Insurance for Students
The university must have received confirmation of health insurance status for the respective student to be able to enroll; this requirement does not apply to doctoral students and participants in the DSH preparation course. All students also have statutory accident insurance.
Health insurance
§ 199a of German Social Code V (SGB V) stipulates that statutory health insurance providers and universities must inform each other about the status of health insurance cover of students. As of December 1, 2021, the University of Bonn will switch to an electronic process (elektronisches Studenten-Meldeverfahren) and hard copy confirmations from health insurance providers are no longer accepted from then onwards.
Regardless of your insurance status, we must receive an electronic confirmation of health insurance status from a statutory health insurance provider in Germany no later than the time of enrollment. Contact your health insurance provider in good time to request such confirmation. If you have private health insurance and wish to retain it during your studies, you will need to contact a statutory health insurance provider of your choice to find out about the legal implications of an exemption from the obligation to hold statutory health insurance cover.
Please provide the health insurance provider with our sender number H0001178.
Students who are already enrolled do not need to take any action. An electronic confirmation for already enrolled students is only necessary if students have changed their health insurance provider. In such cases, please contact the new health insurance provider.
Insurance status
Students enrolled at state-accredited universities require insurance until they turn 30. This obligation to hold insurance cover starts at the beginning of the first semester for which they are enrolled.
A student’s obligation to hold insurance cover ends either in the semester in which they turn 30. Students already covered by a higher-ranking insurance policy (e.g. family insurance, pensioners, employees) will not be required to take out insurance cover either.
Students can request to be exempted from the obligation to hold insurance cover within the first three months of their studies, without needing to meet any other criteria. This can be arranged with any statutory health insurance provider. As an exemption from the obligation to hold insurance cover cannot be reversed, this decision should be thought through carefully.
Judges, soldiers, civil servants and employees in civil-service-type roles are automatically exempt from insurance requirements, as are students covered by an EU social insurance treaty. (Your health insurance provider will be happy to help if you have any questions about the social insurance treaty.)

Health insurance providers
There are many different statutory and private health insurance providers in Germany. Those listed here represent merely a small selection. All students are free to choose their form of health insurance (private or statutory) and select a provider.
Michael Huth
Student Service
Heisterbacherhofstraße 2
53111 Bonn, Germany
Phone: +49 228 511-30644
Cell: +49 177 2822-321
Philipp Stahl
Student Service
Giergasse 2
53113 Bonn, Germany
Phone: +49 800 333004 403-052
Cell: +49 160 90456901
DAK Gesundheit
Beyza Genc
Student Service
Noeggerathstr. 33
53111 Bonn, Germany
Tel: 0228 976498 6277
Fax: 040 33470042433
Lukas Baumann
Student Service
Clemens-August-Straße 2
53115 Bonn, Germany
Phone: +49 40 460 651 091 52
Fax: +49 800 2858589 53619
Cell: +49 151 14534938
Apply for TK Confirmation of insurance
Accident insurance
As a student, you will be covered by statutory accident insurance in accordance with the Social Code (SBG VII) provided that you are enrolled at the University (in the capacity of a student, student in continuing education, full cross-registered student or doctoral student). You do not need to pay any contributions for this insurance cover. Participants in preliminary and vacation courses and auditors are not covered by statutory accident insurance.
In what circumstances or for what activities do I as a student get insurance cover?
- While attending lectures and seminars
- During other activities for which the University is responsible, such as taking part in University review courses or trips
- While visiting University and State Libraries
- While involved in University Sports
- On trips abroad organized by the University
- During activities connected with student self-administration and related travel
During purely personal activities such as:
- Studying at home
- Personal study trips
- Review courses run by private providers
- Interrupting your journey to or from the University to run personal errands (e.g. shopping)
- Detours taken for personal reasons or personal activities on University premises
What do I do in the event of an accident?
After the accident, please complete an accident report form and send it to:
Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität
Section 1.1
Poppelsdorfer Allee 31-35
53115 Bonn.