Career Aspiration? Professorship!

Argelander Career Talks

A Roadmap to an International Academic Career

The "Argelander Career Talks" are an online event series which aims to portrait both international academic careers as well as science systems in other countries. In several talks spread throughout the semester, selected professors working in countries around the globe will share their experiences from their individual career path and give advice for a successfull academic career abroad.  The lecture series is aimed at early-careers researchers of all subject areas, irrespective of the research field of the invited professor. 

Upcoming Online Talk (in English)

Friday, 26 April 2024 at 11 a.m. - 12 p.m. (CET, Bonn time):  Prof. Dr. Kikuko Kashiwagi, German Studies, Kansai University, Japan

Kikuko Kashiwagi is Professor of German Studies at Kansai University in Japan. Her main areas of research are German literature in 20th and 21st century, German dramatic art and European ethnology. Her specific interest lies in the relations between literary texts, social history and cultural phenomena with emphasis on alimentary habits. She has been appointed Bonn University Ambassador in 2019. Learn more about Prof. Dr. Kashiwagi.

In one hour Prof. Kashiwagi will share

  • her academic career up to date
  • how the science system and academic careers in Japan differ from Germany 
  • what career opportunities Japan offers for early-career researchers

and will, of course, be happy to answer your questions!

Job Talks
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Qualification Program    Doctorate plus

Expand your academic and interdisciplinary competencies with our Doctorate plus qualification program. Get to know our three career tracks.

Qualification Program Postdoc plus

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