Unsere Argelander Grantees
Die Argelander Grants zählen zu den prestigeträchtigsten Förderungen, die die Universität Bonn an Nachwuchswissenschaftler*innen vergibt. Mit ihnen machen wir Postdoktorand*innen in der Übergangsphase nach der Promotion fit für den Start in eine wissenschaftliche Karriere. Die Förderung stärkt Postdoktorand*innen bei der Erlangung größerer wissenschaftlicher Unabhängigkeit durch Unterstützung bei der Einwerbung von Drittmitteln, Netzwerkbildung und Schärfung ihres internationalen Profils durch längere Forschungsaufenthalte im Ausland.
Argelander Starter-Kit Grants
Die bis zu zweijährige Förderung umfasst Sachmittel in Höhe von bis zu 25.000 € für antragsvorbereitende Forschungstätigkeiten sowie ein Beratungsprogramm zur Ausarbeitung eines Drittmittelantrags und Vorbereitung auf eine wissenschaftliche Karriere.
"The Argelander Starter Kit Grant was a great possibility to develop myself and my scientific career during the last 2 years definitely more than a lot. I am very thankful to have received a support like that, because in the end it will enable me to submit one more paper, to have developed a new technique and to the application for a proposal for a Collaborative Research Center and Research Un. In addition, it helped me to expand my network and test new works in the lab."
Dr. Ramona Mörchen, Allgemeine Bodenkunde und Bodenökologie, INRES

Principal Investigator
Dr. Maximilian Günnewig
Institut für Finanzmarktökonomie & Statistik
Rechts- und Staatswissenschaftliche Fakultät
Adenauerallee 24-26
53113 Bonn
The Great Financial Crisis (GFC) of 2008 exposed significant flaws in how large, systemically important banks were handled in times of distress. Traditional bailouts, where governments rescued failing banks, placed a considerable burden on taxpayers and sparked widespread public backlash. In response, policymakers introduced reforms aimed at addressing the issue of "too big to fail" (TBTF) banks, promoting the concept of a "bail-in" where bank creditors,
rather than governments, bear the costs of bank failures. Understanding the credibility of these bail-in mechanisms is crucial both for science and society. Scientifically, it involves testing the effectiveness of these reforms and the validity of models used to predict financial risks. For society, ensuring that the risk of bank failures does not disproportionately fall on taxpayers is essential. This research helps evaluate whether the financial market perceives these reforms as credible, providing insights into the success of post-crisis financial reforms and contributing to global discussions on bank crisis resolution mechanisms.
2024 - 2026
Principal Investigator
Dr. Stephanie Roilo
Institut für Pflanzenwissenschaften und Ressourcenschutz
Agrar-, Ernährungs- und Ingenieurwissenschaftliche Fakultät
Niebuhrstraße 1a
53113 Bonn
Agricultural intensification and landscape homogenization have led to a farmland biodiversity crisis. Counteracting this crisis requires a shift towards a wildlife-friendlier agriculture, as well as more effective farmland-based conservation measures. Monitoring farmland biodiversity is essential to evaluate such measures and to track our progress towards EU biodiversity goals, yet most long-term monitoring schemes focus on birds and insects, leaving other animal species underrepresented. Data gaps on these species hinder our understanding of their habitat use and responses to farming practices. Camera traps (CTs) can help in tackling such taxonomic biases in farmland monitoring, especially in regards to mammals. This project aims to optimize CT use in farmland to investigate i) mammal responses to grassland disturbance (e.g. mowing and livestock grazing), and ii) whether linear elements (such as field borders and hedges) are used as corridors by mammals navigating through cropland.
2024 - 2026
Principal Investigator
Dr. Yang Wang
Institute for Inorganic Chemistry
Gerhard-Domagk-Strasse 1
53121 Bonn
Electrochemically sustainable synthesis of C-N/C-S bonds containing chemicals from CO2 and NO3-/SO32- reactants is an emerging area that addresses energy and environmental issues while meeting societal needs.This project aims to use a novel 2D confined molecular catalyst for the electrosynthesis of high-value products (e.g. methylamine). It is promising to provide a molecular-level insights into the underlying mechanism and enhance coupling efficiency
significantly due to its precisely defined active sites. Furthermore, the success of this project is expected to be expanded to the synthesis of versatile high-value products and transferred to other kinds of important electrocatalysis reactions. The project has broad relevance, as it not only addresses pressing environmental concerns by reducing carbon emissions and water pollutants but also offers potential breakthroughs in chemical production technologies.
Principal Investigator
Dr. Katarzyna Lubos
Institut für Archäologie und Kulturanthropologie
Philosophische Fakultät
Genscherallee 2
53113 Bonn
Das Projekt hat als Ziel die archäologische Aufnahme und Untersuchung von spätantiken Gewebefragmenten, die sich in heute unzugänglichen Sammlungen befinden. Die unzulässigen Forschungsmethoden des ausgehenden 19. Jhs. führten dazu, dass viele Gewebe (ohne sie zu dokumentieren) unter den Sammlern und Antikhändler verteilt und in verschiedenen Museendepots gelagert wurden. Um endgültig die zusammengehörigen Fragmente der Gewebe zu finden und somit die Provenienz der Stoffe zu bestimmen, müssen die Gewebefragmente einzelnen Sammlungen nach und nach erforscht werden. Die heutigen Forschungs- und Datierungsmöglichkeiten erleichtern die Aufgabe und führen zu faszinierenden Ergebnissen.
2024 - 2026
Principal Investigator
Dr. Elias Wolf
Institute of Finance and Statistics
Faculty of Law and Economic
Understanding economic dynamics is of utmost importance for academic researchers and policy makers alike. A popular tool to analyse these dynamics empirically is via the estimation of state space models. Given the vast increase in availability of data and the complex relationships in today's economies, modern state space models are non-linear, non-Gaussian and have many unknown parameters that need to be estimated. This renders many
established estimation methods inefficient or unfeasible. The goal of this project is to develop novel and theoretically sound estimation methods to estimate non-linear and non-Gaussian State Space models for big data sets using Tempered Importance Sampling, a technique that has shown strong potential in recent papers. The project seeks to establish theoretical justifications and provide guidance for practitioners via simulations and applications from dynamic models in macro- and microeconomics as well as documented computer code in open-source languages.
