Karriere-Sprechstunde des Career Service

The Karriere-Sprechstunde is held in German. You need at least B2-level.

The University of Bonn Career Service provides careers guidance and advice about career entry through the Karriere-Sprechstunde.

  • What can I or do I want to do for a living after I graduate?
  • Are you unsure how to gather work experience during your studies?
  • Or are you preparing for a job interview and are unsure of how to react to certain questions?
  • Are you asking yourself whether it is worth completing an MA or doctoral degree?

Find answers to these and other questions at our Karriere-Sprechstunde.

Who is the service open to?

  • Bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral students or those preparing for a state examination at the University of Bonn.
  • University of Bonn graduates

Can I make repeated use of the service?

  • Yes.
  • The Karriere-Sprechstunde is exempt from the rule that you can only book a maximum of three Career Service workshops and/or consultations per semester.

Please note:

  • Our Karriere-Sprechstunde does not provide a CV or application pack checking service.
  • Nevertheless, you will need to submit a CV as the basis of effective consultation.
  • Participants are required to send it as a PDF copy together with a completed registration form before every session, even before follow-up sessions.
  • The Karriere-Sprechstunde is held in German. You need at least B2-level.
  • Besides its Karriere-Sprechstunde, the Career Service at the University of Bonn also offers brief career consultations geared specifically to international students. These Career Service Appointments will be conducted in English and will focus on getting into the German job market. Here you can find further information.

How can I access the Karriere-Sprechstunde service?

  • The Karriere-Sprechstunde takes place in person at Poppelsdorfer Allee 49, room 3.003, via Zoom or by telephone.
  • Please indicate the type of consultation you require when registering.


The following time-slots are usually available on Tuesdays and Thursdays: 

  • 2:30 pm to 2:55 pm
  • 3:00 pm to 3:25 pm 
  • 3:30 pm to 3:55 pm

The next available sessions are listed here. 

Calendar sheet
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  • Please send an email at least 24 hours, at the earliest four weeks before your desired appointment stating your preferred time slot and type of consultation (in person, Zoom or telephone) making sure to attach a PDF copy of your CV and a completed registration form to Dr. Anke Bohne (bohne@verwaltung.uni-bonn.de).
  • The Career Service does not have fully accessible rooms.
  • Those subject to mobility restrictions should register by email to Dr. Anke Bohne (bohne@verwaltung.uni-bonn.de) or telephone (+49 228 73-7987) 24 hours before their desired session. We will find a barrier-free room. 

A registration form can be found here.


Dr. Anke Bohne
University of Bonn
Career Service
Poppelsdorfer Allee 49
53115 Bonn
Tel.: +49-(0)228/73-7987
E-Mail: bohne@verwaltung.uni-bonn.de
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© Bosse und Meinhard | Uni Bonn
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