Academic Degrees
Degree programs that lead to a first higher education degree are called “undergraduate” degree programs. This includes all bachelor’s and state examination degree programs as well as degree programs in the theologies, which can be completed with either a church degree or a Magister Theologiae degree. The vast majority of degree programs at the University of Bonn are offered as full-time programs.
In undergraduate degree programs, students acquire basic skills in the respective academic discipline(s) and start building their academic profile. Depending on the degree program, the curriculum is complemented by cross-disciplinary courses, practical elements and language courses. At the University of Bonn, multilingualism and cultural diversity are considered to be valuable resources that complement subject-specific qualifications. That is why our students have access to a diverse range of language-learning opportunities beyond curricular language modules, including self-directed study options at the Center for Language Learning (Sprachlernzentrum, SLZ), enabling them to learn a foreign language autonomously or to enhance existing language skills. Furthermore, the “Certificate of Intercultural Competence” is available to students free of charge, promoting extracurricular and interdisciplinary activities that are international or intercultural in nature.
To enroll in a postgraduate degree program, students will first need to earn an undergraduate degree from a university. In most cases, additional admission requirements apply, such as subject-specific qualifications, language skills or a minimum grade in the first university degree. The most common type of postgraduate degree is the master’s degree, which deepens students’ academic training and allows for setting an individual study focus and specializing in a specific area of the respective discipline.
Obtaining a bachelor’s degree is the first step in the multi-step bachelor’s/master’s system. Building on a bachelor’s degree, graduates can decide to enroll for postgraduate studies. Besides the multi-step structure, a modular approach on study contents as well as examinations to be completed in the course of studies are salient features of bachelor’s and master’s programs. In a six-semester bachelor’s degree program, students at the University of Bonn collect a total of 180 credit points (CP).
Depending on the discipline, graduates are awarded the Bachelor of Arts degree (in languages, cultural studies and the humanities), the Bachelor of Science degree (in natural sciences, economics, mathematics, psychology, agricultural studies as well as nutrition and food sciences) or the Bachelor of Laws degree (in the Law and Economics degree program only).
What are modules and credit points?
A module is a thematically and temporally coherent building block of the degree program.
It consists of a set of courses. This set can include different types (e.g. lectures,
exercises and seminars) and categories (compulsory, elecve) of complementary or
consecutive courses. Modules are usually completed by passing a module examina-
tion, which awards the student credit points (CP) in accordance with the ECTS
(European Credit Transfer and Accumulaon System).
Credit points do not represent grades (performance indicators). Instead, they are
awarded in addion to grades, weighting individual modules with regard to the overall
grade. Credit points measure the total me invested by students, including both the
me spent in class and the preparaon and follow-up on teaching content (contact
hours and self-learning) as well as the students’ examinaon effort and preparaon for
examinaons (including assignments, final examinaons and internships, if applicable).
In accordance with the ECTS, one credit point is equivalent to a calculated student
workload in contact hours and self-learning of 25-30 hours.
Bachelor of Arts
Depending on the respective subject, a Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree program can be pursued following one of these three options:
- Two equally weighted subjects (dual-subject bachelor’s)
- Major and minor
- One single subject (single-subject bachelor’s)
Dual-Subject Bachelor’s (Major/Major)
In the dual-subject bachelor’s program, students can pursue two equally weighted subjects, with 78 CP to be collected in each subject. The so-called “cross-disciplinary practical modules” and the bachelor's thesis each account for 12 CP. The bachelor’s thesis can be written in either of the two subjects. The “cross-disciplinary practical modules” or “elective modules” aim at building subject-specific as well as cross-disciplinary key competences (e.g., language skills, formation of theories and methods, practical skills, etc.).

Major and Minor
In this program option, the focus is on a major, which accounts for 120 CP (about 70 percent of the total workload). The minor serves to complement the major and consists of modules worth 36 CP. The remaining 24 CP are assigned equally to the bachelor’s thesis and to cross-disciplinary practical modules, with 12 CP to be collected in each area.
Single-Subject Bachelor’s
As a Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree, this program option is currently only available at the Faculty of Arts for the two international degree programs German-French Studies and German-Italian Studies. These degree programs combine two philologies that form a unit through cross-disciplinary courses. By taking courses in two countries, students have the option to earn a double degree.