Principal Investigator
Dr. Shuai Chen
Institute for Inorganic Chemistry
Gerhard-Domagk-Strasse 1
53121 Bonn
The construction of the C−N bond is significant for pharma, agriculture, material, and energy. For example, as a nitrogen fertilizer in agriculture: urea, the demand is expected to reach 183 million metric tons in 2024. Current C-N production like amides and amines largely rely on fossil fuels as building block resources and high temperature and pressure as driving forces in energy-intensive processes, thereby presenting challenges in sustainability and the
environment.The aim of this project is to carry out C-N products in model catalysts. In particular, we aim to synthesize new atomically precise Cu nanocluster model catalysts. These Cu nanoclusters will then be used for CO2 and NOx fixation in water to electrosynthesze C-N societally important products such as amides and amines.
Principal Investigator
Dr. Valerio Bertacchi
Physikalisches Institut
Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät
Nußallee 12
53115 Bonn
The investigation of structure emergence from the building blocks of the strong interaction, quarks and gluons, can be studied via mesons spectra. The spectrum of excited charm mesons is of particular interest. It exhibits several properties that are not in line with the quark model predictions. Recent progress in theory has shed some light on the nature of the lightest orbitally excited charmed meson, the D0*(2300), which exhibits evidence of a twopole
structure. To provide further experimental evidence for this hypothesis, precise determinations of the contributing amplitudes in the mass spectrum of the Dπ system have to be performed, where D and π are the decay products of the D0*(2300). In this project the Dπ system is investigated using B→Dπlν decays. They allow cleaner access to the
contributing amplitudes, because less theoretical assumptions are necessary. In addition, these results will be fed back into the amplitude analysis of B→Dππ, which will also be performed.
Principal Investigator
Dr. Davide Macera
Institute for Applied Mathematics
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Endenicher Allee 60
53115 Bonn
The scope of this project is to prove that certain observables of spectra of Laplace operators acting on surface behave in the same way as those of large random matrices. This phenomenon is known as Universality, and is one of the most currently active areas of Mathematical Physics. Furthermore, I want to look for similar phenomena in the dimer model, a model of random domino tiling on a portion of a lattice used to study the phase transitions of matter.
Principal Investigator
Dr. Barbara Bergmann
Abteilung Sozial- und Rechtspsychologie
Institut für Psychologie
Kaiser-Karl-Ring 9
53111 Bonn
Delinquentes Verhalten von Kindern und Jugendlichen ist ein gesamtgesellschaftliches Anliegen. Die Erforschung seiner Ursachen, Entwicklung und Prävention ist Aufgabe der Kriminalpsychologie in enger Kooperation mit Akteuren der Justiz und Polizei. Mit dem beantragten Projekt sollen erste Erkenntnisse über die Güte eines Instruments gesammelt werden, mit dem Polizeibeamte das Delinquenzrisiko von Kindern und Jugendlichen einschätzen. Die MEIKs erfassen Risiko- und Schutzfaktoren im Leben des jungen Menschen, um eine Vorhersage über sein zukünftiges delinquentes Verhalten zu treffen und etwaige Maßnahmen danach auszurichten. Ziel ist es, die MEIKs für die polizeiliche Praxis nutzbar zu machen, um die Effektivität kriminalpräventiven Handelns zu erhöhen und die wissenschaftliche Erkenntnislage zur Vorhersagekraft von Schutzfaktoren zu erweitern. Das Projekt würde daher einen wissenschaftlich innovativen und gesellschaftlich nützlichen Beitrag leisten.
Principal Investigator
Dr. Aneke Dornbusch
Lehrstuhl für Neuere Kirchengeschichte
Evangelisch-Theologische Fakultät
Rabinstraße 8
53111 Bonn
Ziel des Projekts ist die Analyse von Prozessen der Diffamierung und Verfolgung devianter reformatorischer Strömungen, wie der Täuferbewegung, in Süddeutschland in der frühen Reformationszeit. Es wird angenommen, dass sich zwischen den süddeutschen Städten „Verfolgungsnetzwerke“ etablierten, in denen Stereotype der „Anderen“ verbreitet wurden, die aber auch die konkrete Verfolgung ermöglichten. Das Projekt fragt, wie diese Prozesse als Zusammenspiel literarischer und rechtlicher Vorgänge funktionierten und inwiefern sie als Teil reformatorischer Identitätsbildung zu verstehen sind. Es wird daher mit dem sozialwissenschaftlichen Konzept des Othering und der Methode der sozialen Netzwerkanalyse gearbeitet. Innerhalb des Projekts werden die einschlägigen Quellen zunächst gesammelt und dann mithilfe einer Datenbank ausgewertet. Das Projekt leistet einen Beitrag zur religiösen Konfliktforschung und zur Aufarbeitung von Formen gewaltsamen Umgangs mit (religiösen) Minderheiten.
Principal Investigator
Dr. Marina Kiroudi
Seminar für Religionspädagogik
Katholisch-Theologische Fakultät
Rabinstraße 8
53111 Bonn
Religiöse Identitätsbildung in der Diaspora verfügt über einen zentralen Stellenwert und eine
ausgeprägte, wenn auch nicht ausschließliche, konfessionskulturelle Dimension.
Insbesondere in zunehmend und inzwischen überwiegend konfessionell, religiös und
heterogen gemischten Lerngruppen ist die Identitätsfrage zu berücksichtigen und eine
konfessionskulturelle Differenzsensibilität gefragt. Ziel des Projekts ist die systematische
Ausarbeitung der Hermeneutik, Subjektwerdung und Autonomie sowie Subjektorientierung aus orthodoxer Sicht, die ein Desiderat bildet jedoch für das Verständnis von Identität erforderlich ist. Auf dieser Grundlage aufbauend, ist ein Drittmittel-Antrag anvisiert. Dessen
Forschungsvorhaben zielt auf die Entwicklung von Lernformen einer ökumenischen
Religionsdidaktik, die den Background der orthodoxen Schüler*innen im Blick hat, sich mit
der religiösen Identitätsfrage auseinandersetzt und eine konfessionskulturelle
Differenzsensibilität fördert.
Principal Investigator
Dr. Marcel Moll
Nachwachsende Rohstoffe
INRES - Institut für Nutzpflanzenwissenschaften und Ressourcenschutz
Klein-Altendorf 2
53359 Rheinbach
Medicinal and aromatic plants are characterized by their high-value compounds, but their cultivation can be challenging. To limit the risk of losses caused by extreme weather scenarios or other consequences of climate change, more production is relocated to indoor farming (e.g. greenhouses or climate-controlled chambers). In these scenarios, artificial light is needed for optimal growth and quality. In most facilities red and blue LEDs are used, as these wavelengths are absorbed efficiently by green plants. Blue light is especially important for the production of essential oils, as it increases their content in leaves. Still, high amounts of blue light reduce biomass production. The addition of green light, although not very efficient for photosynthesis, mitigates the negative effects of blue light on biomass accumulation. Therefore, a light-scenario of blue-green instead of blue-red LEDs could improve plant quality and quantity simultaneously and will be demonstrated in this project.
