Members Directory
Count Persons (232)
Analytical chemistry, Food chemistry, Food Science, Food technology, Plant proteins, Sustainable food systems, Sustainable Healthy Diets
Computer vision, Deep learning, Global healthcare, Machine learning, Medical imaging, Sustainable Healthy Diets, Transformative Technologies
Food consumption measurement, Food environments, Nutrition security, Societal Change and Innovations, Sustainable Healthy Diets, Urbanisation
Agriculture, Climate and Ecosystems, Complex Systems, Cooperation, Human-environment modeling, Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning, Societal Change and Innovations, Transformative Technologies
Agriculture, Climate and Ecosystems, Crop Resilience, Functional genomics, Genome editing, Inositol Phosphates, Societal Change and Innovations, Sustainable Agriculture, Sustainable Healthy Diets, Transformative Technologies
Agriculture, Climate and Ecosystems, agroecology, Biodiversity in agroecosystems, evidence synthesis, land-use intensification, meta-analysis, regenerative agriculture, Societal Change and Innovations
Climate change adaptation, Food Security, Gender, Global value chains, Social justice and human rights, Societal Change and Innovations, Sustainable land use
Agriculture, Climate and Ecosystems, Societal Change and Innovations
Agriculture, Climate and Ecosystems, Biomechanics, Climate change, Insects, Societal Change and Innovations, Transformative Technologies
Agriculture, Climate and Ecosystems, Hydrological modelling, Hydrology of catchment areas, Innovative measurement methods, Integrated environmental monitoring platforms, Transformative Technologies
Agriculture, Climate and Ecosystems, Societal Change and Innovations, Sustainable Healthy Diets, Transformative Technologies
Climate change, International trade, Protection of the environment, Societal Change and Innovations, Sustainable development
Agriculture, Climate and Ecosystems, Societal Change and Innovations, Sustainable Healthy Diets, Transformative Technologies
Agriculture, Climate and Ecosystems, Societal Change and Innovations, Sustainable Healthy Diets
animal welfare, emissions from animal houses, farm animal technology, precision livestock farming, silage science, Transformative Technologies
Agriculture, Climate and Ecosystems, Agroecosystems, Biodiversity Monitoring and Modeling, Co-Design and Transdisciplinary Research, Landscape Ecology, Remote Sensing, Societal Change and Innovations
conjunctural analysis, crisis theory, discourses and politic of the Anthropocene, posthumanism and the ‘nonhuman turn’, Societal Change and Innovations, theories and forms of subjectivity and identity
Societal Change and Innovations, Sustainable Healthy Diets, Transformative Technologies
Climate change adaptations strategies within the food system, Climate change impacts on diet and nutrition, Health co-benefits of behavioural strategies for climate change mitigation, Societal Change and Innovations, Sustainable diets, Sustainable Healthy Diets
Agroecology, Agroforestry, Nutrient cycling, Plant-soil interactions, Societal Change and Innovations, Sustainable Healthy Diets, Water dynamics
Societal Change and Innovations, Sustainable Healthy Diets, Transformative Technologies
Behavior Change, Health- and Risk Communication, Sustainable Food Choices, Sustainable Healthy Diets
Agriculture, Climate and Ecosystems, Sustainable Healthy Diets, Transformative Technologies
Societal Change and Innovations, Sustainable Healthy Diets, Transformative Technologies
dietary intervention studies, impact of selected plant-based foods on cardiometabolic health, plant-based diet, Sustainable diet, Sustainable Healthy Diets
Behavioural economics, Behavioural economics, Health and sustainable consumption, Health system´s sustainability, Nutrition Policy, Sustainable Healthy Diets
Agriculture, Climate and Ecosystems, Societal Change and Innovations
AI Ethics, Life Cycle Assessment, Sustainability of AI, Sustainable AI, Transformative Technologies
Agriculture, Climate and Ecosystems, Societal Change and Innovations, Sustainable Healthy Diets, Transformative Technologies
Agriculture, Climate and Ecosystems, Societal Change and Innovations, Transformative Technologies
Change Management, Corporate Sustainability, Entrepreneurial Behaviour, Social Innovations, Societal Change and Innovations, Sustainable Entrepreneurship
Agriculture, Climate and Ecosystems, hydrological process research, Interactions of water and biogeochemical material fluxes, surface water-groundwater interactions, tracer hydrology
Agriculture, Climate and Ecosystems, Global terrestrial reference frames, Simulation studies, Societal Change and Innovations, Space geodetic techniques
