Added value through networking

The TRA Sustainable Futures promotes transdisciplinary cooperation between scientists from all faculties of the University of Bonn. The goal is the creation and expansion of networks and the development of innovative research topics and innovations.

The TRA Sustainable Future offers various networking opportunities and activities:

© Uni Bonn


The TRA Sustainable Futures currently has more than 220 members whose research is focused on the four priority areas of TRA Sustainable Futures.

Become a member of TRA Sustainable Futures!

As TRA member, you will have access to TRA funding and opportunities for networking beyond the borders of your own discipline.



With the PhenoRob Excelence Cluster, world-leading research is being conducted at the University of Bonn in the field of robotics and phenotyping for sustainable crop production. Scientists from the fields of computer science, geodesy, robotics, plant and soil sciences, economics and environmental sciences work together in a transdisciplinary manner.

© PhenoRob

CESOC (Center for Earth System Observation and Computational Analysis)

The University of Bonn, the University of Cologne and Forschungszentrum Jülich have founded a joint Center for Earth System Observation and Computational Analysis (CESOC). This creates a high-profile international focal point in the Rhineland for global Earth system observation with the aim of making strides toward a comprehensive understanding of our planet and better predicting changes.

© Center for Earth System Observation and Computational Analysis

Bonn Alliance for Sustainability Research

The Bonn Alliance for Sustainability Research was founded in November 2017 at COP23 under the leadership of the University of Bonn with the aim of strengthening knowledge and competences for sustainable development. Six established Bonn institutions are behind this alliance: BICC (Bonn International Center for Conflict Studies), the German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS), the Hochschule Bonn-Rhein Sieg, University of Applied Sciences (H-BRS), the Institute for Environment and Human Security of the United Nations University (UNU-EHS) and the University of Bonn with its Center for Development Research (ZEF).

© Bonner Allianz für Nachhaltigkeitsforschung

The other TRAs at the University of Bonn

In addition to the TRA Sustainable Future, there are five other transdisciplinary research areas at the University of Bonn. The TRA management is happy to support you in establishing contact with the researchers of the five other TRAs and in developing innovative collaborations.

More from the TRA Sustainable Futures

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Organisation, goals, team

Our research

Research profile, topics, projects

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