Further state family benefits

Depending on their individual circumstances, families can be eligible for a range of financial support, including family allowance, accommodation benefit and additional family allowance. Further information about these benefits and eligibility for them is provided here.  

Family allowance

Family allowance is paid per child until the completion of their 18th year. Under certain circumstances, it can be paid to the age of 25, e.g. if a child is currently enrolled in vocational training.


  • Parents must be resident in Germany     

Requirements for international parents

  • Settled status in Germany

  • A residence permit allowing long-term employment

Family allowance rates

  • Child benefit is €255 per child per month 

(Last updated: January 2025)

 Since March 1, 2021, applications for family allowance (plus “Anlage Kind” form) are to be made to the “Familienkasse” of the Employment Agency.

Accommodation benefit

If a low income household is unable to cover the costs of accommodation, its members can apply for a state allowance to cover the shortfall. 

Accommodation benefit is available as:

  • A rent subsidy for tenants of an apartment or a room in a shared apartment/dormitory accommodation.
  • As a dwelling allowance for home-owners

Eligibility for accommodation benefit and the amount paid depends on:

  • The number of members of a household
  • The total household income
  • Thresholds for rent or dwelling allowance.

Would you like to calculate your eligibility for accommodation benefit?
The Accommodation benefit calculator from the State of NRW will provide the answer. (German only)

Additional family allowance

Additional family allowance is open to parents whose income is sufficient to cover their own needs, but whose level of financial resources would qualify them for unemployment benefit II (“Arbeitslosengeld II”), once the needs of their children have been taken into account.

Parents are eligible to claim additional family allowance for each of their unmarried children under the age of 25 living in their household, if:

  • They are in receipt of family allowance or other benefits, which preclude the receipt of family allowance.
  • The monthly income of the parents reaches the minimum income threshold of €900 for two parents and €600 for single parents.
  • The income and assets of the parents do not exceed the highest income threshold (assessment threshold plus the total amount received for additional family allowance).
  • The needs of the family are covered by additional family allowance and any accommodation benefit to which the family is eligible. As such, the family has no claim to unemployment benefit II.

The amount of the additional family allowance paid

The additional family allowance amounts to a maximum monthly amount of €297 per child and together with the family allowance, covers the €255 calculated as the average requirement per child.

Applications (German only) can be made online via the “Familienkasse” of the Employment Agency.

Advances on child maintenance

If a parent required to pay maintenance does so irregularly or not at all, the state provides a monthly advance on child maintenance to support single parents and children. 

The level of advances on child maintenance (since January 2025)

  • Children up to the age of 5: €227

  • Children of the ages from 6 to 11:  €299

  • Children of the ages from 12 to 17: €394

The hands of a father and child are visible, they are holding a mini house
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Karin Kick

Please also read

Advances on child maintenance

How can I apply for the advance on child support? The family portal answers this question and others in its FAQs.

Learn more (German only)

Maternity protection, parental leave and parental benefit

We have summarized all the important information about maternity protection, parental leave and parental benefit. 

Childcare at the University of Bonn

Register your child at a childcare facility organized by Studierendenwerk Bonn. 

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