Membership in the network is open to anyone who is involved in a collaborative research project of the TRA 4 or who would like to contribute to a TRA 4-funded collaborativ project
as well as who...
- ... demonstrated the ability to perform independent scientific work in a research field of the TRA 4, and is a member of the University of Bonn.
- ... is a PhD student at the University of Bonn and working in a research field of the TRA 4 (as non-voting member).
- ... demonstrated the ability to perform independent scientific work in a research field of the TRA 4, and is an employee of a cooperation partner of the University of Bonn. External members can be admitted upon justified proposal of a TRA member.
The members of TRA 4 undertake to comply with the Regulations for Safeguarding Good Research Practice and the Guidelines for Research Ethics.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact