Doctoral Scholarships
In addition to the funding opportunities in structured doctoral programs, there are numerous scholarship programs for individual promotion of the doctorate. Find the right scholarship here and get advice at the Bonn Graduate Center!
Scholarships for Talented Students
The "Begabtenförderungswerke" award scholarships to doctoral students who can demonstrate above-average academic performance and are socially committed. You can find detailed information about all twelve scholarships for the gifted on the pages of Stipendiumplus. You can get an initial overview here.

Scholarships for Talented Students
Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes
Affiliation: Independent
Cusanuswerk [website in German]
Affiliation: Catholic
Evangelisches Studienwerk Villigst [website in German]
Affiliation: Protestant
Ernst Ludwig Ehrlich Studienwerk
Affiliation: Jewish
Avicenna Studienwerk
Affiliation: Muslim
Hans Böckler Foundation
Affiliation: Trade Union
Foundation of the German Economy [website in German]
Affiliation: Entrepreneurial
Scholarships by Discipline
In addition to merit-based scholarships for talented students, doctoral candidates at the University of Bonn may also qualify for funding based on their area of study. An overview of options is below; more details are available via Stifterverband. You can also find a first overview here.

Scholarships by Discipline
A*STAR Research Attachment Programme14
Discipline: Open
Details: PhD supervisor needs collaboration with an A*STAR researcher
Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt
Discipline: Environmental protection
Deutsches Historisches Institut in Rom16 [website in German]
Discipline: Musicology and music
Dr. Jost Henkel-Stiftung 17 [website in German]
Discipline: Economic, social, natural and engineering sciences
Elmar-Stenitzer-Preis UMS GmbH 18[website in German]
Discipline: Soil and plant sciences, hydrology, geosciences, environmental research
Details: Best project sketch
Fazit-Stiftung 19[website in German]
Discipline: Open, especially journalism
Details: Financial hardship
GOstralia! Research Centre Scholarships
20[website in German]
Discipline: Open
Details: Doctoral candidates
Discipline: Open
Details: Exceptional M.A. students before their doctoral registration
Joachim Herz Stiftung Add-On Fellowships for Interdisciplinary Science
Discipline: Systems biology
Details: Doctoral candidates, postdocs
Netzwerk für Stipendiaten mit besonderem unternehmerischen und gesellschaftlichen Engagement e.V. [website in German]
Discipline: Open
Details: One-time 2.500 €, also scholarships for the final phase of the doctorate
Pathways to Research
Discipline: Open
Details: PhD scholarships, workshops and coaching for PhD students with a refugee or migration background
Rhodes Scholarships 23
Discipline: Open
Details: Exceptional M.A. and doctoral candidates
University of Perugia24
Discipline: several
Details: 3 years doctoral scholarship in Italy
Fulbright Scholarships25 [website in German]
Discipline: several
Details: doctoral scholarship for a research project in the USA
JSPS Tokyo: Doctoral Fellowship (Short Term)26 [website in german]
Discipline: open
Details: 1 - 12 months
Details: Interdisciplinary research, strengthening of ecological boundary areas.
Barbara-Wengeler-Stiftung27 [website in German]
Discipline: Psychology, neuropsychology, philosophical psychology
Bundesstiftung Aufarbeitung28 [website in German]
Discipline: Humanities and social sciences
Details: Topic is “Reworking of Causes, History and Consequences of the Dictatorship in the Soviet Zone of Occupation in Germany and in the GDR”
Center for Chinese Studies Research Grant 29
Discipline: Sinology, Chinese studies
Immanuel-Kant-Scholarship [website in German]
Discipline: History and culture of Germans in Eastern Europe
Gertrud und Alexander Böhlig-Stiftung31 [website in German]
Discipline: Languages and cultures of the Christian Orient
Gerda Henkel Stiftung
Discipline: History
German Historical Institute in Rome33 [website in German & Italian]
Discipline: musicology/music history
Gesellschaft für Kanadastudien
Discipline: Canada studies
MOFA Taiwan Fellowship
Discipline: Sinology, literary studies, social sciences, cultural studies
Letter-Stiftung36 [website in German]
Discipline: Art history, especially sculpture and graphics
Stiftung Bildung und Wissenschaft [website in German]
Discipline: German Literature, History
Details: Foundation also provides scholarships for the final phase of the doctorate
Zeit-Stiftung: Trajectories of Change Scholarship 38
Discipline: Humanities and social sciences
Details: Topic is “Transformation Processes in the European Neighborhood”
Arbeitskreis Wirtschaft und Recht [website in German]
Discipline: Commercial, corporate, economic and employment law
Details: At least 10 points in a state exam, exemption from all professional duties
Stiftung Kapitalmarktrecht [website in German]
Discpline: Financial markets and regulatory law
Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds 41
Discipline: Natural sciences, biomedicine
Details: Fundamental research
Christiane Nüsslein Volhard Foundation 42
Discipline: Experimental natural sciences, medicine
Details: Female researchers with children
Evonik Scholarships [website in German]
Discipline: Natural sciences, particularly chemistry
Details: Annually changing core areas
Kekulé Mobility Fellowship
Discipline: Chemistry or related fields
Details: Application by PhD supervisor
Reiner Lemoine Stiftung 45
Discipline: Renewable energies
Werner Schwarze Scholarship [website in German]
Discipline: Amino acid research
Professor Werner Schulze-Stiftung zur Förderung der Pflanzenbauwissenschaften [website in German]
Discipline: Use of genetic resources of plants in modern crop production
Details: Start-up financing for the development of a dissertation project
Runnebaum-Stiftung48 [website in German]
Discipline: Medicine, natural sciences
Details: Female candidates
Singapore International Graduate Award49
Discipline: Physical Sciences and Engineering
Details: Graduates with passion for research and excellent academic results
Ausgleichsstiftung Landwirtschaft und Umwelt 50
Discipline: Agricultural sciences
Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds 4141
Discipline: Natural sciences, biomedicine
Details: Fundamental research
Christiane Nüsslein Volhard Foundation
Discipline: Experimental natural sciences, medicine
Details: For female researchers with children
Christoph-Dornier-Stiftung [website in German)
Discipline: Clinical Psychology
German Cancer Aid5252 [website in German]
Discipline: Cancer research
Dr. Hilmer Foundation [website in German]
Discipline: Pharmacy
Details: Doctoral scholarships, €25,000 funding volume
Deutsche Stiftung für Herzforschung5454 [website in German]
Discipline: Cardiovascular diseases
Details: Basic and clinical research, €60,000 over two years
Carstens Foundation [website in German]
Discipline: Complementary procedures in medicine
Gesellschaft für Epilepsieforschung e.V. [website in German]
Discipline: Research into epilepsy
Details: Also scholarships for the final phase
Karl-Enigk Foundation5656 [website in German]
Discipline: Parasitology
Details: Maximum of 12 months
Kind-Philipp Foundation5757 [website in German]
Discipline: Pediatric oncology
Details: Maximum of 12 months
Lieselotte and Dr. Karl Otto Winkler PhD Scholarships [website in German]
Discipline: Occupational medicine
Details: Maximum of 12 months
Singapore International Graduate Award5959
Discipline: Biomedical Sciences
Details: Graduates with a passion for research and excellent academic results
José Carreras Leukämie-Stiftung60 [website in German]
Discipline: Research into leukemia and related blood diseases in adults
Details: Maximum of 12 months
Discipline: human medicine
Dr. Robert Radu
Also see
During Your Doctoral Studies
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There is life outside the lecture hall and laboratory— and what a life! The City of Bonn and the Rhineland region has much to offer; the University also makes its own contribution to this mix.