Principal Investigator
Dr. Vera Scheuble
Abteilung Methodenlehre, Diagnostik und Evaluation
Institut für Psychologie
Kaiser-Karl-Ring 9
53111 Bonn
Brain activity measured by the EEG offers the possibility to detect lies and unravel cognitive processes during lying. However, there is currently no study investigating lies about values which are related to ethical norms. In the planned project, I aim to analyze event-related potentials, like the P300 and medial frontal negativity (MFN), during lies about values. It is expected that MFNs are larger during lies than honest responses, indicating stronger response conflicts during lies. P300s should be suppressed during lies, revealing stronger cognitive efforts. Besides conventional analyses, I aim to apply machine learning. Machine learning has the potential to find new complex, overlooked patterns in EEG data, being a powerful tool to possibly better detect deception and build new neuropsychological theories on ethical values. In a follow-up DFG project, this research is planned to be continued by analyzing data of large-scale EEG studies by conventional methods and machine learning.
Principal Investigator
Dennis Schroers, Ph.D.
Statistics Group
Institut für Finanzmarktökonomie und Statistik
Adenauerallee 24-26
53113 Bonn
The project aims to provide practical solutions to frequently encountered problems arising
from data which are sampled from infinite-dimensional probability distribution via adequate
dimension-reduction techniques. For that I draw upon the theory of functional data analysis
and high-frequency statistics to analyze highly irregular processes such as solutions to
stochastic partial differential equations. Although both fields rely on so-called infill
asymptotics and have overlapping applications, the literature on statistical methods
combining the two areas is sparse. In particular, a functional data viewpoint for the analysis
of SPDE is largely missing in the literature. The research program is unique in its
nonparametric context and will enrich the toolbox for the analysis of financial time series,
especially in bond and energy markets, where appropriate dimension reduction techniques
are currently lacking, as recently highlighted in the context of yield curve models.
Principal Investigator
Dr. Verena Weiland
Lehrstuhl für Romanische Sprachwissenschaft
Institut für Romanistik
Rabinstraße 8
53111 Bonn
Für die dialektale Einteilung Hispanoamerikas existiert bis heute kein Standardmodell. Eine
beliebte Faustregel vereinfacht die Einteilung: „las tierras altas se comen las vocales, las
tierras bajas se comen las consonantes“ (Rosenblat 1973: „das Hochland verschluckt die
Vokale, das Tiefland die Konsonanten“). Ein ungelöstes Problem ist, dass die Faustregel auf
impressionistisch dokumentierten Beobachtungen beruht und einer Datengrundlage
entbehrt. Abgesehen von Untersuchungen an einzelnen Orten kann die hispanophone
Linguistik keine Antworten auf die Frage liefern, ob die Unterscheidung in Hoch- und
Tieflandgebiete (noch) aktuell ist, oder ob neben der Herkunft der Sprecher*innen etwa
soziodemographische Faktoren relevant sind. Die Projektziele sind die Überprüfung der
Faustregel anhand aktueller Korpusdaten sowie die Erarbeitung linguistischer Kriterien,
anhand derer sich eine Neuausrichtung dialektologischer Forschungen hin zu einer
korpusbasierten Dialektologie erreichen lässt.
Principal Investigator
Dr. Manuel Balparda
Abteilung Molekulare Pflanzenphysiologie
Institut für Zelluläre & Molekulare Botanik (IZMB)
Kirschallee 1
53115 Bonn
In the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana, we are interested in investigating a group of
proteins known as GLX-like. We hypothesize that these proteins have a distinct function from
classical GLX proteins and are engaged in stress response processes, based on our earlier
investigations. Understanding how these proteins function is critical to comprehending plant
growth and fitness. These findings can also be applied to other agronomically important
Principal Investigator
Dr. Tim Böhnert
Nees-Institut für Biodiversität der Pflanzen
Meckenheimer Allee 170
53115 Bonn
The current proposal follows a two step approach. First, a pilot study will be conducted in the
asparagus family (Asparagaceae) with particular focus on the subfamily Scilloideae. This
study will help to establish a workflow of Hybridization Sequencing as fundament for a
following grant research proposal to DFG. The major projekt will then focus on the order
Saxifragles an integrating various fields in organismic botany.
Principal Investigator
Dr. Maroua Bouzid Elkhessairi
Abteilung Molekulare Pflanzenphysiologie
Institut für Zelluläre & Molekulare Botanik (IZMB)
Kirschallee 1
53115 Bonn
The project I am proposing is an important step towards improving food security in the
context of climate change and global warming. It aims to produce relevant knowledge for the
agronomic field by studying and dissecting plant responses to abiotic stresses such as
drought, salinity and heat. The results of this project will provide potential candidate genes
involved in plant resistance to single and multiple environmental stresses that can be used to
develop multi-stress resistant plants.
Principal Investigator
Dr. habil. Ruben A. Bühner
Abteilung für Neues Testament
Evangelisch-Theologische Fakultät
An der Schloßkirche 2-4
53111 Bonn
Lange Zeit wurden die Paulusbriefe vor einem gemeinanthropologischem Hintergrund
interpretiert. Im Kontrast dazu unterscheiden jüngste Paulusforschungen – v.a. aus dem
angelsächsichen Raum – streng zwischen jüdischen und nichtjüdischen Bezügen seiner
Aussagen. Wesentliches argumentatives Gewicht geht dabei von Annahmen zum
Diasporajudentum aus, wobei dieses selbst in der Paulusforschung kaum eigens thematisiert
wird. Bei der programmatischen Verortung des Paulus innerhalb des Judentums bleibt somit
die Frage offen, in welche Strömung des (Diaspora-)judentums Paulus zu verorten ist und wie
sich die Selbstwahrnehmung des Paulus von der Perspektive anderer Juden auf ihn
unterscheidet. In diese argumentative Leerstelle hinein zielt mein Projekt. Nur wenn wir
beides – den diasporajüdischen Kontext sowie die paulinischen Briefe – mit der gleichen
Sensibilität für lang tradierte antijüdische Vorurteile lesen, lässt sich das Verhältnis des
Apostel Paulus zum Judentum präziser bestimmen.
