Your contact persons
in Section 3.3 - Scientific Staff

Contact Persons and Responsibilities

Petra Dykmanns

Head of Section

Simone Schmucker

Deputy Head of Section

Iris Martins

Assistance to the Head of Section, A1-Certificates

Contact Persons for Subject Area 1

Subject area 1 includes the Faculty of Law and Political Science, Mathematics, Computer Science, Geosciences, Biology, and Pharmacy.

Simone Schmucker

Head of Unit


Contact Person for Geosciences (Geograph. Inst., Inst. f. Geowiss., SFB/CRC TR 228, ZFL)

Katharina Hehne

Contact Person for the Field of Mathematics

Stefanie Steiner

Contact Person for the Area of Information Technology, DiCe (HPC/A-Lab)

Alice Spagnolli

Contact Person for the Fields of Biology (BIOB, IfMB, IMBIO, IZMB, IZ), Pharmacy and Paleontology

Klaus Kalkkuhl

Contact Person for the Area of Law

Contact Persons for Subject Area 2

Subject area 2 includes Physics, Astronomy, Chemistry, the Helmholtz Institute and the LIMES Institute.

Birgit Buchsbaum

Head of Unit

Ute Meyknecht

Contact Person for Physics

Silke Brás Branquinho

Contact Person for the Helmholtz Institute and the Argelander Institute for Astronomy

Britta Görlich

Contact Person for Chemistry

Sonja Edmeier

Contact Person for the LIMES Institute

Sabrina Müller

WIWI, ZEF, ZEI, BGSE, CENs, EDV-Service., Inst. Int. Wirtp.,IFS, EconLab, Staatsw. Seminar, Wirt.Wiss. Prüfungsamt, FB Mgmt. WIWI, ECON

Andrea Braun

currently on parental leave

Contact Persons for Subject Area 3

Subject area 3 covers the area of lecturers.

Simone Schmucker

Head of Unit

Iris Martins

Chemistry, Mathematics, Geosciences, Pharmacy, Biology, Computer Sciences, FB WiWi, MDRA, MES, FB Law, KaVoMa, AMTS

Stefanie Steiner

Chemistry, Mathematics, Geosciences, Pharmacy, Biology, Computer Sciences, FB WiWi, MDRA, MES, FB Law, KaVoMa, AMTS

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