Bachelor of Science
The Bachelor of Science (BSc) degree is awarded for completing a degree program at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences or the Faculty of Agricultural, Nutritional, and Engineering Sciences, as well as for the Economics and Psychology degree programs. These are degree programs with only one main subject (single-subject bachelor’s), which is individually complemented with electives or additional subjects. Each degree program requires 168 CP for the completion of its respective modules and 12 CP for the bachelor’s thesis. The dual degree program in Midwifery, which is also completed with a BSc, is a special case, as students not only enroll at the University of Bonn, but also sign a vocational training contract with the University Hospital Bonn.
Bachelor of Laws
The Bachelor of Laws (LLB) degree is currently awarded for the Law and Economics degree program only. The degree program consists of 180 CP and, like the Bachelor of Science degree programs outlined above, is offered as a single-subject degree program.

State Examination
At the University of Bonn, the degree programs Human Medicine, Food Chemistry, Pharmacy, Law and Dentistry are offered as state examination degrees (StEx). A state examination degree is a professional degree in which final examinations are taken before a non-university state examination board.
These degree programs are divided into two or three sections, each of which ends with partial examinations. After finishing the degree program, students complete a period of mandatory practical training, which ends with a second state examination.
Church Degree | Magister Theologiae
The two Faculties of Theology offer degree programs that lead to a Church Degree (Kirchliches Examen, KiEx) or the Magister Theologiae (Mag. Theol.) degree. Whereas students pursuing a Church Degree take their final examinations before an examination board representing the relevant regional church body (Protestant Theology) or the archdiocese (Catholic Theology), the Magister Theologiae is an academic degree involving final examinations taken before members of the university faculty. To work as ministers or priests, students must earn the Church Degree.

Teaching at grammar and comprehensive schools
Students pursuing this teaching bachelor’s degree complete an equal number of courses in two subjects, complemented by modules in educational sciences and practical elements. Depending on their choice of subjects, students graduate with a Bachelor of Arts (BA) or a Bachelor of Science (BSc).
Teaching at vocational schools
Within the program providing the qualificationon and authorization to teach at German
vocational schools, students follow a professional discipline and a school subject, both
complemented by educational sciences and practical elements.
Students in these programs graduate with a Bachelor of Science (BSc).
Bachelor's degree programs
Master's degree programs
Programs with state examination degree
In the multi-step bachelor’s/master’s system, master’s degree programs constitute the so-called advanced graduate phase following the undergraduate bachelor’s studies, leading to a second university degree. The system allows for flexible planning of academic training and career: Graduates can enroll in a master's degree program immediately after obtaining their bachelor’s degree or after a period of professional activity. Doctoral studies, as the next step in academic training, usually require a master’s degree. In many professional areas, higher and managerial positions often require a master’s degree as well.
Given its status as a research university, the University of Bonn offers at least one consecutive master’s program for each bachelor’s program. The master’s is designed to allow graduates to deepen or specialize their existing knowledge in the respective academic discipline. At the University of Bonn, a four-semester master’s degree program consists of 120 credit points (CP).

Master of Arts (MA)
Degree awarded to graduates in master’s degree programs in languages, cultural studies, social sciences and arts.
Master of Science (MSc)
Degree awarded to graduates in master’s degree programs in mathematics, natural sciences, economics, agricultural sciences, forestry, nutrition sciences and psychology.
Master of Education (Teaching Degree)
The academic phase of teacher education in North Rhine-Westphalia is divided into a bachelor’s degree program and a master’s degree program. This is followed by 18 months of practical teacher training. Only after completing all three units of teacher education are graduates eligible for working as teachers at public schools. In Bonn, students can pursue a teaching degree for grammar and comprehensive schools or a teaching degree for vocational schools.
Master’s Degree for Continuing Education
Professionals who wish to further qualify in their field can enroll in a so-called master’s degree program for continuing education. To be admitted, applicants must already hold a university degree and have a minimum of one year of relevant professional experience. Master’s degree programs for continuing education are subject to tuition and only offer a limited number of study places. The amount of tuition depends on the range of courses offered in the particular degree program and is based on the program’s scale of charges according to the financial by-laws of the University of Bonn.
Degree Program Brochures
See our degree program brochures for overviews of our undergraduate and graduate degree programs.
See also
Bachelor of Arts degree program combinations
Learn about different study options for students pursuing a Bachelor of Arts degree and possible subject combinations.
Subject combinations for students pursuing a teaching degree
This web page lists possible subject combinations for students pursuing a teaching degree and explains the differences between programs for teachers at grammar/comprehensive schools and teachers at vocational schools.
Degree programs A- Z
Our degree program directory contains all degree programs offered at the University of Bonn. The database can be filtered as you wish using a range of criteria.