agricultural development, climate change adaptation, food and nutrition policy, food systems transformation, policy analysis and innovation, Societal Change and Innovations
Food Sciences, Hidden Hunger, Micro Nutrients, Nutritional Sciences, Societal Change and Innovations, Sustainable Healthy Diets, Sustainable Technology, Transformative Technologies
Agricultural and Trade Policy Analysis, Agriculture, Climate and Ecosystems, Bayesian, Econometrics, Land use change, Simulation modelling, Societal Change and Innovations
Behavioral Economics, Circular Economy, Digital Transformation, Economic Preferences, Societal Change and Innovations, Transformative Technologies
Agriculture, Climate and Ecosystems, Food Safety, Genotoxicity testing, Risk assessment, Sustainable Healthy Diets, Toxicology
Discourses of knowledge production, natural resources governance, Social construction of knowledges, Societal Change and Innovations
Agriculture, Climate and Ecosystems, Dairy Cattle, Deep Phenotyping, Early Life Programming, Metabolic Health, OMICS Technology
Agriculture, Climate and Ecosystems, Aromatic plants , Hyperspectral analysis, Medicinal plants, Societal Change and Innovations, Sustainable Healthy Diets
Agriculture, Climate and Ecosystems, flood and drought Hydrology, Geodesy, GNSS technology, measurement technologies, Natural Hazards, Societal Change and Innovations, Transformative Technologies
plant engineering, plant growth hormone signaling, plant pathogen interactions, plant transformation, posttranslational modifications, Societal Change and Innovations
Alignment, Artifical Intelligence, Deep Learning, Ethics of AI, Societal Change and Innovations, Transformative Technologies
Agriculture, Climate and Ecosystems, Societal Change and Innovations, Transformative Technologies
Agriculture, Climate and Ecosystems, Inositol pyrophosphates, Magic Spot Nucleotides, Plant defense, Plant nutrition, Plant pathogens, Societal Change and Innovations, Sustainable Healthy Diets
Consumer behaviour, Food environments, Nutrition policy, Societal Change and Innovations, Sustainable Healthy Diets
Fat biology, Metabolism, Molecular Pharmacology, Nutrition, Sustainable Healthy Diets, Thermogenesis
Agriculture, Climate and Ecosystems, geophysical characterisation, geophysics, permafrost, water
Climate protection law, Environmental energy law, Societal Change and Innovations, Sustainability law, Sustainable urban development
drying essential oils, intercropping, medicinal plants, post-harvest, Societal Change and Innovations, Sustainable Healthy Diets
Societal Change and Innovations, Sustainable Healthy Diets, Transformative Technologies
Agriculture, Climate and Ecosystems, Societal Change and Innovations, Transformative Technologies
adaptation, Agriculture, Climate and Ecosystems, climatic impacts, ecosystem-atmosphere interactions, greenhouse gases, mitigation, Societal Change and Innovations, Transformative Technologies
behaviour change, behavioural science, environmental psychology, health psychology, social psychology, Sustainable Healthy Diets
Air pollution, Climate Change, climate change externalities, Health and environmental economics, Land use change, Social costs, Societal Change and Innovations, Sustainable Healthy Diets
Agricultural and Resource Economics, Environmental Governance, Land Use Change, Policy Impact Evaluation, Societal Change and Innovations, Sustainability
Agriculture, Climate and Ecosystems, Societal Change and Innovations, Sustainable Healthy Diets
Crowdsourcing and Volunteered Geographic Information, Smart Sustainable Urban Development, Societal Change and Innovations, Transformative Technologies, Urban Analytics, Urban Digital Twins, Urban Resilience
Agriculture, Climate and Ecosystems, Societal Change and Innovations, Sustainable Healthy Diets
Agriculture, Climate and Ecosystems, Societal Change and Innovations, Sustainable Healthy Diets
Political Education, Societal Change and Innovations, Sustainable Development, Transformative Geographical Education, Visuality, Artistic Research
Sustainable Healthy Diets
Agriculture, Climate and Ecosystems, Geospatial technology for disaster risk management, hydrology and climate change modeling, Land use, One-Health, Sustainable Healthy Diets, Transdisciplinary research, Transformative Technologies
Anthropocene and Capitalocene, Contemporary Art and Ecology, New Extractivism, Posthumanism, Societal Change and Innovations, Sustainability and Art
Environmental Informatics, Software Security, Supply chain security, Transformative Technologies
Agricultural Economics, Environmental Policy, Land use science, Societal Change and Innovations, Sustainable Healthy Diets, Transformative Technologies
Biodiversity conservation, Environmental economics, Environmental policy, Impact evaluation, Land-system science, Land-use science, Societal Change and Innovations
