First-Semester-Students' Welcome
The official welcoming event for First-Semester-Students at the University of Bonn

First-Semester-Students' Welcome 2024

First-Semester-Students' Welcome 2023
© Bosse + Meinhard / Uni Bonn

Information about the First-Semester-Students' Welcome 2024

When you start your studies at the University of Bonn, you are embarking on a new chapter in your life. We warmly welcome you and invite all first-year students to the First-Semester-Students' Welcome on September 30, 2024!

At the official welcome in the auditorium and the many information and hands-on activities afterwards, you can find out everything you need to know about studying and living in Bonn. There will also be space to make your first contacts at the "Ersti" Party in the evening.

Admission is free of charge. Registration is currently not required. Please bring your student ID or other proof of your status as a student at the University of Bonn.

Schedule for September 30, 2024:

starting at 11:15 a.m.: Admission into the University's main buildung, access through the Ehrenhalle (address: Am Hof, 53113 Bonn)
12:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.: Official Welcome in the auditorium/Aula (including Live-broadcast for nearby lecture halls)
1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.: Info Fair in the Arkadenhof
3:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.: Afternoon program (e.g. Student councils' activities, guided tours, sports program)
6:00 p.m. - 11:00 p.m.: Party in the Aula and the Arkadenhof
Sign language interpretation and simultaneous translation of the welcome program in the auditorium will be made available.

Join in and get to know your University and meet your fellow students. We're looking forward to meeting you!

Welcome to the University of Bonn!

Dear First-Semester-Students,

It is my distinct pleasure as rector to welcome you to the University of Bonn — a University of Excellence with over 200 years of proud history. You are now one of roughly 40,000 students here at our university. Welcome!

You are beginning your studies at the University of Bonn in (at least) one of our seven faculties, each offering a broad palette of degree programs. Many of our departments have earned a stellar reputation in comparisons with both national and international competition. In part this reflects our Excellence Strategy, which has successfully secured six Clusters of Excellence for our institution, more than any other German university. This is just one of the reasons why the current edition of the renowned Shanghai Rankings scored us 67th on its list of roughly 1,000 universities around the world, placing us among the most prestigious institutions anywhere on the globe.

Yet it is not just the strength of our sciences that makes Bonn so special. This place, this haven for academia is extraordinary in its own right: Bonn is a city of great history and promising present and future…

Professor Dr. Dr. h. c. Michael Hoch, University of Bonn Rector
© Barbara Frommann/Uni Bonn

For all its famous scientists and philosophers, Bonn is also known as the birthplace of one of the grandest musicians of all time: Ludwig van Beethoven. It was here in Bonn, at the heart of Europe, that Germany’s Basic Law was signed 71 years ago—even today the finest constitution ever produced on German soil. This is why we at the university see ourselves as bearing a special responsibility to foster the values of democracy, freedom and enlightenment and to actively promote the fundamental values of equal opportunity and diversity. Beyond this, Bonn has a very distinctively international orientation, serving as the German base for the United Nations, including the headquarters for the UN’s World Climate Secretary and many globally active organizations and companies. Let us now offer a special welcome to all of those students among you who come to us from all corners of the world! I'm confident that you will come not just to live here in Bonn on the Rhine, but to love it as well. At your feet lie a great variety of cultural and leisure opportunities, both within the university community and outside it!

And now it’s time to wish you all a fine and successful start to your academic pursuits at the University of Bonn. I very much look forward to getting to know you personally whenever the opportunity arises, and fervently hope that such chances can come sooner rather than later.

Professor Dr. Dr. h. c. Michael Hoch
University of Bonn Rector


A student wearing a yellow sweater, headphones and a big smile is working on her notebook. In the picture’s background a white window and one of the University’s main building’s towers can be seen, with the Study Compass’ cover displayed on the right side.
© Bosse & Meinhardt

The "Starting Your Studies"-Portal

The Central Student Advisory and Counseling Service's (ZSB) "Starting Your Studies"-portal provides all info you might need for a successful start to your studies. The ZSB is your first point of contact for all questions about studying.
Here you can get consultation, a checklist for starting your studies and the Study Compass!

View across the Hofgarten-lawn to the University’s main building.
© Volker Lannert/Uni Bonn

The Student Registry's Service-Hotline

Do you have questions about current application, enrollment and/or admission procedures for your studies and would like to clarify them quickly by phone? The Student Registry's Service Hotline is there for you!
The service hotline is available Monday through Friday, from 10 am to 12 pm and from 3 pm to 5 pm, at +49-(0)228/73-4464 and -4491.

The University’s Information Center with its counter and shelves filled with info material as well as the Uni-store.
© Barbara Frommann/Uni Bonn

The University Bonn Information Center

You have questions about the university in general? You are looking for a contact point for a specific problem? You would like to buy university apparel or accessories? Just contact our Information Center in the main building! There you will also find the university store. University apparel and accessories are also available at our online store.

Welcome Days for international students

With the Welcome Days we would like to welcome all new students and doctoral students from abroad to Bonn and facilitate a successful start of their studies. You will find all important information on the International Office's Welcome Days-page.

