A splashing elephant as Nile origin
The Greek historian Herodotus described the fertile land in Egypt as a "gift of the Nile". The Nile made life in the desert possible in the first place, and people have also dealt with it culturally for thousands of years. The island Elephantine is located at the mythological place of origin of the river Nile. Why was it associated in ancient Egypt with the image of an elephant splashing water? In his new book, Prof. Dr. Ludwig D. Morenz, an Egyptologist at the University of Bonn, combines the answer to this question with other findings from the region near Aswan.
University of Bonn moves up to 112th place in THE ranking
In the current university ranking of the British magazine Times Higher Education (THE), the University of Bonn has once again improved its position in a global comparison and is ranked 112th among the more than 1,600 educational institutions evaluated worldwide. In Germany, Bonn is in 10th place. For the World University Ranking, various indicators were surveyed in the areas of research, teaching, knowledge transfer and internationality.
Corona researcher Florian I. Schmidt receives Falling Walls award
For their research on novel "nanobodies" against the SARS-coronavirus-2, the team around Dr. Florian I. Schmidt of the Institute of Innate Immunity at the University of Bonn has been selected as one of ten winners in the Life Sciences category of the Falling Walls Foundation. 
Seven priorities to end hunger and protect the planet
Prof. Dr. Joachim von Braun, Director of the Center for Development Research (ZEF) at the University of Bonn, together with other scientists, formulates seven priorities to end hunger and protect the planet in the high-profile journal Nature. 
Mathematics meets Life Sciences
The tremendous advances made in experimental life sciences in recent years provide a wealth of data on how organisms function. To gain biomedical knowledge from these data, both mathematical modeling and numerical analysis techniques in conjunction with experimental data are essential. At a joint symposium of the Clusters of Excellence Hausdorff Center for Mathematics and ImmunoSensation2 as well as the Transdisciplinary Research Areas "Modelling" and "Life and Health" of the University of Bonn, the professors working at the interfaces and their colleagues presented their research and invited to participate.
New professorships for dependency studies
Opening up a new approach to research on slavery and dependency - that is the aim of the Bonn Center for Dependency and Slavery Studies (BCDSS) at the University of Bonn. The Cluster of Excellence has now been strengthened by three outstanding female scholars: The historians Julia Hillner and Claudia Jarzebowski as well as the Americanist Pia Wiegmink will take up professorships at the Cluster starting in fall, completing the team of professorships established there as part of the Excellence Strategy. Christoph Witzenrath, also a historian, already researches and teaches at the BCDSS. At a reception in the university's Rector's Office, Rector Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Michael Hoch now officially presented the appointment certificates to the four Cluster Professors.
Ideas competition of the University of Bonn started
The University of Bonn is buzzing with ideas. Now it is time to demonstrate, how the knowledge contributes to change within the region and across the globe. All members of the University who have a big or small idea within them can take part in the Ideas Competition organized by the Transfer Center enaCom at the University of Bonn. The center is looking for ideas that help solve a societal problem or use university knowledge to find practical solutions to a problem. Every good idea does not only get applause and individual advice, but also up to 1,000 euros.
Artificial intelligence sharpens the view into space
In their search for distant galaxies, rapidly rotating neutron stars and black holes, radio astronomers collect an ever-increasing amount of data. This torrent of data will in future also be analyzed with the help of artificial intelligence. To this end, eight institutions in North Rhine-Westphalia have joined forces under the leadership of the Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy (MPIfR) to establish the "NRW Cluster for Data-Intensive Radio Astronomy: Big Bang to Big Data". Partners in Bonn include the MPIfR, the University of Bonn and the Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences. The state is funding the project with up to three million euros.
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