Launch of the University of Bonn “Green Office”

In an opening celebration, the new sustainability office run by University of Bonn students presented its first joint initiative with NEiS15 (Verbraucherzentrale NRW) and the Studierendenwerk17 themed “Foodsharing in Germany – Enjoying Food, Sharing Knowledge”, which focused on providing tips on avoiding food waste and information on exciting projects at the University.

City cycling for a good climate

In this year's city cycling competition, the University of Bonn team received three awards. "We are happy about everyone who cycles along and thus sets a great example for sustainable mobility," said Prorector Scheersoi at the ceremony in the Old City Hall.

University of Bonn supports the Hamburg Declaration

On June 4, 2021, the German Rectors' Conference issued the Hamburg Declaration. The University of Bonn supports the Declaration and commits to implementing its recommendations.

University of Bonn supports „Bonn4Future – Wir fürs Klima”

The University of Bonn officially supports the project “Bonn4Future” and participates in an interactive sustainability map – a first component of a newly emerging sustainability platform for Bonn.

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