Our Services for Your NRW Project
We provide support services for NRW projects all the way from proposal submission and project implementation to conclusion of your project. Contact us to discuss your proposal. We look forward to assisting you!

Current Tenders
Current calls for tenders for NRW-funded projects can be found on ministry, state agency and project-executing organization websites:
- NRW Ministry of Culture and Science (MKW)
- NRW State Agency for Nature, Environment and Consumer Protection (LANUV)
- NRW State Agency for Nature, Environment and Consumer Protection – European Innovation Partnership (LANUV – EIP)
- European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) – Gateways to Funding
- Project Management Jülich (PTJ) – Announcements
- Competence Center of Consumer Research NRW (CECORE NRW)
In most cases, the application must be submitted in the name of the university and a signature of the university management is required. Therefore, if you are interested, please contact Dept. 7.1 at an early stage.
Within the framework of the programs funded by the state of NRW, an own contribution is usually requested, which must be borne by the applicants.
Important Information
Please note that separate rules apply to the ERDF.NRW, EIP-AGRI and INTERREG programs and these rules must already be observed during the proposal submission process.
Further information is provided in Circular No. 06/2016.
We would be happy to provide general advice on NRW funding lines and advice based on your individual needs. Project ideas and requests for proposals are sometimes the result of direct conversations with state ministries and are not based on a specific call for tenders. We would also be happy to help you with proposals of this kind.
- General information on funding lines
- Information based on your individual needs
- Review of proposal eligibility and requirements.
The Proposal
Please discuss your proposal with us so that formal errors, in particular, can be avoided. We would be happy to assist you all the way from planning to submission.
- Researching guidelines and information
- Assistance with budget planning
- Review of proposals
- Obtaining an authorized signature
- Assistance with electronic submission procedures
- Assistance with ethical aspects
Other areas
We would be happy to coordinate the use of expertise in other areas that are important for your proposal.
- Budget planning (together with Section 7.2 – Third-Party Funding & Project Management)
- Personnel cost calculation (Section 7.2)
- Research contracts (Staff Unit, Division 7 – Research and Innovation Services)
NRW Returning Academic Program
The Returning Academic Program (Rückkehrprogramm) of the NRW Ministry of Culture and Science is aimed at encouraging young academics to return to North Rhine-Westphalia.
Academics Returning to NRW and the University of Bonn
We are pleased that you are interested in returning to Germany, and especially to the University of Bonn!
We would be happy to help you initiate the process for the NRW Returning Academic Program and submit your application.
Once your project has been approved, we would be happy to arrange a kick-off meeting to start your project where project-related information can be exchanged and project leadership and project management can get to know each other. We provide support for all aspects of project management so that you can focus on your research.
Our service for third-party funded projetcs:
- Contacts for project-executing organizations and project leaders at the University of Bonn
- Requests for funds and controlling
- Assistance with preparing the numerical section of the financial statement
Important information on the implementation of EIP-AGRAR. EFRE.NRW & BioSC projects
You can now find out more about our services in the service portal (uniid required).
Downloads für EIP-AGRAR & EFRE.NRW
Wichtige Downloads für BioSC
Your contacts in Third-Party Funding & Project Management
Tobias Bangemann
Andrea Kreutzberg
Jana Schiewe
Your cooperation agreement
We strongly recommend that collaborative project coordinators negotiate the cooperation agreement with the project partners while the proposal is being reviewed by the funding institution