Master of Arts
Romance Studies

Romance Studies

The research-oriented master's degree program Romance Studies follows up on the bachelor's degree programs in Romance Studies, deepening students’ subject knowledge, adding interdisciplinary aspects and expanding their competences in theory and methodology. The main points of emphasis in this degree program are linguistics and literature as well as language practice. Students can choose between six language combinations (French/Italian, French/Spanish, Italian/French, Italian/Spanish, Spanish/French or Spanish/Italian). Content from the fields of linguistics, literature and cultural studies is covered in greater depth and always with a view to the student’s chosen languages.

Students learn to put research problems from Romance linguistics and literature into perspective. The political, economic and social structures as well as media landscapes and educational systems in history and today are examined for geographies where the respective languages are spoken. The master's degree program can be completed within the single-subject option or as a major with a minor in art history.


Possible lines of work:

Education (adult education at universities, language courses at adult education centers or educational/vocational institutes (Bildungswerke), etc.), book industry (publishing/libraries/translating/editing), culture (cultural institutions, cultural management, embassies, exhibitions, etc.), media/journalism (press, radio, television, on-line media, editing, public relations), administration (international relations, e.g. diplomatic service, EU institutions), teaching at German schools, academia (research management, teaching/research at universities, research institutions, etc.)

Open admission
Master of Arts
4 Semester
Winter semester
Summer semester

Examination Regulations (German versions are legally binding)

University degree (German or non-German) in a relevant discipline

German language proficiency (DSH level 2, CEFR level C1, as per DSH exam. regulations)

Knowledge of French, Spanish or Italian (CEFR level C1 language proficiency)

Knowledge of chosen second language (French, Italian or Spanish) (CEFR level C2 language proficiency)

Specific modules: Romance Studies, French Studies, Hispanic Studies or Italian Studies, (60 ECTS credits total)

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