Teaching Bachelor
Educational Sciences

Educational Sciences

Educational sciences are the interface between subject-specific training on one side and school as a workplace on the other. The various scientific disciplines in this field address fundamental aspects of educational and developmental processes as well as their surrounding institutional framework and their role in society as a whole. 

In the area of educational and developmental processes, students not only learn about didactic and methodological questions regarding concrete planning and organization of instruction and the fostering of learning environments, but also about the possibilities to offer differentiated and integrative support in order to prepare them for schools that are increasingly heterogeneous and diverse. In addition, they explore the entire range of psychological and social learning factors both inside and outside of the classroom, including the diagnosis of such factors.

Students also examine structural questions: what prerequisites and conditions must be met for our educational system to function as intended, and what possibilities exist at schools and in society at large to continue developing that system. 


Possible lines of work:

School (teaching position, school principal, functional positions), teacher education seminars, educational and career counseling, basic and advanced vocational training at companies

Local NC (Uni Bonn)
Teaching Bachelor
Grammar/Comprehensive School
6 Semester
Winter semester
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