Bachelor of Science
Nutrition and Food Sciences

Nutrition and Food Sciences

The bachelor's degree program in Nutrition and Food Sciences is oriented towards basic scientific knowledge, and covers a broad and diverse spectrum of subjects in nutrition science, food technology and the economics of agricultural and food markets.

Nutrition science applies scientific methods to examine the processes of digestion and metabolism, especially in humans; food technology is concerned with industrial food production and processing, while the economics side investigates underlying relationships in the agricultural and nutrition sectors.

Thus, this degree program represents a central interface along the entire food processing chain between consumers, producers, society and the economy. As such, this broad and diverse degree program covers the fundamentals in a wide variety of fields in natural sciences, economics, and social sciences.


Possible lines of work:

Academia (teaching/research at universities, research institutions, etc.), quality management (food/appliance industries), production, product development, sensorics; distribution, marketing,market research; information provision/ consulting (food industry, consumer associations, health care counseling); education/training (adult education, hospitals), journalism, PR/advertising agencies.

Local NC (DoSV)
Bachelor of Science
6 Semester
Winter semester
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