Paper-based packaging has a good eco-image

German consumers consider paper-based packaging to be particularly environmentally friendly. Nevertheless, they tend to be skeptical about innovative products such as paper-based bottles. This is shown by a recent study by the University of Bonn and Forschungszentrum Jülich. Almost 3,000 women and men from all over Germany were surveyed for the study. The results have now been published in the journal “Food Quality and Preference.”

Simulation provides images from the carbon nucleus

What does the inside of a carbon atom’s nucleus look like? A new study by Forschungszentrum Jülich, Michigan State University (USA) and the University of Bonn provides the first comprehensive answer to this question. In the study, the researchers simulated all known energy states of the nucleus. These include the puzzling Hoyle state. If it did not exist, carbon and oxygen would only be present in the universe in tiny traces. Ultimately, we therefore also owe it our own existence. The study has now been published in the journal “Nature Communications.”

Branches of Research Established University-Wide

The winners of the Gender Studies Prize 2022 were honored last Friday at a ceremony held in the former Fritz’ Café in the University of Bonn’s main building. The award recognizes outstanding final and doctoral theses on gender and/or queer studies. The ceremony also provided the opportunity for an introduction to the projects that have been supported by the fund for promoting the structural integration of gender equality in the faculties this year.

NRW Academy Welcomes Two New Members from the University of Bonn

The North Rhine-Westphalian Academy of Sciences, Humanities and the Arts welcomed 14 new members at its annual ceremony, including mathematician Prof. Dr. Catharina Stroppel and physicist Prof. Dr. Dieter Meschede from the University of Bonn. The nine men and five women are united by exceptional research work and creative excellence in their area of expertise. 

What is Love?

What is love? And how does love ‘work’? What is beauty? These are the questions concerned in the inaugural Annemarie Schimmel Lecture to be held from June 12-14. The Lecture event starts at 5 pm, the first part being held in Bonn Minster. The Lecture sessions on the days following, June 13 and 14, start at 4 pm, and will be held in the Grand Hall of the University of Bonn. The event language is English. All interested parties are cordially invited to attend! Jordanian Prince Ghazi bin Muhammad, a professor of philosophy, is the speaker. To register please contact

New network connects agricultural research, industry and politics

At the career fair organized by the Cluster of Excellence PhenoRob together with the Faculty of Agriculture and the Theodor Brinkmann Foundation students, PhD students and graduates of the University of Bonn were able to expand their professional network and make new contacts.

From Both Sides Now: the Story of an Egyptian Stele

How people cope with crises has always been a fruitful field of research for the sciences. For instance, how do people from different cultures use objects to find strength and reassurance in times of need? This question lay at the heart of the indisciplinary collaborative project “SiSi,” which was funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and involved teams of researchers from Egyptology and the Anthropology of the Americas at the University of Bonn. In a case study on a stone tablet from the University of Bonn’s Egyptian Museum that has reliefs on both sides, Egyptologist Prof. Dr. Ludwig D. Morenz has now documented indications of personal piety in a new book.

New Study Option Combines Theology and Social Work

The Faculty of Catholic Theology at the University of Bonn and the Catholic University of Applied Sciences of North Rhine-Westphalia (katho) are to offer their students a new study option. In the future, students on the Magister Theologiae degree program at the University of Bonn will be able to combine it with a bachelor’s in Social Work at katho, ideally on its Cologne campus, making it easier for them to obtain two degrees at the same time.

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