To receive detailed information on the status of the employee survey, the next steps and the results of the survey in your area, please visit our Confluence page for the employee survey (German web page).
University-wide employee survey
The employee survey is an important component of the university health management.
The aim of this survey is to find out how are you doing at your workplace and how satisfied you are with your work situation.
Based on the results of the survey, we determine your needs and develop measures together with you to improve your everyday work.
For this we depend on your support.
Participate in the survey and let us create together healthy working, studying, teaching and researching at the University of Bonn!
Update April 2022: Thank you for your numerous participation in our survey!

Procedure and current status of the survey
Time period July 2019 to July 2020
- Selection of the questionnaires
- Conception of the survey
- Development of the communication strategy
- Coordination with the steering group
- Selection of the pioneer group (ULB)
- Implementation of a workshop with the pioneer group to develop a slogan for the employee survey
- Delay the start of the survey due to Corona-pandemic until the summer
Time period August 2020 to April 2022
- Conducting the survey in the various areas of the university in chronological order:
- ULB (pioneer group)
- Central Administration
- Faculty of Agriculture
- 'Other areas'
- Faculty of Law and Economics
- Faculties of Theology
- Faculty of Mathematics and Science
- Faculty of Arts
- Evaluation and preparation of the data per survey area
- Preparation of the results report for each survey area and presentation of the results in the respective area
Time period: from January 2021
- Conducting workshops on work situation analysis
- Identifying the most important stress factors and topics
- Identification of the highest priority topics
Time period: from beginning of 2022
- Development of concrete proposals for measures
Time period: from beginning of 2023
- Determination of the measures to be implemented
- Detailed planning of measures on two levels:
- Conditions: Further development of working conditions and organization
- Behavior: Improving people’s health literacy
- Communication of measures to employees
Time period: still open
- Monitoring and support of measures
- Evaluation of the measures and the process
37 %
Particiaption rate
Workshops on work situation analysis
Frequently Asked Questions
In advance: The participation in the survey is voluntarily. You will not have any disadvantages if you do not take part.
The team of the university health management Healthy Campus Bonn. We are a part of human development and career.
Find out more about us and our work here.
We will ask questions about your work environment, the relationship to your superior and colloquies, your satisfaction, your overall health and your eating habits.
- We want to create facts and get to know how do you feel at work.
- In which areas do you see the demand of optimization? In which areas do you feel well?
- It gives you the ability to give anonymous feedback.
- To give us the ability to identify measures to improve your everyday work.
- You can actively participate in shaping your work circumstances.
- You can increase your own health awareness and receive the abilities to rise your wellbeing.
- The questionnaire is an online survey with the software LimeSurvey. You will receive an invitation via e-mail with an individual link that will guide you to the survey. As soon as you start the survey the system will give you a code under which your answers will be saved. To identify the person from the code is not possible.
- For special circumstances there is the possibility of handing out a paper version.
The requirement to participate is an access to the university net. You can also participate from home or on the way as long as you are logged into the university network via VPN client.
Approximately 25 Minutes
Answering all of the questions is voluntarily. You will have the option to press “next” without answering the question.
The answers will be anonymous. That means that we are not able to trace back which person has answered the questions.
- Only the project team has access to the complete data.
- The privacy officer of the university Bonn has approved our approach.
- A sum up of selected results will be given to the questioned division and the university management.
- In the end an overall report will be prepared. Among other persons it will be given to the university management. A retracement to individuals will not be possible.
- It is planned to publish the results. The results will be summed up so that there is no possibility retrace an individual person.
- The data will be saved on an internal server. No data will get outwardly or to third parties.
Healthy Campus Beschäftigtenbefragung
Bild © Universität Bonn / YouTube
This video is only available in German language.
Compact information on the survey
We live in a rapidly changing world of work that requires many adjustments from us. This makes it all the more important to find a good balance between adapting to this changing working environment and our own health.
Working healthily at the University of Bonn - we work on this together with you in three phases.