Studying, researching, teaching and working together in good health
Your health is important to us! Working in collaboration with a range of cooperation partners, we provide a range of free-of-charge health-related information and services and organize events focusing on physical, mental and social health. Together, we consider the conditions of work and study at the University of Bonn and take steps to ensure a healthy environment.
Seeking to foster a culture of needs-driven continual improvement, we are dependent on your feedback and input to achieve our goal of a truly “Healthy Campus”.
Tell us what the problem is - University of Bonn staff are asked to submit feedback regarding the issue of healthy working practices, which the University incorporated in the development of targeted measures to ensure good, health-conscious working conditions.
Focusing on us
A detailed summary of the process and status of the survey is available here.
Doctoral researchers at the University of Bonn are requested to take part in a stress management intervention study. The results of the study will be deployed to develop and run a long-term stress management seminar for doctoral researchers enrolled at the University of Bonn.
We have summarized all the important information about the study and the seminar here.
Latest updates
This initiative encourages participants to make as many journeys by bicycle as possible for 21 days.
- Target group: Students and employess
- When: September 2nd to 22nd
- Mission: defend our title! Register now and do something good for your own health and climate protection. You can join the team 'Uni Bonn' or start your own sub-team.
- Here you can register.
Target group: Students
SpeedReading ist eine Kombination verschiedener Techniken, die schnell Erfolge zeigt. In diesem Seminar lernt ihr unterschiedliche Techniken des Schnell-Lesens kennen und übt diese ganz praktisch. Ihr werdet überrascht sein, wie viel schneller Ihr Texte lesen, verstehen und abspeichern könnt! Meldet euch an und probiert es aus!
Dates: 1. part Wednesday, Oct. 17, 2024 & 2. part Wednesday, Oct. 24, 2024
Further information and registration via eCampus.
Healthy working practices
Information for members of staff
Healthy study practices
Information for students
Uni Bonn: Healthy & Physically Active
More movement in everyday life
About us
Milestones of the Healthy Campus Bonn
Academic publications
Healthy Campus Bonn Team
Why a university health management initiative?
Valuing health
The Rectorate commissioned the Healthy Campus Bonn team to develop and implement a University health management strategy.
Strategy goals
The strategy seeks to promote and strengthen the health skills of individual members of staff and establish healthy working and study structures.
Scientific supervision
Scientific evaluation of our health-oriented strategy ensures continual quality assurance and its needs-driven adaptation and development.
A range of studies make a contribution to the academic literature in this area. The University health management strategy networks a number of partners and involves them in the development of the concept and process.