Principal Investigator
Dr. Leon Bungert
Hausdorff Center of Mathematics
Endenicher Allee 62
53115 Bonn
Machine learning methods like deep neural networks have seen a surge of popularity and
influenced our society. These have shown excellent performance for complicated tasks like
image classification, but their success comes at the cost of being data-hungry, hard to
analyze, and prone to adversarial attacks, e.g., imperceptible perturbations of images that
lead to misclassifications. In contrast, semi-supervised learning with graphs requires less data
and can be analyzed mathematically. The goal of this project is to establish a framework for
adversarial attacks and robustness of graph-based semi-supervised learning (G-SSL). Using
tools from distributionally robust optimization and optimal transport, I first investigate
attacks models of G-SSL and the adversarial robustness of different methods. Then, I design
provably robust G-SSL methods and study their large data limits. For this I build upon my
prior work on graph-based learning, continuum limits, and adversarial robustness.
Principal Investigator
Dr. Michaela Doutch
Abteilung für Südostasienwissenschaft
Institut für Orient- und Asienwissenschaften
Nassestraße 2
53113 Bonn
Mein Promotionsprojekt umfasst eine qualitative empirische Forschung über
kambodschanische Fabrikarbeiter*innen und ihre Handlungsmacht im globalen
Produktionsnetzwerk (GPN) der Bekleidungsindustrie. Ich habe intensiv mit Arbeiterinnen in
Kambodscha zusammengearbeitet, um ihre Arbeits- und Lebensbedingungen zu erforschen
und ihre multiskalaren Handlungsstrategien zu untersuchen. Ich entwickelte eine Labour
Geography-Perspektive auf GPNs, indem ich Arbeiter*innen als raumhandelnde Subjekte ins
Zentrum der Analyse stellte und erweiterte diese systematisch um eine feministische
Perspektive der sozialen Reproduktion. Zentrale Ergebnisse waren, dass GPNs als
gesellschaftlich eingebettete, mit sozialen Reproduktionsprozessen verknüpfte Netzwerke
konzeptualisiert werden müssen; die Handlungsmacht von Arbeiter*innen
geschlechtsspezifische multiskalare Prozesse umfassen; die Verknüpfung von
Re/Produktionsprozessen als Potential für Handlungsmacht von Arbeiter*innen genutzt
werden kann.
Principal Investigator
Dr. Clarissa Glaser
Geographisches Institut
Meckenheimer Allee 166
53115 Bonn
Rivers are essential for environmental health and provide various ecosystem services to
society. Headwater streams are the initiation points of all river networks and known for a
strong coupling between river surface water (SW) and groundwater (GW). However, we
poorly understand how SW-GW coupling in headwaters impacts the occurrence of SW flow
in entire river networks, particularly under consideration of changing climate. To address this
research gap, the tracer radon, i.e., a naturally occurring substance that is transported with
GW into SW, will be measured spatially and temporally resolved in river networks of
different climate zones and used to model the GW influx. Results will show if GW inflows
contribute a higher percentage of flow in headwaters and how this impacts water availability
in river networks. The outcome will flow in a hydrological model and coupled to future
climate predictions to quantify the impact of changing climate for river networks worldwide.
Principal Investigator
Dr. Saime Gürbüz
Experimentelle Teilchenphysik
Physikalisches Institut
Kreuzbergweg 24
53115 Bonn
Many research groups, all around the world from Italy to UK, working on directional dark
matter detection have formed CYGNUS Collaboration. The main detector technology focused
on is Time Projection Chambers (TPC) because of its precise directional measurement of
nuclear recoil tracks. The simulations and budget concerns of the collaboration led them to
build strip detectors with image-based readouts. However, I propose that pixelated charge
read out by Timepix with an integrated amplification grid i.e. GridPix readout system will
both help more precise (3D) track reconstruction and will be cost-effective. These capabilities
will lead to better background rejection at lower energies i.e. sensitive to dark matter
searches. In this project, the details of this technology are discussed and the construction of
a proof-of-principle detector, Negative Ion Gridpix-based high-resolution TPC (NIGHT), is
proposed. It also offers studies for more environmentally usage of the gasses.
Principal Investigator
Dr. Johanna Hartung
Abteilung Entwicklungspsychologie und Pädagogische Psychologie
Institut für Psychologie
Kaiser-Karl-Ring 9
53111 Bonn
Memory lapses are common occurrences in daily life. Everyone has experienced situations
like forgetting a friend’s birthday or forgetting why one walked into a room. Our memory
plays a crucial role in everyday functioning; memory lapses impair the quality of life and can
have serious consequences. For students, it can even affect their academic success. The
overarching goal of this project is to understand the nature, correlates, and consequences of
memory lapses in everyday life. Within the Argelander program, I plan to develop measures
to capture the occurrence of memory lapses and their significance on the well-being and
learning outcomes of university students. The proposed study will lay the foundation for
future inquiries and the planned funding application. It will serve as feasibility test and
generate first insights into the daily differences of memory lapses both within individual
students and between them.
Principal Investigator
Janko Heineken, Ph.D.
Institut für Finanzmarktökonomie und Statistik
Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaften
Adenauerallee 24-42
53113 Bonn
Banks do invest very little into corporate equity (i.e. stocks of non-financial firms). The reason
is regulation that is supposed to stop banks from investing into risky assets to preempt
doubts about the stability of the banking system. However, this comes with two little
explored downsides: 1. a large share of households do not participate in the equity market,
but only hold bank deposits; 2. if banks do not invest into equity, firms might finance their
operations overall with less equity and thus end up being highly levered (i.e. financed largely
through borrowing). High corporate debt levels can prove problematic in an economic
downturn. I want to a. analyze regulatory data which matches banks and firms, b. build a
quantitative model with leveraged banks and firms, to explore equity-investment
mechanism, answering whether banks should be allowed to invest more into corporate
equity and what the consequences would be for household wealth, financial stability, and
economic output.
Principal Investigator
Dr. Camilla Heyer
Lehrstuhl für Allgemeine Didaktik und Schulpädagogik
Bonner Zentrum für Lehrerbildung
Poppelsdorfer Allee 15
53115 Bonn
Unterrichtsstörungen gehören zum schulischen Alltag und stellen eine große
Herausforderung für Lehrende dar. Wie eine Lehrkraft sich verhalten sollte, um den eigenen
Unterricht durch eigenes Verhalten nicht unnötig zu stören, wird in der Lehramtsausbildung
verhältnismäßig wenig berücksichtigt (Nolting, 2002), woraus Belastungen im späteren
Berufsleben resultieren können. Daher erscheint es gesamtgesellschaftlich relevant, sich
vertieft mit dem Thema Unterrichtsstörungen auseinanderzusetzen. Zielsetzung des
Forschungsprojekts DU STÖRST! 2.0 ist, den empirischen Zusammenhang zwischen den
Interpretationsmustern von Störungen bei Lehrkräften und bei Lernenden näher zu
ergründen. Ausgehend von einer neuen Arbeitsdefinition des Konstrukts Unterrichtsstörung
soll in dem Forschungsprojekt DU STÖRST! 2.0 fortlaufend exploriert werden, welche
Interpretationsmuster sich hinter dem Verhalten aller Beteiligten verbergen können und
inwiefern diese in einem Zusammenhang stehen.
