Caring for Family Members
The compatibility of family and career also includes caring for family members. As every situation is unique, we provide comprehensive advice and support, tailored to your specific situation. We are happy to help you with the following topics at any time:
- care time/family care time
- financial support
- residential care
- guardianship law
- living will
- health care proxy
- services offered by the University of Bonn
Please do not hesitate to contact us.
Care guides at the University of Bonn ´(`'Pflegelotsen'`)
The care guides are colleagues who act as the first point of contact in their areas of work on the subject of care. They help you to find your way through the care jungle, provide initial information and give you telephone numbers of people to contact.
You can still obtain detailed advice from the Office of Family Services.

The legal framework
Thanks to legal provisions, employees can focus entirely on caregiving for a limited period of time.

First steps
When a care situation arises without warning, it is good to obtain advice on how to proceed and the level of funding accorded by your insurance cover.

Care centers and training for carers
Basic knowledge that is helpful for mastering everyday care is imparted at care centers and in training courses.

Find out about the different forms of dementia, the course of the disease and support services.
Please also read
Working healthy
Would you like to make your everyday working life healthier or improve your working atmosphere? Then "Healthy Campus" is the right place for you.
Long-Term Care Guide
The Federal Ministry of Health provides an online guidebook containing on everything you need to know about care.
Online help portal
Those needing care and their carers can find quick answers to any questions about their situation.
Learn more (German only)