Life-Long Learning University
As part of its Life-Long Learning University, the University of Bonn regularly organizes courses, lectures, lecture series, debates, exhibitions and guided tours to a wide audience that supplement its range of standard degree programs.
This offering is intended for anyone who is keen to explore other areas of knowledge, get their head around general questions and learn new things. Students from all faculties at the University of Bonn and anyone living in the city – particularly elderly residents – are most welcome to attend these events.
If you are not enrolled as a regular student at the University, attending regular course offerings requires prior enrollment as an auditor, which is subject to a EUR 100 fee. By contrast, lecture series and individual lectures are free to attend.
To take part in the digital events via the teaching and learning platform eCampus, you will need to apply for a Uni-ID from University IT once you have registered as an auditor.
Semesterprogram Studium Universale Winterterm 2024/25
Unless otherwise stated, the lectures will take place from October 7th, 2024 - January 31st, 2025 in the main building, Am Hof 1.
Registration for individual lectures and seminars is not required unless explicitly stated. Guest auditors are required to attend the lectures.
Dies Academicus
The next Dies academicus will take place in the winter on Wednesday, Decenber 04 th 2024

Contact information
Office hours and contacts
Director and Head of the Life-Long Learning University:
Prof. Dr. U. Baumann
Geschäftszimmer: Katharina Koçer
Bitte beachten Sie, dass wir aufgrund der aktuellen Einschränkungen keine regulären Öffnungszeiten haben.
Wenn Sie eine persönliche Beratung wünschen, vereinbaren Sie bitte einen Termin telefonisch mit Frau Koçer.
Mo - Fr 9 - 14 Uhr