Principal Investigator
Dr. Jonas Maria Hoff
Fundamentaltheologisches Seminar
Katholisch-Theologische Fakultät
Rabinstraße 8
53111 Bonn
Der christliche Glaube ist von Paradoxien durchzogen: von der Inkarnation, über die
Jungfrauengeburt bis zur Auferstehung. Überall begegnen Denkfiguren, die „den Geist erst
einmal richtig schütteln“ (H. de Lubac). Diese Beobachtung ist der Theologie nicht fremd.
Was allerdings fehlt, ist eine präzise dogmengeschichtliche Rekonstruktion am historischen
Material. Konkret bedeutet dies, dass die systematische These von einer paradoxalen
Grammatik des Christlichen historisch angelegt werden muss. Genau dies versucht das
Projekt. Es konzentriert sich dabei auf die Eucharistietheologie (und ihre zentralen Konflikte)
und zielt von dort aus auf die gesamte Sakramententheologie als demjenigen Traktat
christlicher Dogmatik, in dem das paradoxale Zusammenspiel von transzendenter und
immanenter Wirklichkeit besonders sichtbar wird. Ziel ist damit eine exemplarische
Vorstudie, auf deren Grundlage eine Ausweitung des Projekts begründet und der DFG zur
Förderung vorgeschlagen werden kann.
Principal Investigator
Dr. Lisa Hoffmann
Abteilung Sozial- und Rechtspsychologie
Institut für Psychologie
Kaiser-Karl-Ring 9
53111 Bonn
In recent years, the media started to portray anecdotal drastic cases of violence happening
during labor and birth (obstetric violence), creating a stir in society. Though, the topic of
obstetric violence lacks a sober empirical database, initial studies on prevalence suggest that
the portrayed cases are not isolated incidents. Aim of the present project is to counteract the
existing research gap, by exploring how violence during childbirth is perceived by those
affected and how this perception is associated with well-being. Previous research on
comparable topics indicates that it may not necessarily be only the event itself, but also its
interpretation that fosters potential negative effects. The results of the proposed project
would help to better understand the topic of obstetric violence and could potentially
improve psychological well-being after negative birth experiences.
Principal Investigator
Dr. Hannah Illing
Institut für Angewandte Mikroökonomik
Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaften
Lennéstr. 43
53113 Bonn
We know from existing labor market research that some demographic groups are
disadvantaged: Women earn less than men and have less successful careers, migrant
workers are laid off first during recessions, and there is an opening urban-rural divide in
earnings. A thorough understanding of what contributes to these inequalities is highly
relevant both from a scientific and societal perspective. It is essential for scientists to suggest
optimal policy measures to address the underlying roots of disparities, both to tackle
economic inequality and increase welfare of disadvantaged groups as well as reduce
inefficient allocation, which would for example affect firms facing worker shortages.
Principal Investigator
Dr. Sarah Klosterkamp
AG Sozialgeographie
Geographisches Institut
Meckenheimer Allee 166
53115 Bonn
Das geplante Projekt zielt darauf ab, die Wechselwirkung prekärer Lohnarbeit und prekären
Wohnens zu betrachten. Um diese Prozesse empirisch zu fassen, ist ein qualitativethnographisches
Forschungsdesign im Kontext von Amts- und Verwaltungsgerichten dreier
deutscher Großstädte (Frankfurt, Berlin und Hamburg) angedacht, das einen möglichst
alltagsnahen Einblick in die unterschiedlichen Dimensionen von Armut, die Interaktionen
zwischen Betroffenen und Richter*innen, Wohnungseigentümer*innen und
Sachverständigen sowie die damit jeweils verbundenen gesellschaftlichen Materialitäten und
Sinn- und Bedeutungsstrukturen erlaubt. Die hier gewonnenen Erkenntnisse sollen in
nationale wie internationale Veröffentlichungen münden, die in einem nächsten Schritt dann
die Basis für die Ausarbeitung und Einreichung eines Drittmittelantrags bilden sollen.
Gemeinsames Ziel dieser Bemühungen ist die erfolgreiche Fertigstellung meines im Oktober
2021 angefangenen Habilitationsprojektes.
Principal Investigator
Dr. Jan Linhart
Transdisziplinärer Forschungsbereich "Individuen, Institutionen und Gesellschaften"
Center for Life Ethics
Schaumburg-Lippe-Straße 7
53113 Bonn
Given the ambivalent role of Science as both a prime solution and contributor to current
global environmental crises and socio-economic injustice, calls for decolonizing science by
means of an equitable, “pluriversal” dialogue with other knowledge cultures have been
mounting in recent years. Findings from transdisciplinary research on Science strongly
suggest that there is a lot we (scientists) could learn from cosmological, epistemological and
ethical notions that diverge from our Western worldview. The question is, however, how and
to which extent Science is able to (un-)learn together with kinds of knowledge it has been
disregarding for centuries? The proposed project will provide the necessary preparatory
research for the successful submission of a grant proposal to fund long-term collaborative
research on challenges and opportunities of pluriversal dialogues on desirable futures as a
flagship project of the Center for Life Ethics and core element in my personal career strategy.
Principal Investigator
Dr. Felix Metzner
AG Prof. Dr. Florian Bernlochner
Physikalisches Institut
Nußallee 12
53115 Bonn
In this research project, I want to clarify the experimental situation of a long-standing
anomaly observed in the behavior of leptons produced in particle collider experiments.
Compared to the theoretical prediction made by the standard model of particle physics an
enhancement of the frequency of the tau lepton is observed, when measured relative to the
two lighter leptons, the electron and the muon. I plan to develop and apply innovative new
analysis techniques to extend my existing research work on this topic, for which I utilize data
recorded by the Belle experiment in Tsukuba, Japan, to the data that is currently being
recorded by the successor experiment Belle II. With this approach, I will be able to produce
the most significant statement on this tension -- thereby either ruling it out, or confirming it
and providing additional insights to guide the search for physics beyond the standard model.
Principal Investigator
Dr. Van Thi Hong Nguyen
Nachwachsende Rohstoffe
INRES - Institut für Nutzpflanzenwissenschaften und Ressourcenschutz
Campus Klein-Altendorf 1
53359 Rheinbach
Plant fibers are the most promising feedstock for peat alternatives in soilless crop cultivation
systems in terms of their potential large supply capacity with low environmental impacts.
