Doctorate plus

Skills and training program Doctorate plus for doctoral students at the University of Bonn offered in the three career tracks research, research management and business and organizations.

Benefit from the workshops of the qualification program Doctorate plus of the Bonn Graduate Center in the Research Track if you want to stay in research and work as a scientist at a university or a research institution, and find out what good scientific practice means, how to give a scientific lecture or what methods and instruments you can use to enrich your research and teaching.

Research Management

In the Research Management Track of the Doctorate Plus qualification program of the Bonn Graduate Center, you can acquire knowledge and interdisciplinary skills that are particularly useful for a career in research management. The workshops deal with topics such as university organization and science law, chairing meetings, strategy and leadership in academia.

Business and Organizations

If you want to start a career outside the academic sector, the workshops of the Business and Organizations track of the Doctorate plus qualification program will provide you with the skills and knowledge that will qualify you for jobs in, for example, a startup, industry or an NGO or to run a startup.

All workshops in the Research Track

Careers in Academia - acquire academic competencies in the Research track through the workshops offered by the Doctorate plus qualification program of the Bonn Graduate Center (BGC).

All workshops in the Research Management Track

Career Goal Research Management - acquire interdisciplinary competencies in the Research Management track through the workshops offered here in the Doctorate plus qualification program of the Bonn Graduate Center (BGC).

All workshops in the Business and Organizations Track

Careers beyond academia - acquire non-academic competencies in the Business and Organizations track through the workshops offered here in the Doctorate plus qualification program of the Bonn Graduate Center (BGC).

All Doctorate plus Workshops

Das Qualifizierungsprogramm Doctorate plus (früher Promotion plus) des Bonner Graduiertenzentrums (BGZ) fördert den Erwerb akademischer und überfachlicher Kompetenzen von Promovierenden mit Workshops in den drei karriereorientierten Tracks Research, Research Management, Business and Organizations.

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