Transdisciplinary Research Area 'Individuals, Institutions and Societies'
Each of us is part of society. But how do we, as individuals, affect society and how does it influence us in our own actions? What does this look like for institutions? How can institutions be designed to sustainably ensure equal opportunities and social cohesion in the age of globalization and digitalization?
These are questions that fall within the transdisciplinary research area (TRA) "Individuals, Institutions and Societies". The scientists in this TRA are investigating key influences on our social and economic decisions: Resource conservation, protection of art and cultural assets, morality and ethics, and determinants of human agency and motivation.
About the TRA 4
Learn more about goals and the organization of the transdisciplinary research area.
Read here about the research profile, topics and funded projects of our TRA.
Information on offers, funding opportunities and events of our TRA can be found here.
Here you can learn more about our network, our members and about our cooperation partners.
Funding opportunities of TRA 4 'Individuals & Societies'
We support your third-party funding application from the idea to networking, start-ups and service to the application:
- Idea: Use TRA-specific calls, programs and events
- Network: find cooperation partners, develop & discuss ideas in workshops
- Start-up: launch projects & apply for (financial/ideal) funding for start-ups or events
- Service: Application consulting for TRA and third-party funds
- Application: project support and contact to specific consulting and service institutions
Members area
Click here to go to the member area of TRA individuals, institutions and societies
Here you will find:
Membership application: Become a member!
Portrait photo: Change your portrait photo!
Change your data: Request a change to your data!
High Profile Professorships
The establishment of high-caliber professorships is a central measure of the University of Bonn within the framework of its excellence strategy. To ensure institutional renewal and the further dynamic development of our university, we have established Hertz, Schlegel and Argelander Tenure Track Professorships aimed at strengthening the Transdisciplinary Research Areas (TRAs) as well as the faculties. More information on each program can be found here.
Renowned reinforcement for the University of Bonn: Ethicist Christiane Woopen, agricultural economist Matin Qaim and theologian Klaus von Stosch fill new professorships of excellence. With the first High Profile Professorships financed by Excellence funds, three top-class scientific personalities are coming to the University of Excellence to open up new fields of research and provide important impulses in various disciplines.
Namhafte Forschende besetzen neue Exzellenzprofessuren der Universität Bonn
Professorships of the TRA Individuals & Societies
Hertz Professorship in 'Life Ethics'
Prof. Dr. med. Christiane Woopen
Argelander Professorship in Environmental Economics, Sustainability and Inequality
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Julia Mink
Argelander Professorship in the Law of Sustainability and Ecological Transformation
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Jacqueline Lorenzen
Schlegel professorships of the participating faculties
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There have never been so many ERC Starting Grants at once at the University of Bonn: no fewer than seven researchers have been successful with their applications in the highly competitive European Research Council (ERC) funding process. With their funding of some €1.5 million each, the researchers from the fields of ethics, mathematics, economics, soil science, computer science and astronomy will be able to realize their projects over the next five years.
What happens when we look at a late antique image? In what order does our gaze wander over the individual elements? Where does it linger? What bodily reactions do such images or early Christian narratives trigger in us? Attempts to answer questions like this are going well beyond merely interpreting early Christian works. A research project embarked on by the University of Bonn together with the University of St Andrews is now bringing Ancient Studies and Cognitive Science together. One key theme is immersion, a concept usually associated more with the world of gaming.
The German Research Foundation (DFG) has given its approval for a new Centre for Advanced Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences and a Research Unit at the University of Bonn. In the Finance and Inequality Centre for Advanced Studies, the researchers led by Professor Christian Bayer and Professor Carsten Burhop are looking at the relationship between the growth of the financial sector and inequality from a historical angle. In the field of mathematical physics, meanwhile, Professor Claude Duhr is the speaker for a new Research Unit for particle physics. The DFG will be funding the two projects to the tune of several million euros over the next four years.
BNTrAinee, a project funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and based at the University of Bonn, is developing AI-supported answers to specific research questions and is forging links between the University’s computer science teams and all manner of other subjects. This collaboration is now beginning to bear fruit, with computer science students joining forces with historians to create an algorithm that can help analyze old newspaper articles.
André Beauducel
Prof. Dr. Hans-Martin von Gaudecker
Johanna Tix
Dechenstraße 3-11
53115 Bonn