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The International Office will not be available by telephone on January 17, 2025 due to maintenance work.

Central Translation Service

The Central Translation Service supports employees of the University of Bonn with German-English translation and proofreading needs, bridging the language gap and fostering the University’s international profile. 


Besides translating internal and public content aimed at international students and researchers into English, we focus on establishing and applying consistent English terminology.

This way, we can make settling in for visitors and new members of the University easier, while also defining quality standards for communication in English.

To support researchers at the University, we closely cooperate an external provider of editing services for scientific texts in English.


German-English Glossary

Does the University of Bonn translate “Fakultät” with “faculty” or “department”? What do we use for “Graduiertenkolleg”, “Präsenzstudium” or even “Universität Bonn” in English?

Our English Glossary provides answers to these and similar questions. Based on American English, it is issued by the Rectorate and aims at making the production of English texts easier for everyone at the University while ensuring consistency in the use of frequent terminology. The glossary includes all official terminology of the University of Bonn and serves as a point of reference for print and online content.

Our services

  • Translation of web, administrative and other content from German into (US) English
  • Linguistic and factual review of translations from German into English
  • Coordination and assignment of projects to a selected pool of external language service providers
  • Proofreading of non-scientific English texts
  • Coordination of English editing services for researchers (esp. for third-party funding applications, journal articles) in cooperation with an external provider
  • Advising University employees on questions regarding the English language
  • Quality assurance
  • Terminology management (German-English Glossary, termbases, translation memories)
  • Language policy (English Language Style Guide)
  • Translating scientific texts (dissertations, journal articles, etc.)
  • Translating software (localization)
  • Translating/ Proofreading in(to) other languages than English
  • Translating/ Proofreading for students


Please refer to the English Language Style Guide of the University of Bonn for instructions on spelling, format, capitalization and abbreviations in English texts written for the University.


Avatar Herlinger

Dominik Herlinger

Bilingual Coordinator, Studying and Teaching


Argelanderstraße 1

53115 Bonn (Germany)

Avatar Poetsch

Annette Poetsch

Bilingual Coordinator, University Administration


Argelanderstraße 1

53115 Bonn (Germany)

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