TRAns Digital                                                                      Workshop: Digitalization of the Humanities and Social Sciences

In numerous scientific fields of application, revolutionary new possibilities are developing as digitalization progresses, for example in working with texts, with spaces, with objects, with complex system relationships and much more. In addition to AI applications that process ever larger amounts of text and data, other digital methods are also constantly evolving, such as remote sensing, geophysical prospection, computer vision and image recognition, to name but a few. New digital tools, applications and methods are not only changing the research and publication process and thus the working culture in science, they also offer potential for innovative and inter-/transdisciplinary forms of collaboration, e.g. through the digital availability of sources, new applications for collaboration in the research process or the replicability and reproducibility of research results. At the same time, new challenges are emerging: How are the roles and tasks of researchers and lecturers changing? What are the downsides of the increasing acceleration of processes? What responsibility do researchers bear for the ethical and legally compliant use of technologies and the handling of data and sources?

Against the background of a multitude of very dynamic developments, we invite you to a TRA overarching workshop on the question:
What potentials and challenges are associated with the digitalization of research in the humanities and social sciences (including economics)?

In addition to the exchange of knowledge and best-practice experiences, the workshop offers you the opportunity to make interesting contacts across disciplines and TRAs.

Further information about the program can be found here.

Friday, 26 April 2024, 9:00 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.
Digital Hub (Am Hauptbahnhof 6 | 53111 Bonn)

TRAnsDigital (26.04.2024)_Programmflyer.jpg

Target Audience

The workshop is organized by the TRAs Present Pasts, Individuals & Societies and Sustainable Futures. The program is aimed particularly at the members of these three TRAs, but at the same time open to all interested researchers (all career levels) at the University of Bonn.


Interdisciplinary networking and exchange around the topic of digitalization of the social sciences, humanities and economics in order to exchange ideas and bring scientists (and staff from service units) together who …

  • work with new digital tools, methods or sources in their research.
  • deal with the digitalization of science or with ethical and social issues that are related to it.
  • offer specific services at the University related to digitalization.
  • who are interested and curious to exchange ideas and insights about current developments across disciplinary boundaries.


  • Short impulses from topic providers/workshop hosts at the beginning
  • Workshops on various cross-disciplinary application fields, each offered jointly by two topic providers/workshop hosts (2 slots of 3-4 workshops each)
  • Time for informal networking
  • Final collection of the results from the workshops


German (English according to individual needs during the event)

Further Inquiries

If you have any questions in advance please contact Ruben Greif (+49 228 73 54476, or the manager of your TRA:  TRA Individuals & SocietiesTRA Present Pasts, or TRA Sustainable Futures


We have a limited number of seats for this TRA workshop.

Registration was open until April 14, 2024. All places are taken. If you are interested in a place on the waiting list, you can contact the manager of your TRA.


If you are interested in becoming a TRA member, apply easily for membership under the following links at the TRA Individuals & Societies, the TRA Sustainable Futures, or the TRA Present Pasts

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