However, these fiber-based materials have inherent high carbon content with low
biochemical recalcitrance, which may facilitate faster substrate biodegradation and reduced
substrate stability. Main consequences are N immobilization (i.e. microorganisms in rootzone
areas metabolise C from soilless substrates and uptake N from fertilizers leaving less N
available to plant roots) and substrate shrinkage altering substrate properties (e.g. changing
water-air balance in the root-zone and chemical properties). Thus, manipulating substrate
biodegradation and substrate stability will be a game changer in developing innovative
sustainable soilless substrates. To do it so, the first step is to understand the dynamics of
how fiber-based substrates are decomposed during plant cultivation.
Principal Investigator
Dr. Luigi Pinchetti
Abteilung für Christliche Archäologie
Institut für Archäologie und Kulturanthropologie
Rabinstraße 8
53111 Bonn
Escaping the poverty trap may be impossible to many, due to environmental, societal, and
technological constraints. Microfinance projects aim at creating safety exits by giving means
of self-empowerment to disadvantaged people, though with ambivalent results combining
thankfulness and dependency. For this reason, success relies on the trust of the aim group in
the Microfinance institutions (MFI). A similar ambivalence may have existed in feudal
economic relations. The study of an early medieval monastic landscape will show that the
expanding economic activities of the Carolingian power-holding class required an MFI-like
approach to their workforce and had the same ambivalent social consequences. Abandoning
the traditional view of feudalism as a top-down imposition may be the gauge for a postcolonial
perspective, in which peasants are finally seen as engaged co-creators of a new
socio-economic system.
Principal Investigator
Dr. des. Kirsten Maria Schäfers
Alttestamentliches Seminar
Katholisch-Theologische Fakultät
Regina-Pacis-Weg 1a
53113 Bonn
This project investigates the textual history of the Old Testament book of Numbers/4th book
of Moses. It investigates non-linear processes of textual transmission and illuminates the
book’s variant textual nature. For the first time, all extant manuscript evidence is assembled
in a comprehensive case list, including classifications and variant patterns. The analysis
applies a new hermeneutic and methodological framework that was developed by the
investigator. It allows for analyzing textual and literary phenomena in one integrated
approach. The project closes a major gap in textual research on the book of Numbers and
contributes to enhancing the methods of textual and literary criticism. As variant textuality is
outlined as a key feature of canonical texts, the project also contributes to the larger goal of
navigating and negotiating ambiguities in religious traditions instead of disambiguating them.
The project will lead to an ERC Starting Grant proposal.
Principal Investigator
Sonkurt Şen, Ph.D.
Institut für Angewandte Mikroökonomik
Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaften
Lennéstraße 43
53113 Bonn
There is considerable amount of evidence on how schools and teachers play a crucial role in
students’ academic and later life outcomes. This study aims to understand how parents value
different school characteristics by eliciting subjective expectations using hypothetical
scenarios where parents are asked their children’s probability of graduating from college by
age 25 and holding a job by age 30. In each of the hypothetical scenarios schools’
characteristics will vary. The goal of eliciting subjective expectations from the parents will be
to study how parents value different characteristics of schools, whether these valuations for
the long-term outcomes matter for school choice, and whether parental valuations vary by
their backgrounds as well as their children’s gender. The results of this study can be used by
the policy-makers and practitioners to implement policies to shape the way that the parents
make school choice as well as to improve the school choice allocation mechanisms.
Principal Investigator
Dr. Sebastian G.W. Speitel
Lehrstuhl für Logik und Grundlagenforschung
Institut für Philosophie
Am Hof 1
53113 Bonn
The notion of logical consequence is of fundamental importance for every field of
knowledge: logical connections determine the network of dependencies between evidence
and hypotheses, influence experimental design and constrain the revision of theories. Its
most influential explication, Tarski’s model-theoretic definition of logical consequence, relies
on a crucial division of the expressions of a language into two importantly different
categories: the logical constants that are responsible for supporting reliable inferences, and
the non-logical expressions. His influential account left open the question on what basis this
division should be drawn in any give case, leaving the definition vulnerable to sceptical
attacks and the nature and safety of logic unexplained. To close this lacunae the proposed
project wants to take steps towards resolving the underdetermination left in the modeltheoretic
notion of logical consequence by investigating the foundations of logical meaning
Principal Investigator
Dr.-Ing. Christina Strohmenger
Astronomische, Physikalische und Mathematische Geodäsie
Institut für Geodäsie und Geoinformation
Nussallee 17
53115 Bonn
Rising sea levels have severe consequences for coastal ecosystems and habitats. In order to
better quantify future sea level change, it is necessary to fully understand current processes,
i.e. what are the causes for sea level change and how much does each driver contribute.
While this is already a challenge when global mean changes are considered, it is even more
complicated for regional studies. In the Baltic Sea region, there are a large number of
complex interactions and geophysical processes which affect sea level variations there. The
aim of the proposed project is to determine the contributions of the individual sea level
drivers in the Baltic Sea at high spatial and temporal resolutions. Understanding and
evaluating all ongoing processes will advance the knowledge in general sea level studies.
Additionally, studies in different regions will profit from our work and regional projections
will be advanced.
Principal Investigator
Dr. Jake Thomas
Quantitative Systembiologie
Life & Medical Sciences-Institut (LIMES)
Carl-Troll-Str. 31
53115 Bonn
Dendritic cells (DCs) are critical components of the immune system, regulating the initiation and termination of inflammation. A novel population of DC has been recently described – mregDCs, and has been implicated in the progression of various cancers. However, little is known about the roles of these cells in chronic inflammatory diseases. The central aim of this proposal is to understand how mregDCs are phenotypically, spatially and functionally altered during chronic inflammation in human lymph nodes. To bridge this information gap, we will study mregDCs from healthy, acutely inflamed and chronically inflamed resected human lymph nodes. We will use cutting-edge approaches including flow cytometry, multiplexed imaging and in vitro functional assays to map emergent mregDC cell states during chronic inflammation. We hypothesize that altered mregDC cell states will be conserved across chronic inflammatory diseases, and may represent attractive targets for therapeutic intervention.
