Collaborative Research Grants with the University of St Andrews
Project Funding
Funding for joint research projects with faculty from University of St Andrews (matching funds from both universities for a total of up to €23,000 per project).
Submission Deadline
A new call for 2026 is expected to open in May 2025.
Currently no Call
Funding Conditions
Collaborative Research Grants foster international research broadly. Applicants from all schools and disciplines are encouraged to submit funding applications for innovative and sustainable projects built around research linking faculty at the University of Bonn and the University of St Andrews.
The expectation is that these initial projects will lead to or continue long-term collaborations, institutional and research relations, and when applicable, generate publications, exhibitions, and/ or external funding. Applications that include students and/ or collaborations across schools, disciplines, and units are encouraged.
Applicant teams should consider how they can take meaningful steps in their collaborations to adhere to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) policies and foster an environment that values, supports and respects a diverse range of views, knowledge and experiences. Applicants should consider DEI as it applies to e.g., gender, race, ethnicity, nationality, (dis)ability, and career stages.
- Expenses for University of Bonn or University of St Andrews research staff to travel to the partner university (for Bonn staff: transportation, accommodation, and per diem rates in accordance with the Travel Expenses Act of the State of NRW; for stays of visiting researchers in Bonn, please consult our recommended per diems and mobility lump sums)
- For justified exceptions (e.g. for the initiation of teaching collaborations), funding for travel expenses for Bonn or St Andrews students to the partner university (based on applicants’ calculations)
- Material expenses and student assistants needed to conduct research activities and events
- Salaries, scholarships, as well as basic equipment (e.g. laptops, computers, etc.) are excluded from this funding
For more specific information, please consult the grant program’s guidelines.
Successful funding applications will be awarded up to £20,000/ €23,000 per project (up to £10,000 from the University of St Andrews and up to €11,500 from the University of Bonn). These funds must be used for research (broadly defined) and must follow the budget guidelines.
The budget costs for the University of St Andrews and the University of Bonn must be shown separately in the financing plan.
- Academic quality and innovation: the academic quality of the proposed work and its contribution to novel thinking; if appropriate, the ability to cut across disciplines, and/or include students;
- Impact and legacy: how the work may gain wide recognition and/ or have a legacy once completed; if relevant, the expected changes beyond the discipline(s) and academia.
- Research outcomes: the likelihood that the project will lead to long-term research relationships and generate on-going collaboration. Expected outcomes may include, among other possibilities: publications, exhibitions, grant proposals, clinical interventions, technological innovations, enhanced networks and/ or research-based seminar/ conference/ workshops.
- Partnership and strategic relevance: how the research will be shared with broader academic communities at each institution and promote and consolidate the relationship between the two universities; how the research contributes to realising university strategies.
Researchers of the University of Bonn who have completed a doctorate submit a joint proposal with faculty from the University of St Andrews. Bonn researchers must be able to show proof of their employment at least until the end of the collaborative research project.
- Online form
- Project description (PDF file, max. 8 pages plus short biographies), consisting of:
- Names, titles, and departments of PI’s and team members
- Layperson abstract of the proposed project (up to 250 words)
- Narrative description of the proposed project for a multi-school, multi-disciplinary audience (max. 4 pages)
- Budget and budget justification, explaining in detail all anticipated expenditures
- Current CV’s (max. 2 pages for each PI, max. 1 page for each team member)
Detailed information on the grant program and the application process can be found in the grant guidelines.
Further information
(Bonn – St Andrews Collaborative Research Grant 2024 — Information Session)
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Dr. Christian Klöckner
Poppelsdorfer Allee 102
53115 Bonn (Germany)
Funded by the Federal and State Governments as part of the German Excellence Strategy