The opening of the academic year 2020/2021
On October 19, 2020, the University of Bonn started the academic year 2020/21 with the traditional ceremony marking its founding day. In the sign of the pandemic, the grand opening took place for the first time as a "hybrid" event. For the public, the event was broadcast via a livestream on the Internet.
The theme of internationality was the focus of that year's event and was highlighted under the impact of the pandemic. Personal video messages from the strategic partner universities testified to the fact that, despite limited travel opportunities, academic exchange and university life continue to be cultivated.
With his keynote lecture entitled "WE foster networks," the Vice Rector for International Affairs, Prof. Dr. Stephan Conermann, presented the university's Internationalization Strategy 2020. In the subsequent panel discussion, Prof. Dr. Irina Dumitrescu, an English specialist from Bonn, Dr. Dennis Lucy Avilés Irahola from the Center for Development Research, and Sredeevi Raghu, a student in the Master's program in Neurosciences, spoke about their experiences in times of Corona.
The event was moderated by Maike Krebber and Florian Barnikel from bonnFM, the campus radio.
In his keynote speech, the President of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), Prof. Dr. Joybrato Mukherjee, spoke about the changes in the international connections of universities.
The chairman of the General Students' Committee (AStA), Sander Hartkamp, spoke from a student perspective, focusing on the pandemic-related problems faced by students.
Finally, insights into current developments and an outlook were provided by Rector Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Michael Hoch. For the coming winter semester, the rector held out the prospect of more face-to-face events. Together with the faculties and the administration, the rectorate had created the necessary conditions for this. However, Prof. Hoch also referred to the results of the student survey at the end of the summer semester: "A large majority sees the advantages in offering digital elements and the associated opportunities."
Event recordings
Here you can find the recording of our livestream of the opening of the academic year 2020/2021 on October 19 last year. You can also access individual videos of the various items on the agenda separately here.
2020complete event recording from 2020
Livestream recording from October 19, 2020
Here you can access the complete event recording of the livestream of the opening of the academic year 2020/2021 on October 19, 2020.
2020Review - Outlook - World View
Welcome and introduction, current developments and outlook - speech of the rector
The Rector of the University of Bonn, Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Michael Hoch, opened the academic year 2020/2021 in the auditorium of the University of Bonn.
2020Keynote speech by the DAAD President
Speech of the DAAD President, Prof. Dr. Mukherjee
The keynote speech at the opening of the academic year 2020/2021 was given by the President of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), Prof. Dr. Joybrato Mukherjee.
2020Speech of the AStA Chairman
From a student perspective - Speech by the AStA Chairman
Sander Hartkamp is the chairman of the General Student Committee. Here he welcomes the new students and especially the first-semester students at the University of Bonn in the opening ceremony of the academic year 2020/2021.
2020Award ceremonies
The State Awards and the Initiative Award for Digitally Supported Teaching 2020
The State Awards and the Initiative Award for Digitally Supported Teaching 2020 were inevitably presented this year under the impression of the pandemic. As always, it was festive this year as well. was there when the honorees received their certificates and briefly explained what characterizes their highly appreciated work.
2020Impulse lecture
WE foster networks - Presentation by the Vive Rector for International Affairs
The Vice Rector for International Affairs, Prof. Dr. Stephan Conermann, presented a central idea of the internationalization process at the University of Bonn during the opening ceremony of the academic year 2020/2021: We Foster Networks.
2020Video greetings
Video greetings from our strategic partner universities
The academic year always opens on the University's birthday on October 18, 1818. This year, colleagues from our strategic partner universities Emory University Atlanta, USA, University of Melbourne, Australia, University of St Andrews, Scotland as well as Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan sent their own filmed greetings at the opening of the academic year 2020/21, reporting on their own everyday university life and also on their positive experiences during the pandemic.
2020Panel discussion
"International Experiences in times of Corona" - a panel discussion
Here we show the recording of the panel discussion during the opening ceremony of the academic year with Prof. Dr. Iriona Dumitrescu (Executive Director of the Institute of English Studies), Dr. Dennis Lucy Avilés Irahola (Center for Development Studies) and Sreedevi Reghu B.Sc., student in the Master's program Neurosciences.
Image gallery 2020
Image gallery 2019
Image gallery 2018
Daniela Hüll