Promoting Academic Careers

Pro-Motion: Services for International Doctoral Students

Want to meet new people? Advance your academic career? Network? The International Office’s “Pro-Motion” project offers a comprehensive range of counseling and support services to help international doctoral students before and during their doctoral degrees and promotes intercultural skills, networking and integration.

Services at a Glance

  • Peer Monitoring Program
  • Career entry workshops/ writing retreats
  • Welcome meeting for new international doctoral students
  • PhD Café
  • Pro-Buddy Program
  • Scholarship program for international doctoral students at the University of Bonn
  • Assistance with government authorities (upon request)
  • German language courses
  • Intercultural training


Qualification and Further Training

We offer the following workshops and programs to assist and support you as you prepare for your career.

Peer Monitoring Program

This 4- to 6-month peer monitoring program assists international doctoral students from the beginning to successful completion of their doctoral degree while also promoting collaboration with colleagues and exchanging advice in the peer group. The group of at most 15 participants also meets regularly for coaching on a variety of topics, such as writer’s block, time management or supervision conflicts.

 Workshops and writing retreats

Workshop "Intercultural communication and empowerment" for international female doctoral students (in English)
Date: January 31, 2025,
09:00 am - 01:00 pm
Location: Poppelsdorfer Allee 53

Networking and Integration

The following programs give you the opportunity to network and meet German and international doctoral students.

Welcome Meeting

The Bonn Graduate Center and International Office offer a welcome meeting for the winter semester where new international doctoral students can meet new people and network, and information on counseling and support services is presented.

Next Date: November 2025
Contact and information:
Welcome Event for Doctoral Students — University of Bonn (

PhD Café

The PhD Café provides international doctoral students with an informal setting for networking and exchanging information.

Dates winter semester 
Dates: January 31, February 7, 2025
7 pm
Location: Internationaler Club, Poppelsdorfer Allee 53
Contact and information:

Pro-Buddy Program

The Pro-Buddy program is for international and German doctoral students who want to make new contacts and improve their intercultural skills.

In this program, Bonn “Buddies” help new international doctoral students start their doctoral studies and get settled in Bonn.

Chit-Chat Lounge
International Club, ...
07:00 PM
We hold a Chit-Chat Lounge every Monday together with the International Students Department of the General Students’ Committee (AStA). It gives us a relaxed ...
Chit-Chat Lounge
International Club, ...
07:00 PM
We hold a Chit-Chat Lounge every Monday together with the International Students Department of the General Students’ Committee (AStA). It gives us a relaxed ...

International Doctoral Students at the University of Bonn

In this video, you will learn more about counselling and support services for international doctoral students and get an overview of important institutions and facilities at the University of Bonn.

International Doctoral Students at University of Bonn (© Tim Küntzler/Universität Bonn)


Avatar Papel

Sandra Papel



Poppelsdorfer Allee 102

53115 Bonn (Germany)

Office Hours

  • by appointment


The Pro-Motion project is funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) with funds from the German Foreign Office.

Also see

Research in Germany

Information on research funding, career planning and tips for living in Germany.

Campus International

The Campus International program seeks to promote greater intercultural exchange at the University of Bonn.

No Worries Group

Meet fellow students and share experiences and concerns in a pleasant, relaxed atmosphere.

Learn more

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