Agriculture, Climate and Ecosystems, agroecosystem resilience, biogeochemical cycling, process-based modeling and machine learning, reactive transport, soil systems and soil-plant interactions
Societal Change and Innovations, Sustainable Healthy Diets, Transformative Technologies
Aquaculture, Coasts, Collective action, Commons governance, Environmental governance, Fisheries, Oceans, Societal Change and Innovations, Sustainability transformations, Tourism
Agriculture, Climate and Ecosystems, Ecological Ethics, Ethics of Bioeconomy, Philosophy of Nature, Philosophy of Sustainability, Societal Change and Innovations, Transformative Technologies, Wilderness
Agriculture, Nutrition, Planetary Health, Poverty, Societal Change and Innovations, Sustainable Healthy Diets, Technology, Transformative Technologies
Agriculture, Climate and Ecosystems, Chlorophyll Fluorescence, Functional Plant Phenotyping, Photosynthesis, Plant-mediated Exchange, Remote Sensing, Societal Change and Innovations, Sustainable Healthy Diets
Agriculture, Climate and Ecosystems, Biodiversity change, Data biases and synergies, Machine learning, Remote sensing, Societal Change and Innovations, Sustainable Healthy Diets, Transdisciplinary science
Agriculture, Climate and Ecosystems, Societal Change and Innovations, Transformative Technologies
Agricultural Economics and Policy Analysis, Agriculture, Climate and Ecosystems, Data Science, Development Economics, Machine Learning, Societal Change and Innovations, Transformative Technologies
Agriculture, Climate and Ecosystems, Data Science for Crop Systems
Gender, Migration, Societal Change and Innovations, Sustainable Healthy Diets, Time use, Women's Empowerment
Agriculture, Climate and Ecosystems, Societal Change and Innovations, Transformative Technologies
Societal Change and Innovations, Sustainable Healthy Diets, Transformative Technologies
Food authentication, Interactions of microbiota, Natural food ingredients, Processing and food quality, Secondary plant metabolites, Sustainable Healthy Diets, Transformative Technologies, Valorization of side streams of food production
Adaption, Central America, East Africa, Interface of climate change and development research, Justice and Equity, Power, Societal Change and Innovations, South America, South Asia, Southeast Asia, Vulnerability
Agri-food systems, Bioeconomy, Food Safety, Societal Change and Innovations, Sustainability standards, Technological change
High Performance Computing, Lattice QCD, Machine Learning, Quantum Computing, Societal Change and Innovations, Transformative Technologies
Agriculture, Climate and Ecosystems, Societal Change and Innovations, Transformative Technologies
Arabidopsis, drought stress, m6A, phytohormones, post-transcriptional modification, Societal Change and Innovations, Transformative Technologies
Agriculture, Climate and Ecosystems, Climate change projections, Ocean modeling
Behavioral Economics, Consumer behaviour, Food Choices, Societal Change and Innovations
Energy Future, Energy History, Energy Humanities, Energy transition, Societal Change and Innovations
Agricultural land use, Agriculture, Climate and Ecosystems, Climate Change, Crop yields, Modeling, Transformative Technologies
Agriculture, Climate and Ecosystems, Societal Change and Innovations, Transformative Technologies
Environmental conservation, Environmental protection, Human Cooperation, Societal Change and Innovations, Sustainable Governance
Legumes, Societal Change and Innovations, Sustainable consumption, Sustainable Healthy Diets, Sustainable nutrition, Theories of social practice
Agriculture, Climate and Ecosystems, Societal Change and Innovations, Sustainable Healthy Diets
Development of adjuvant therapy options using natural medicines, Quality management and processing of medicinal plants, Scientific collaboration with the Global South (especially India and Thailand), Socially and environmentally responsible cultivation, Societal Change and Innovations, Sustainable Healthy Diets, Synergy Research, Translational Phytopharmacology and Phytomedicine
abiotic stress, calcium signaling, drought, jasmonate, potato, Transformative Technologies
Cellular signal transduction, Inflammation, Pharmacology, Sustainable Healthy Diets, Toxicology
abiotic stress tolerance, nutrient efficiency, plant breeding, plant physiology, root traits, Societal Change and Innovations, Transformative Technologies
Applied ethics, Artificial Intelligence, Digitalization, Health, Health care system, Policy advice, Societal Change and Innovations, Transformative Technologies
Agricultural Innovation, Land Degradation, Land Restoration, Public Policies, Societal Change and Innovations, Transformative Technologies