cambridge

Rob de Boer
Utrecht University

Anna Erzberger
EMBL Heidelberg

Thomas Höfer
German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ)
Confirmed Session Speakers
Dvir Aran - Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
Martin Benning - Queen Mary University of London
Anna Breger - University of Cambridge
Marija Cvijovic - University of Gothenburg
Noelia Ferruz Capapey - Molecular Biology Institute of Barcelona
Paul François - McGill University
Fabian Fröhlich - Francis Crick Institute London
Martin Holler - University of Graz
Mustafa Khammash - ETH Zurich
Johannes Kirchmair - University of Vienna
Ina Koch - University of Frankfurt
Clemens Kreutz - University of Freiburg
Michael Lässig - University of Cologne
Carmen Molina-Paris - Los Alamos National Laboratory
Sebastian Neumayer - EPFL Lausanne
Lior Pachter - Caltech
Stefania Petra - University of Heidelberg
Viola Priesemann - MPI für Dynamik und Selbstorgansiation, Göttingen
Audrey Repetti - Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh
Matthias Röger - TU Dortmund
Alexander Skupin - University of Luxemburg
Johannes Textor - Radboud University, Nijmegen
Reidun Twarcok - University of York
Alexandre Varnek - University of Strasbourg
Rebecca Wade - University of Heidelberg
Nir Yosef - UC Berkeley
Registration & abstract submission
- closed -
- Abstracts should contain max. 2,000 characters with spaces.
- Title should contain max. 200 characters with spaces.
- Please indicate in which track your submission should be considered.
- Several abstracts will be selected for oral presentations, please indicate in which track you would like to be considered.
- The remaining projects will be presented as a poster during the poster sessions.

The program will consist of keynote lectures, individual tracks (topics: integrative pathway modelling, mathematical image analysis, computational immunology, systems biology, chemoinformatics and computational drug design, single cell analysis, mathematical biology, dynamics of cellular and neuronal networks, computational protein modelling and design), a poster session, a social event and an amazing conference dinner.
Contact and Organization
Scientific Organizers
Prof. Dr. Alexander Effland
Prof. Dr. Jan Hasenauer
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Alena Khmelinskaia
Prof. Dr. Kevin Thurley
Dr. Meike Brömer, Manager TRA Life & Health
Dr. Sonja Dames, Managing Director HCM
Dr. Catherine Drescher, Managing Director ImmunoSensation2
Dr. Daniel Minge, Manager TRA Modelling
kindly supported by:

Hausdorff Center for Mathematics (HCM)
The research of the Hausdorff Center for Mathematics (HCM) ranges from pure and applied mathematics to mathematically orientated research in economics as well as interdisciplinary work.
The ultimate goal of ImmunoSensation2 is to decipher the principles that govern the global functionality of the immune system in healthy and diseased states.
TRA Life & Health
Understanding the complexity of life - developing new strategies for health.
Read more about TRA Life and Health.
TRA Modelling
How do complex systems actually work? Interaction of mathematical modelling, classical observational methods, data simulation and creative spirit.