Principal Investigator
Dr. Maria Francesca Viola
Entwicklungsbiologie des Immunsystems
Life & Medical Sciences-Institut (LIMES)
Carl-Troll-Str. 31
53115 Bonn
In recent years, we have come to appreciate that microscopic plastic particles contaminating
the natural environment may represent a significant health hazard. Humans ingest large
volumes of plastic particles daily, which are then able to disseminate in the body. However, it
is unclear what proportion of ingested plastic particles are taken up by the organism, how
this long-term plastic exposure affects the intestinal immune system itself. Intestinal immune
cells are critical for the maintenance of intestinal homeostasis, and their dysfunction
underlies inflammatory disorders of the gut. In Nanogut, I will investigate the bio-availability
of ingested plastic particles, their effect on the intestinal immune system and their role in
inflammatory bowel disease. These findings will be critical to determine safe exposure levels,
and will provide crucial understanding into the role of plastic contamination in the increasing
prevalence of inflammatory bowel disease in the western world.
Principal Investigator
Dr. Sonam Wangmo
Abteilung für Mongolistik und Tibetstudien
Institut für Orient- und Asienwissenschaften
Brühler Strasse 7
53121 Bonn
This proposed project aims to transcribe, translation, annotate, and analyse Tibetan
traditional narratives about historical and legendary figures that are used and manipulated
by the Chinese State as a means of tourism promotion and political propaganda to serve its
goal of creating a unified national history and literature through tourism projects. By
analysing the gathered data, this project investigates the following questions: why do the
authorities use and propagate certain historical and legendary narratives more often in the
tourism industry? What happens when the “tourist version” takes over? Has politics and
tourism changed the public’s view of these narratives and figures? The research results
generated from this project will be used in my proposal for third-party funding to further
investigate the State’s utilization and reconstruction of Tibetan traditional culture and
historical narratives to serve its current overall cultural (re) construction in China’s ethnic
Principal Investigator
Claudia Widow M.A.
Klassische Achäologie
Institut für Archäologie und Kulturanthropologie
Römerstraße 164, AVZ III
53117 Bonn
Im Rahmen des Projektes Sakrales Bauen im urbanen Raum - Diachrone Forschungen zu Kultbauten des antiken Paestum sollen alle Sakralanlagen der antiken Stadt Paestum, die sich im archäologischen Befund erhalten haben, dokumentiert, analysiert und hinsichtlich ihrer Lage im Stadtbild ausgewertet werden. Zu den Sakralanlagen zählen große monumentale Tempel, deutlich kleinere Tempel und auch frei stehende Altäre in Wohnvierteln. Im archäologischen Befund lässt sich ein unterschiedlicher Umgang mit einzelnen Heiligtümern und Tempeln erkennen. Im Rahmen des Projektes soll untersucht werden, welches die Indikatoren für die Veränderung von Heiligtümern, deren Ausstattung und Erweiterung in urbanen Räumen sind. Die Prozesse sind bislang anhand der Tempel innerhalb der Stadt noch nicht chronologisch analysiert worden. Erstmalig sollen in Paestum anhand von 3-D Stadtmodellen die unterschiedlichen Phasen mit ihren Veränderungen visualisiert werden.
Principal Investigator
Dr. Kathleen Jacobs
Global Change and Systemic Risks
Institute for Food and Resource Economics (ILR)
Meckenheimerallee 172
53115 Bonn
‘Sustainable consumption and production’ has become one of the Sustainable Development
Goals. Developing sustainable business models and policy measures requires greater knowledge
about consumer behaviour towards information on the sustainability impacts of products. Based
on prospect theory, the prevailing implicit assumptions of linear and context-independent
consumer reactions must be questioned. Using real-choice experiments, this quantitativeempirical
project therefore investigates how consumers' willingness to pay reacts depending on
the product's sustainability information. As it can be expected that consumers react differently
to the same magnitude of positive and negative sustainability information, contextual factors
that determine the reference point are also examined. This study is, for instance, crucial to
assess whether market incentives are sufficient to promote sustainable consumption, or
whether policy interventions such as mandatory negative labelling are needed.
Principal Investigator
Dr. Makan Karegar
Astronomische, Physikalische und Mathematische Geodäsie (APMG)
Institut für Geodäsie und Geoinformation
Nußallee 15
53115 Bonn
Sea level rise is one of the most expensive and societally disruptive consequences of global
warming and climate change because of the large and growing population density in coastal
regions and the high costs associated with coastal infrastructure adaptation. This project would
be the first to quantify contribution of land motion and its hazard associated with sea level rise
along the North Sea coast of Germany and southern coast of the US, regions identified as being
at high risk of flooding. A key element of this research will be establishing a framework for
employing upcoming NASA satellite SWOT which will provide unprecedented water level data in
rivers and wetlands. The outcome of this project will enable improved planning and hazard
preparedness of future industrial and infrastructure developments in coastal areas. This project
responds directly to the Uni Bonn's Mathematics, Models and Simulations of Complex Systems
and Innovation and Technology for Sustainable Development.
Principal Investigator
Dr. Koen Martens
Research Group Endesfelder
Institut für Mikrobiologie und Biotechnologie
Meckenheimer Allee 168
53115 Bonn
Elevated DNA damage is lethal to organisms. Environmental and endogenous DNA damage,
caused by e.g. radiation, endogenous radicals or exogeneous toxins, requires DNA repair
machineries to be vigilant and constantly scan the genome to prevent damage accumulation
which disrupts genome integrity. In my project I will quantitatively investigate the organisation
and kinetics of DNA repair in the thermo- and halophilic model archaeon Haloferax volcanii via
single-molecule fluorescent microscopy. This has the promise to find novel biological insights
which are possibly applicable in eukaryotes. This data-driven approach requires large, highquality
data sets for statistically significant analyses. This project therefore also includes an
open-source artificial intelligence (AI) microscopy work package which aims to automatise
microscopy and eliminate the need and bias of human operators. Such software will likely find
adaptation in other single-molecule-oriented laboratories.
Principal Investigator
Marija Popović, Ph.D.
Cluster of Excellence PhenoRob
Institut für Geodäsie und Geoinformation
Niebuhrstraße 1a
53113 Bonn
Recent years have seen incredible progress in robotic technologies and related fields. In
agriculture, robots are rapidly replacing conventional farming methods at higher levels of
precision, safety, and time- and cost-efficiency. However, there is a need for new robotic
algorithms to fully exploit their potential as intelligent devices in modern smart farming
workflows with minimal human intervention. Bridging this gap is the aim of the proposed
research project. My vision is to push the boundaries of robot autonomy in agriculture by
enabling robots to sense, reason, and act by themselves to optimise the use of their limited
computational resources and battery life. This research project is targeted toward enabling such
behaviour for multi-robot (aerial-ground) weeding missions in context of my current research
group in the Cluster of Excellence PhenoRob. It also sets up the infrastructure necessary for
future larger-scale projects in robotic decision-making.
