Learning Theory and Exchanging Experiences

Intercultural training

Providing an opportunity to share and reflect on your experiences together and gain new insights into inter- and transcultural issues, these workshops use practical exercises underpinned by elements of theory to open the door to acquiring new skills and honing existing ones.

Organizational matters

Registration and participation

Only students enrolled at the University of Bonn can register and take part. Places on training sessions are allocated 50/50 to German and international students.

You will receive a brief confirmation once you have signed up. More information about the training schedule and the relevant login details will be provided about a week before it starts.

Counting attendance toward the Certificate of Intercultural Competence

Taking part in an intercultural training course can earn you up to 20 points toward Component D1 of your Certificate of International Competence.

Training program
Interkulturelles Training (Online auf Deutsch)
online/ Die Veranstaltung...
09:00 AM - 01:00 PM
Fähigkeits- und Wertekompass in einer globalisierten Welt Wir leben in einer Gesellschaft, die von Diversität geprägt ist. Interkulturelle Kompetenz umfasst ...
Interkulturelles Training (Deutsch)
in Präsenz/ International...
09:00 AM - 04:00 PM
„Interkulturelle Kommunikation im beruflichen Kontext“ Wir laden Sie herzlich zu einem eintägigen interkulturellen Workshop mit Fokus auf „Interkulturelle ...

About the trainers

Azadeh Hartmann-Alampour has worked as a freelance intercultural trainer at various German universities and public-sector institutions since 2014. Originally from Iran, she moved to Germany when she was 15. She is also a psychosocial counselor and puts the knowledge that she acquired in training to become a Gestalt therapist into practice in her work.

Our views and approaches are grounded in a combination of scientific findings, social policy expertise and many years spent studying cultural diversity and social inequality. We share a vision in which all members of society have equal opportunities and resources regardless of their ethnic background, social status or gender. We deploy innovative strategies that encourage dialogue and give people food for thought and practical tools to use every day.

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Hier steht Ihr Aufklapp-Text, der sich mit Klick auf den Titel oder das + ausklappt und mit erneutem Klick auf den Titel oder das - wieder einklappt.

Dr. Merjam Wakili is a freelance presenter, mediator and facilitator from Bonn. After completing her degree in journalism and philosophy, she obtained her doctorate from TU Dortmund University in 2012. She did her voluntary internship (Volontariat) in radio at Deutsche Welle in 2003, since when she has worked for various media companies and publishers as an editor, presenter and media trainer. She also trains teachers, advises on intercultural competence and coaches good leadership.


Avatar Rübbert

Stefanie Rübbert

Certificate of Intercultural Competence


Poppelsdorfer Allee 53

53115 Bonn (Germany)

Office hours

Please book an appointment via eCampus

  • Tuesday
    10.00 - 12.30

  • and by appointment
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