Childcare at the University of Bonn
Both staff and employer profit from the provision of good childcare. We are happy to answer any questions relating to the childcare facilities provided by the University of Bonn.
Place allocation
Interested parents can apply for the upcoming Kitajahr until 31.12. of each year. Applications can only be made online (see below). Please do not forget to additionally register your child for the facility via the parent portal KITA-NET.
Application for childcare in cooperating childcare facilities
Registrations for contracted employees are made via Confluence. New employees who have not yet received a Uni-ID register children here.Childcare facilities
The Kindertagesstätte Newmanhaus has space for up to 31 children. All children resident in Bonn are eligible for a full-time place in a childcare facility including meals. Places for childcare for children under the age of three are awarded by the University committee.
The application procedure is anonymous and follows established criteria (inc. period of birth, parental membership of the university, siblings in a childcare facility, family circumstances).
Applications are accepted throughout the year.
The Kindertagesstätte Auf dem Hügel has a capacity for 50 children. Located close to the Endenich Campus, the “Kindertagesstätte Auf dem Hügel” accepts applicants from families resident in Bonn and its environs (e.g. Rhein-Sieg-Kreis) for a full-time place. Places for childcare for children under the age of three are awarded by the University committee.
The application procedure is anonymous and follows established criteria (period of birth, parental membership of the university, siblings in a childcare facility, family circumstances, amongst others).
Applications are accepted throughout the year.
The University of Bonn works with Kita GhostShip in Bonn-Beuel, which offers a total of 16 full-time places.
The University of Bonn has worked with Fröbel gGmbH since October 2019 and has reserved a total of 15 full-time places.
The Office of Family Services accepts applications received by October 10 for a place starting on the following August 1.
Bonn-Friesdorf, Bonn-Pennenfeld, Bonn-Buschdorf, Königswinter and Cologne
The Kindertagespflege Sternchen is housed in Kita Sonnenschein in Endenich. Places are available with 30 hours/week. All the childcarers with which the University of Bonn cooperates through the Netzwerk Kinderbetreuung are fully-qualified and are subject to regulation by the local authorities.
The City of Bonn provides subsidies for daycare costs depending on the number of hours required.
Applications are accepted throughout the year.
Further Information about daycare services is available on the City of Bonn's website.
The University of Bonn also works with Ratz und Rübe, a provider of daycare services.
Places are available at the Kessenich location with 41 hours/week and at the Castell location with 37 /41 hours/week.
All the childcarers with which the University of Bonn cooperates through the “Netzwerk Kinderbetreuung” are fully-qualified and are subject to regulation by the local authorities.
The City of Bonn provides subsidies for daycare costs depending on the number of hours required.
Applications are accepted throughout the year.
Further information about daycare services is available on the City of Bonn's website.

The Office of Family Services has a list of flexible and experienced student babysitters who provide services for employees of the University of Bonn or work for a range of institutes in the provision of childcare during training sessions, workshops and other events.
The Office of Family Services only provides the babysitters’ contact information and is not subject to liability for the services provided.
Please address requests to at least 4 weeks in advance of the scheduled need.

Please also read
Childcare in Bonn
Find out how to register your chilld for a kindergarten or a day-care center.
Childcare in Germany
Learn how the child care system in Germany works and check out the FAQ's.
Maternity protection, parental benefit and more
Find out here all you need to know about maternity protection, parental benefit and parental leave.