Degree Programs A-Z Filter for Degree Bachelor of Arts B Bachelor of Laws B Bachelor of Science B Teaching Bachelor L State Examination E Church Degree E Magister Theologiae E Master of Arts M Master of Education M Master of Science M Master’s degree for continuing education M label_filter_international_double_degree International double degree Field of Study Natural, environmental and engineering sciences, mathematics, computer science Agricultural, nutritional and food sciences Medicine, life and health sciences Economics, law Social sciences Humanities, linguistics, cultural studies, theology Teaching degrees Restriction Local NC National Selection Process Open admission Start of studies Winter semester Summer semester Language of instruction German English French Italian Spanish Other languages Program option None Major Dual-Subject Single-Subject Minor Dual Vocational School (Great Professional Specialisation) Vocational School (Small Professional Specialisation) Vocational School (Two-Subject) Grammar/Comprehensive School International International focus Results 2 all A-D E-J K-N O-Z I M Master of Science, Single-Subject Immunobiology: From Molecules to Integrative Systems M M Master of Science, Single-Subject Medical Immunosciences and Infection Study and degree Program option Language Admission M Master of Science Immunobiology: From Molecules to Integrative Systems Single-Subject English Local NC M Master of Science Medical Immunosciences and Infection Single-Subject English Local NC