Welcome Days
© Lukas Ullrich, KLEINLAUT

Student Representative Bodies participating in the First-Semester-Students' Welcome

The AStA's info booth at the First-Semester-Students' Welcome event in 2019
© Barbara Frommann/Uni Bonn

Meet the General Students’ Committee AStA

Three members of the Student Council of Medicine - one dressed in a white lab coat - are smiling at the camera
© Student Council of Medicine

Get to know the Student Councils

A picture of Campusradio bonn.FM's crew
© bonn.FM

Find out more about Campusradio

Information Fair for First-Semester-Students

As a part of the First-Semester-Students' Welcome Event, the University of Bonn offers an information fair. There you can meet representives of central university institutions and members of student organizations.

We will most likely be offering an information market again this year. You will find an overview of the participating organizations here shortly before the event. A list of the organizations participating in 2023 can be found below.

In addition, you can find out about the advice and services offered by various contact points at the University of Bonn on the "Studying" web portal.

  • Alumni Network
  • Amnesty International Students Group Bonn
  • Bonn University and State Library
  • bonnFM
  • Career Service
  • Central Study Advisory and Counseling Service (ZSB)
  • City of Bonn
  • Connexxion, christian university student group
  • General Student’s Comittee AStA
  • Healthy Campus Bonn
  • IAESTE International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience
  • Infopoint
  • International Office
  • Kulturticket
  • Language Learning Center – SLZ (Department IX, IKM)
  • litterarium & atelier
  • Music forum of the University of Bonn
  • NatFak-Festival e.V.
  • Protestant congregation for students
  • Queer Department of the General Students‘ Committee AStA
  • Roman Catholic University Congregation
  • Student Service Organisation Bonn
  • Sustainability at the University of Bonn
  • Transfer Center enaCom
  • Universitätsgesellschaft Bonn – Alumni, Friends and Supporters e.V.
  • University of Bonn Foundation
  • University IT and Data Center (HRZ)
  • University Sports 
  • Vice Rectorate for Equal Opportunity and Diversity
  • Vice Rectorate for International Affairs
  • various student councils and representatives of the faculties

Review First-Semester-Students' Welcome 2023

Ersti-Welcome 2022
© Volker Lannert/Uni Bonn

Picture gallery 2023

Click to see pictures of last year's First-Semester-Students' Welcome.

First-Semester-Students' Welcome 2023

Video-podcast First-Semester-Students' Welcome 2023

Impressions of last year's First-Semester-Students' Welcome.

Follow the University of Bonn on Social Media:

Contact person for the First-Semester-Students' Welcome

Avatar Hufschmidt

Lena Hufschmidt

Rectorate Event Management Team

Dechenstraße 3-11

53115 Bonn

Avatar Demant

Friederike Demant

Rectorate Event Management Team

Dechenstraße 3-11

53115 Bonn

Latest News
Large genetic study on severe COVID-19

Whether or not a person becomes seriously ill with COVID-19 depends, among other things, on genetic factors. With this in mind, researchers from the University Hospital Bonn (UKB) and the University of Bonn, in cooperation with other research teams from Germany, the Netherlands, Spain and Italy, investigated a particularly large group of affected individuals. They confirmed the central and already known role of the TLR7 gene in severe courses of the disease in men, but were also able to find evidence for a contribution of the gene in women. In addition, they were able to show that genetic changes in three other genes of the innate immune system contribute to severe COVID-19. The results have now been published in the journal "Human Genetics and Genomics Advances".

Bonn Household Robots are World Champions

Team NimbRo from the University of Bonn took first place at the RoboCup@Home World Championships in Eindhoven. From July 17 to 21, the domestic service robots competed against 16 other teams in Eindhoven, Netherlands. NimbRo achieved the highest score in the tests and also impressed the jury in the final. The assistance robots for everyday environments are being developed at the Chair of Autonomous Intelligent Systems at the Institute of Computer Science. They navigate autonomously, can pick up and place objects and interact with people using a speech dialog system.

Genetic diagnostics of ultra-rare diseases

The majority of rare diseases have a genetic cause. The underlying genetic alteration can be found more and more easily, for example by means of exome sequencing (ES), leading to a molecular genetic diagnosis. ES is an examination of all sections of our genetic material (DNA) that code for proteins. As part of a Germany-wide multicenter study, ES data was collected from 1,577 patients and systematically evaluated. This made it possible to diagnose a total of 499 patients, with 34 patients showing new, previously unknown genetic diseases. The study thus makes a significant contribution to the initial description of new diseases. In addition, software based on the use of artificial intelligence (AI) was used for the first time on a broad scale to support clinical diagnosis. The "GestaltMatcher" AI system can assist in the assessment of facial features with regard to the classification of congenital genetic syndromes. The results of the study, in which 16 universities and university hospitals were involved, including the University of Bonn, have now been published in the renowned journal "Nature Genetics".

Meat Consumption Falls After Veggie Month

What effect does a vegan/vegetarian month have on a canteen? For this experiment, the Studierendenwerk Bonn sought scientific support from researchers at the Universities of Bonn and Kassel. They found that the impact could still be felt up to eight weeks after the campaign month had ended: as a result of the vegan/vegetarian month, the amount of meat consumed in the canteen fell by 7 to 12 percent compared to the level recorded beforehand. In addition, around half of the people surveyed agreed with the idea of one meat-free month a year, while over 80 percent said that canteens should offer more vegetarian options. The findings have been published in a working paper prepared by the ECONtribute Cluster of Excellence at the University of Bonn.

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