TRA² - Transdisciplinary Research Prize (Deadline: 07.04.2024)

The University of Bonn Transdisciplinary Research Areas (TRAs) aim to jointly support highly innovative, transdisciplinary collaborative research projects from researchers from at least two different TRAs. The funded projects should address new and relevant questions at the interface between disciplines or should aim at the development of new tools, which push the borders of existing research questions.

The innovative and cross-disciplinary nature of the proposal is the most important requirement for funding. A continuation of already established projects will not be funded.

Call for Application: Forum Humanum Fellowship: 'Limits of Intelligence: Meaning and Value' (Deadline: 29.02.2024)

In association with the Udo Keller Stiftung Forum Humanum and the TRA 4 – Individuals, Institutions and Societies (University of Bonn), the International Centre for Philosophy (IZPH) is offering up to 10 Forum Humanum fellowships to qualified doctoral and masters students from any department in the social sciences or humanities at the University of Bonn to participate in an event to be held at the recently founded Institute for Philosophy and the New Humanities at the New School for Social Research (NYC).

Researchers within the TRA 4 – Individuals, Institutions and Societies investigate how institutions mediate complex relationships between individuals and society and from there develop a new view of micro-phenomena (development of personality, agency, individualization) as well as macro-phenomena (world society, globalization). Sharing this research objective, the Institute for Philosophy and the New Humanities is founded on the premise that genuine knowledge acquisition, truth and objectivity are not the exclusive preserve of any single discipline or method. The concepts we deploy to understand and evaluate human cultural and scientific achievements also have to be placed within their broader social, political and intellectual context and therefore have to be approached from a truly interdisciplinary perspective. The Institute thus aims to bring together researchers from a variety of disciplines and draw on the resources of the social sciences, philosophy, and the humanities more generally, in order to pursue a collaborative understanding of the nature and goals of the humanistic and social scientific disciplines and to grapple with the challenges they face in light of the increasing prevalence of intellectual models imported from other disciplines.

Call: Annemarie Schimmel Fellowship (Deadline: 15.08. of each year)

Annemarie Schimmel’s life and work has built bridges between East and West, between Islam and Christianity and has inspired researchers of religion around the globe. On the occasion of her 100th birthday, the Annemarie Schimmel Fellowship was established to give international PhD students and young scholars the opportunity for a stay at the International Center for Comparative Theology and Social Issues (CTSI) at Bonn University to pursue research in the field of Comparative Theology.

The Fellowship will support the CTSI’s goal of providing a space for exchange and bridge-building between various religious traditions.

Call for Abstracts: 'Detecting Unusual Consciousness: From Brain Organoids to AI Systems' (Deadline: 30.06.2023)

Bonn, 27–28 September 2023
Are some brain organoids, or sophisticated artificial intelligence (AI) systems (e.g., ChatGPT 4) conscious? In some cases, it may seem so. But how can we tell? The Center for Science and Thought (CST) at the University of Bonn and the Epileptology Clinic of Bonn invite abstracts for talks at a two-day conference. The conference will focus on unusual candidates for consciousness such as isolated hemispheres after split brain or hemispherotomy surgery, and advanced AI systems (e.g., ChatGPT). The main aim of the conference is to explore cases and investigate what kind of (traditional or innovative) demarcation criteria could be used to detect whether an entity or its local states are conscious.
DATE: 27-28 September, 2023

VENUE: University of Bonn (Germany)
Sept 27. IZPH philosophy building: Poppelsdorfer Allee 28
Sept 28. Life & Brain Building (University Hospital): Venusberg-Campus 1

Tim BAYNE (Monash)
Jonathan BIRCH (LSE)
Marcello MASSIMINI (Milan)
Elizabeth SCHECHTER (Maryland)

Call for Applications (Deadline: 14.04.2023): "Valuing Plurality, Decolonising Socio-ecological Futures"

The future is in question and there is an urgent need to act in the face of multiple crises. These socio-ecological emergencies, like the climate crisis or the corona pandemic, happen in a globalised, interconnected world. The questions now are: how do we respond? How do such decisions shape our futures? And in which way do we want these futures to be designed? How can we find shared answers despite a plurality of values around the world? We urgently need to discuss and reflect over the plurality of values and how to decolonise such futures.

Call for Application: “Mind-Dependent Artifacts and Artifact- Dependent Minds — AI and the Human”

In association with the Udo Keller Stiftung Forum Humanum, the TRA 4 – Individuals, Institutions and Societies (University of Bonn) is offering up to 10 Forum Humanum fellowships to qualified doctoral students and postdoctoral researchers from any department in the social sciences or humanities at the University of Bonn to participate in an event to be held at the recently founded Institute for Philosophy and the New Humanities at the New School for Social Research (NYC).

Ausschreibung zur Entwicklung des Profilbereiches ‚Ethik‘

Zur Schärfung und Weiterentwicklung ihres wissenschaftlichen Profils hat die Universität transdisziplinäre Forschungsbereiche/ Transdisciplinary Research Areas (TRAs) etabliert. Als neuartige, innovationsfördernde Organisationsstrukturen richten die TRAs die universitäre Forschung auf zentrale wissenschaftliche, technologische und gesellschaftliche Zukunftsthemen hin aus. Sie dienen als kreative und explorative Plattformen, auf denen sich Fächer und Fakultäten themenorientiert verbinden und ihre strategische Entwicklung koordinieren.

Innerhalb der TRA 4 – Individuen, Institutionen und Gesellschaften untersuchen Wissenschaftler*innen, wie Institutionen (Markt, Recht, Kultur) komplexe Beziehungen zwischen
Individuen und Gesellschaften bedingen, und entwickeln daraus neue Sichtweisen auf Mikrophänomene (Persönlichkeitsentwicklung, Handlungskompetenzen, Individualisierung) und Makrophänomene (Weltgesellschaft, Globalisierung). Ziel ist es beispielsweise, Schlüsselfaktoren zu identifizieren, die sozialen Zusammenhalt, Chancengleichheit, Effizienz, Ressourcenschutz und die Entwicklung individueller Fähigkeiten im Zusammenspiel all dieser Faktoren beeinflussen.

In diesem Zusammenhang sollen der bereits identifizierte Profilbereich ‚Ethik‘ sowie seine Forschungsinfrastruktur weiter auf- und ausgebaut werden. Die TRA 4 schreibt daher für diesen
Profilbereich gezielt Forschungsmittel mit einer Gesamtsumme von 50.000,- EUR aus, um weitere Vernetzungen innerhalb der TRA sowie Projekte zur interdisziplinären Bearbeitung von ethischen Forschungsfragen anzuregen.

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