Within the Transdisciplinary Research Area (TRA)'Individuals and Societies', researchers investigate the complex relationships between individuals, institutions and societies. From there, they develop a new perspective on micro-phenomena (e.g. development of personality, competences and individualization) as well as macro-phenomena (e.g. world society, globalization). The aim is for example, to identify key factors that influence social cohesion, equal opportunities, efficiency, resource protection and the development of individual skills in the context of all these factors.
Further information on the structure of the TRA ‘Individuals and Societies’.
In order to ascertain the wide spectrum of research questions in the context of the TRA ‘Individuals and Societies’, many different perspectives need to be taken into account. Economical questions crossover with legal, political, sociological and religious questions etc.
The TRA currently focusses on developing the following profile areas, which bundle the research interests of our members in an outstanding way:
Coming soon

Special grant program and former profile areas
You want to do transdisciplinary research yourself, realize a project or network? Become a member of our TRA!
- EXC 2036 "Bonn Center for Dependency and Slavery Studies"
- EXC 2126 "ECONtribute: Märkte & Public Policy"
- SFB 1454 "Metaflammation und Zelluläre Programmierung"
- TRR 224 "Economic Perspectives on Societal Challenges: Equality of Opportunity, Market Regulation, and Financial Stability"
- GRK 2281 "The Macroeconomics of inequality"
- GRK 2291 "Gegenwart/Literatur. Geschichte, Theorie und Praxeologie eines Verhältnisses"
- KFOR 50 "Finanzsektor und Ungleichheit"
- FOR 2535 "Anticipating Human Behaviour"
- FOR 2686 "Resilience in Religion and Spirituality"
- FOR 2733 "Sakralraumtransformation. Funktion und Nutzung religiöser Orte in Deutschland"
- iRECS - "Improving research ethics expertise and competences to ensure reliability and trust in science" (Coordinated by the University of Bonn)
- RE4GREEN - "Research Ethics and integrity for the GREEN transition" (Coordinated by the University of Bonn)
- STRATEGIC - Sustainable eTHics Review of digital heAlth Technology dEsiGn In sub sahara AfriCa (Koordination Bonner Universität)
- GEMINI - "A Generation of Multi-scale Twins of Ischaemic and Haemorrhagic Stroke Patients" (Beteiligung der Bonner Universität)
- NRW Spitzencluster: Verbundprojekt „zertifizierte KI“ (Förderung des Landes NRW)
- Nordrhein-Westfälische Akademie der Wissenschaften und Künste:
"Grundlagen, Normen und Kriterien der ethischen Urteilsfindung in dem Biowissenschaften-Referenzzentrum" - NRW-Kooperationsplattformen Verbundprojekt: "Aufbau einer Kooperationsplattform für gesellschaftlichen Transfer Komparativer Theologie"
- Mercator: Desirable Digitaisation: Rethinking AI for Just and Sustainable Futures
- Prof. Dr. Armin Falk (2009)
- Dr. Stefan Partelow (2024)
- Prof. Dr. Teodora Boneva (2021)
- Prof. Dr. Florian Zimmermann (2020)
- Prof. Dr. Stephan Lauermann (2014)
- Prof. Dr. Christian Bayer (2011)
- Prof. Dr. Armin Falk (2007)
- Prof. Dr. Dennis Lehmkuhl (2022)
- Prof. Dr. Moritz Schularik (2017)
- Prof. Dr. Christian Bayer (2016)
- Prof. Dr. Armin Falk (2013)
- Prof. Dr. Christian Bayer (2023)
- Dr. Hanno Kruse (2022)
- Prof. Dr. Paul Marx (2023)
Contact for further information
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