Moss repair team also works in humans
If everything is to run smoothly in living cells, the genetic information must be correct. But unfortunately, errors in the DNA accumulate over time due to mutations. Land plants have developed a peculiar correction mode: they do not directly improve the errors in the genome, but rather elaborately in each individual transcript. Researchers at the University of Bonn have transplanted this correction machinery from the moss Physcomitrium patens into human cells. Surprisingly, the corrector started working there too, but according to its own rules. The results have now been published in the journal "Nucleic Acids Research".
Gossen Award for Christian Bayer
Prof. Dr. Christian Bayer, an economist at the University of Bonn, has received this year's Hermann Heinrich Gossen Award from the Verein für Socialpolitik (VfS) in recognition of his outstanding and internationally recognized research achievements. The prize is awarded once a year to an economist under the age of 45 from a German-speaking country. It is endowed with 10,000 euros and is intended to promote the internationalization of economics.
Mourning and Gratitude
Queen Elizabeth died today at the age of 96, surrounded by her family. In 1965, she spent some time at the University of Bonn as part of her visit to the city, the capital of West Germany at the time. She subsequently founded the Queen’s Prize, which has been awarded at the start of every academic year since then in recognition of outstanding achievements in English studies.
Pius XI Medal Awarded to Peter Scholze
Prof. Dr. Peter Scholze, director at the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics and professor at the University of Bonn, has been awarded the Pius XI Gold Medal 2020 by the Pontifical Academy of Sciences.
Humboldt Research Award for Bill Cook
Prof. Dr. Bill Cook from the University of Waterloo (Canada) has received a research award of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. He will now work with Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Bernhard Korte, Director of the Research Institute for Discrete Mathematics, and the Cluster of Excellence Hausdorff Center for Mathematics (HCM) at the University of Bonn to intensify their collaboration. The prize is endowed with 60,000 euros.
Aphids and their favorite colors
Aphids are one of the least welcome garden visitors. These small insects can cause all the more damage in agriculture. But how do they actually choose their host plants? What are the basic mechanisms behind this? Researchers from the Universities of Bonn and Kassel now present two novel models that can be used to analyze aphid color vision and thus how the animals respond to plants. This opens up new possibilities for future research on this topic - but may also be relevant for agricultural applications. The study has been published in the journal Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B.
New diagnostic option for rare eye disease
An estimated five to ten percent of blindness worldwide is caused by the rare inflammatory eye disease uveitis. Posterior uveitis in particular is often associated with severe disease progression and the need for immunosuppressive therapy. In posterior uveitis, inflammation occurs in the retina and in the underlying choroid that supplies it with nutrients. Researchers at the Ophthalmology Department at the University of Bonn have tested color-coded fundus autofluorescence as a supportive novel diagnostic method. Fluorescence of the retina can be used to infer the uveitis subtype. This is an essential prerequisite for accurate diagnosis and treatment of the disease. The results have now been published in Nature Scientific Reports.
Aimee van Wynsberghe admitted to academy
The Academy of Sciences and Literature has admitted six new members. Among them is Humboldt Professor Aimee van Wynsberghe. The AI ethicist from the University of Bonn has become a full member of the Humanities and Social Sciences Class.