Academic Orientation Services for Schools
We support secondary schools with implementing their career orientation programs for upper-level students and are happy to serve as partners for all questions regarding school-based university orientation opportunities. Our services encompass general academic orientation programs at the University (e.g. University of Bonn Days, campus visits, Taster Program) and at high schools (e.g. presentations, workshops, participation in school-based university and career fairs) as well as individual advising services to guide students in their academic choices. Do not hesitate to contact us if you have questions or wish to schedule an appointment with us.
Career orientation services
If you serve as university and career counseling coordinator (“StuBO”) at your school or if you are involved in school-based university and career counseling in a different capacity, the Central Study Advisory and Counseling Service is the right contact for you.
Feel free to reach out to us anytime if you are planning a “University Day” for your students including the opportunity to sit in on a course, if you would like us to give a presentation on “University Applications and Admissions” at your high school, or if you want to learn more about the academic orientation programs offered at the University of Bonn.

Training programs for teachers
As a public university, the University of Bonn offers training programs for university and career counseling coordinators (StuBOs) and interested teachers on a regular basis.
The region’s universities in the administrative district of Cologne cooperate closely with the Teacher Training Competence Team; for upcoming training programs and the opportunity to sign up for them, see the portal Search.Training.NRW. Of course you are also welcome to contact us directly if you are interested in these opportunities or have questions.
“Kein Abschluss ohne Anschluss”: A state-wide initiative
In the state-wide initiative “Kein Abschluss ohne Anschluss (KAoA),” high schools, the Employment Agency’s career counseling services and universities across North Rhine-Westphalia collaborate in the process of providing students with career guidance to help them make a successful transition from high school to vocational training or university studies.
In this effort, the Central Study Advisory and Counseling Services (ZSBs) of the state’s public universities play a key role in the area of general academic orientation for upper secondary schools by supporting prospective university students in their orientation, information and decision-making processes through one-on-one advising, group counseling and comprehensive information. The University of Bonn’s ZSB is part of the initiative, offering numerous academic orientation programs and advising opportunities to help students prepare for university. Wherever possible, these programs are made to match the school-based career orientation curriculum.

Our study guidance services for high school students (SBO 9.2)
University of Bonn Days6
Get first-hand information on studying: at our open days, our departments introduce themselves to prospective students through talks, taster lectures, institute and museum tours, workshops and advice sessions.
Taster program7
Schoolchildren can attend selected courses during lecture periods and thus experience the daily life of a student for themselves.
Informative talks at the University
If you are visiting the University of Bonn with your year group or school class and you would like to incorporate an informative talk, you are welcome to contact us to arrange a time and topic to suit you.
Participation in career guidance events in schools
We will be happy to support study- and career-focused fact-finding days at your school with an advice stand, informative talks or tailored group sessions.
Informative talks
We come to your school and provide information in talks on any topic connected with studying.
Please feel free to contact us to arrange a time and topic to suit you.
Every year, the Central Study Advisory and Counseling Service and departments at the University of Bonn contribute a varied program of events to the Student Orientation Weeks held across North Rhine-Westphalia.
“Last-minute” advice just before the application deadline: the Academic Advising Night is a good opportunity for final-year pupils in particular to find answers to any questions they may still have on study options, applying for degree programs and starting their studies.
Individual consultation
Whether face to face, online or over the phone, the Central Study Advisory and Counseling Service can provide individual, unbiased advice at any stage of the student orientation process.
“Abitur – what’s next?” workshop
In this two-part workshop, high school students are split into small groups to take a close look at their interests, skills and what they might do after their Abitur.
Short academic orientation workshop12
In this two-hour workshop, high school students are split into small groups to tackle questions about obtaining guidance and choosing a degree program.
Fördern, Fordern, Forschen (FFF)
The FFF project allows dedicated pupils to attend regular courses and thus gain credits for their study achievements even before they actually start studying.
Youth University
From university sessions for children and scientific rallies through to the maths club and the events put on by the museums, the “Youth University” portal lists a wide range of events that enable anyone to discover and get to know the University of Bonn – including, and in particular, younger schoolchildren.
Many departments at the University of Bonn regularly put on interesting events for prospective students (e.g. labs for schoolchildren, physics show, law workshop, maths club, etc.). Please direct individual inquiries to the relevant subject-specific study advisory service.
Important links for the “Kein Abschluss ohne Anschluss (KAoA” initiative
Website of the regional coordination unit Bonn/Rhein-Sieg
Website of the State Ministry for Culture and Sciene of North Rhine-Westphalia
Website of the State Ministry for Schools and Education of North Rhine-Westphalia
Website of the State Ministry for Labor, Health and Social Affairs of North Rhine-Westphalia
Brochures for download and additional links
The region’s education providers have issued a joint brochure providing teachers and parents with an overview of university and career orientation events for upper secondary students in the Bonn/Rhein-Sieg region. The brochure is also intended for students in their final two years at university-preparatory high schools (Gymnasium).
The brochure is available as a PDF download and as a printed version.
For an explanation of how the University of Bonn’s academic orientation programs relate to the KAoA standard elements (SBO 9.2), see above.
Contact information
Dr. Lena Ruwoldt-Schwerin
(currently on maternal leave)