2018 https://www.uni-bonn.de/en/university/press-and-communications/press-service/archive-press-releases/2018 https://www.uni-bonn.de/++resource++plone-logo.svg 2018 Shanghai ranking: University of Bonn among Germany's Top 7 We are shocked Enzyme with surprising dual function University and the City of Bonn move closer together Humboldt Professorship for Dietmar Schmucker Researchers show high-performance breathing in bones Ultrashort laser pulses make greenhouse gas reactive Study provides insight into the physics of the Higgs particle More goals in quantum soccer Music from Japan and Germany underlines the desire to work together Typical mutations in children of radar soldiers Nerve cells in the human brain can “count” Study shows effectiveness of the school fruit scheme in North Rhine-Westphalia Brain activity cautions against buying stocks Computer program looks five minutes into the future Particulate matter increases drought vulnerability of trees Alliance for Immunology between Bonn and Osaka Rare find from the deep sea Guest scientists from India and Thailand visit ImmunoSensation Heartbeat out of sync < Previous 20 items 1 2 3 Next 13 items >