Study Advice and Support
We know the facts and provide you with reliable and up-to-date information on academic programs, application procedures, admission and enrollment, study financing and other general issues concerning your studies. We offer professional and neutral consultations for students facing a difficult decision or crisis. The aim of all our consultations is to support and strengthen your autonomy, empower you as a person and provide the best possible guidance during your decision-making process.
We always strive to provide individual support tailored to the need of students.
Brief Consultation
Your first contact point is our front office, which provides information and brief consultations during opening hours and phone consultation hours without prior registration. You can also make an appointment for individual consultations here. If you want to get a copy of our “Study Compass” or other information material on studying in Bonn, you will find these in our front office or in the info box outside of Poppelsdorfer Allee 49.

Individual Consultation
For individual consultations, please make an appointment to allow for an in-depth discussion (in person, via phone or online). You can request an appointment via email, phone or in person at our front office.
Online Consultations
As in the University’s online teaching, we use Zoom videoconferencing software for our online consultations. After making an appointment, you will receive an email from your advisor containing an invitation with the Zoom login information. To attend the online meeting, click on the link in the email and enter your Meeting ID and password.
If this is your first time using Zoom, you first need to install the Zoom client on your device (laptop, PC, tablet, smartphone). Please make sure to install the client prior to the meeting – installation is possible anytime and does not require an upcoming meeting.
You will definitely need speakers/headphones and a microphone. If you want to use the video functionality, you will also need a camera. Please test your audio and video equipment before entering the meeting. You advisor will be visible to you via video during the online consultation. It is entirely up to you to decide whether you want to be visible yourself or whether you just want to use the microphone.
Online consultations are confidential. What is discussed during the meeting will not be shared with anyone outside the virtual meeting room.
Your advisor will be happy to answer any questions you may have.
- Prior to the online consultation, have pen and paper ready so that you can take notes during the meeting.
- Desktop PCs or tablets are better suited for online consultations than smartphones because it is easier to view shared content on a larger screen or display.
- Close all unnecessary programs on your computer so that sufficient capacity is available for the video conference.
- Consider turning off potentially distracting notifications.
These recommendations aim at providing you with a short overview on which measures to take for protecting your data and third-party personal data to the greatest extent possible.
- Participation is always voluntary.
- Confidential information, in particular personal data on third parties, may not be shared during the online consultation. The same applies when using the integrated chat function.
- Camera settings should always be chosen in a way to ensure that no confidential information is disclosed in the background.
- If you have third parties present that are not visible on screen, all video conference participants should be made aware of their presence.
- When using the “share screen” function, no confidential information, in particular personal information, about third parties should become visible. Furthermore, participants are not permitted to take screenshots.
- Online consultations may not be recorded.
Zoom is a videoconferencing tool by a US provider. When using Zoom, personal data is inevitably collected and passed on to the provider and to third parties. For an overview of which data is affected, please check
Drop-in sessions to discuss doubts about your studies
Please feel free to use the drop-in sessions with any questions concerning doubts about your studies, transferring to another academic discipline or university or withdrawing from university altogether. Advice can be provided anonymously; no registration is required.

Angela-Maren Keil
Poppelsdorfer Allee 49
53115 Bonn, Germany
Office hours and brief consultations via phone
Individual consultations are only available by appointment. For a brief consultation, however, you may also contact us without an appointment during our walk-in or telephone office hours.
Brief Consultation via Phone
- Mondays, Tuesdays,Thursdays
08:30 am – 10:30 am
02:30 pm – 03:30 pm
Walk-in office hours
- Mondays, Tuesdays,Thursdays
09:30 am – 12:00 pm
01:30 pm – 04:00 pm - Wednesdays and Fridays closed
Already made an appointment?
If you already have an appointment for study counseling (not for psychological counseling), you can fill out our registration form in advance.
More information
Psychological Counseling
In personal meetings, our counselors offer (preventive) advice regarding psychological concerns, insecurities or problems that negatively impact your quality of life or academic success.
We offer workshops on study-related topics and on fine tuning your personal study skills on a regular basis.
Events and Fairs
In cooperation with the departments and other partners, we offer events for various target groups on a regular basis. On campus, off campus and online.