Principal Investigator
Dr. Stefanie Rottschäfer
Bonn Applied English Linguistics
Institut für Anglistik, Amerikanistik und Keltologie
Rabinstraße 8
53111 Bonn
Im Forschungsfeld Englisch als lingua franca (ELF) wird das Englische traditionellerweise als
neutrale Kommunikationssprache, die von Sprecher*innen unterschiedlicher Muttersprachen
gesprochen wird, definiert. Was passiert jedoch, wenn ELF-Sprecher*innen ein Paar werden und
Kinder bekommen? Kann man das Englisch ihrer Kinder dann als Muttersprache betrachten?
Meine Studie untersucht ELF in 20 Familien anhand eines mixed-methods-Ansatzes, der
Sprachdaten von dinner table conversations, Daten aus introspektiven Interviews und das
Visualisieren der Spracheinstellungen mithilfe von language portraits kombiniert. Das Phänomen
des translanguaging wird in den Sprachdaten in den Fokus genommen, um herauszufinden,
wann Sprachen im Gespräch gewechselt werden und warum. Die Implikation Kinder tatsächlich
als muttersprachliche Sprecher*innen von ELF beschreiben zu können, wäre bedeutsam; nicht
nur für die Identitätskonstruktion des einzelnen Kindes, sondern auch als neues Kapitel im
Gebiet ELF.
Principal Investigator
Dr. Christian Steinebach
AK Gütschow
Pharmazeutisches Institut
An der Immenburg 4
53121 Bonn
Keap1 belongs to the protein family of E3 ligases that transfer small ubiquitin tags and mark
their target protein for proteolysis. Within the human genome, there are about 600 E3 ligases
expressed, which accurately control the cellular protein homeostasis. Keap1 is part of a protein
complex that regulates the turnover of the transcription factor Nrf2, which is involved in the
oxidative stress pathway. Moreover, in recent years a new modality called targeted protein
degradation has emerged as one of the most promising strategies to fight challenging diseases.
Proteolysis Targeting Chimeras (PROTACs) are small-molecule drugs that engage the protein
quality control mechanisms for the targeted degradation of disease-causing proteins. However,
only a few E3s have been utilized for this novel paradigm. The exploitation of other E3 ligases for
targeted protein degradation is needed to advance the field and tackle emerging strategies
aiming at tissue-selective applications of PROTACs in vivo.
Principal Investigator
José Ugalde, Ph.D.
Chemical Signalling
INRES - Institut für Nutzpflanzenwissenschaften und Ressourcenschutz
Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 144
53113 Bonn
Plants need to constantly respond to diverse environmental stresses in order to survive and this
depends on their capability to control levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS) using different
enzymes, among which glutathione S-transferases (GSTs). GSTs main functions are to detoxify
the cell from dangerous compounds and molecules modified by high ROS levels. In plants, GSTs
are present in large families, where close related members are functionally redundant, and the
deletion of some GSTs from the Tau (U) subfamily creates a compensation effect, inducing
others, and making their functional characterization problematic. Our preliminary work shows
how the deletion of GSTU25 triggers an ‘over’-compensatory effect inducing the expression of at
least another GST, GSTU24, the second most active GST after GSTU25. This new ‘over’-
compensatory effect generates plants that grow faster and are apparently more resistant to
abiotic stress in a process yet to be understood.
Principal Investigator
Dr. Marie Vandestienne
Quantitative Systembiologie
Life & Medical Sciences-Institut (LIMES)
Carl-Troll-Str. 31
53115 Bonn
The lung is a complex tissue constantly exposed to external agents, whose homeostasis relies on tightly regulated immune responses to ensure an efficient host defense against pathogens. Lung-resident type 2 conventional dendritic cells (cDC2) are crucial for the sensing of extracellular pathogens and the subsequent induction of an appropriate immune response and are thus crucial regulators of lung homeostasis. However, the mechanisms underlying cDC2 specific functional specialization in the lung remain largely elusive. I hypothesize that interactions between resident cDC2 and the lung microenvironment mediated by leukotriene signalling can control cDC2 correct spatial localization and subsequent specific function. Using high dimensional transcriptomic, phenotypic and imaging technologies coupled to functional approaches, this project will shed light on the role of the leukotriene B4 receptor 1 (BLT1R) in the regulation of cDC compartment development and maintenance in the mouse lung.
Principal Investigator
Dr. Mareike Baer
Abteilung Lebensmittelmikrobiologie und -hygiene
Institut für Ernährungs- und Lebensmittelwissenschaften
Friedrich-Hirzebruch-Allee 7
53115 Bonn
Mikroorganismen liegen in ihrer natürlichen Umgebung als oberflächenassoziierte
Gemeinschaften (Biofilme) vor. Diese sind in der Lebensmittelproduktion als
Kontaminationsquelle für Krankheitserreger und Verderbniserreger relevant. In diesen hoch
diversen Gemeinschaften können verschiedene Mikroorganismen-Spezies miteinander
kooperieren. Diese Kooperationen können zu einem gesteigerten Wachstum, erhöhter Resistenz
oder Virulenz führen. Die meisten bisherigen Studien untersuchten die künstlich durch
gentechnische Veränderungen herbeigeführte Kooperation zwischen Laborstämmen. Das Ziel
meines Forschungsvorhabens ist es dagegen, das kooperative Verhalten von Wildisolaten aus
lebensmittelassoziierten Habitaten zu erforschen. Dafür werden Isolate unter anderem aus
Rohmilch und Oberflächen von Melkanlagen untersucht. Die anhand von Laborversuchen und
Genexpressionsstudien gewonnenen Erkenntnisse über kooperatives Verhalten sollen
anschließend in den natürlichen Habitaten verifiziert werden.
Argelander Mobility Grants
Argelander Mobility Grants unterstützen erfahrenere Postdocs (ein bis fünf Jahre nach Abschluss der Promotion) darin, relevante internationale Erfahrung zu sammeln. Die Förderung finanziert einen Forschungsaufenthalt von sechs bis 12 Monaten an einer Forschungseinrichtung im Ausland. Nach ihrer Rückkehr erhalten die Postdocs weitere finanzielle Unterstützung, um ihr Forschungsprojekt abzuschließen und Drittmittel einzuwerben.
"The Research stay was very important for my academic career since it helped me to join and collaborate closely with an international group of researchers and gain more international visibility as a researcher. In addition, it allowed me to do a project completely independent from people I have worked with closely in the past, in particular without any connection to my PhD supervisor.”
Dr. Farah Afzal, Helmholtz-Institut für Strahlen- und Kernphysik

Principal Investigator
Dr. Jan Voosholz
Institut für Philosophie | Center for Science and Thought
Konrad-Zuse-Platz 1-3
53227 Bonn
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of Sidney, Australia
01.10.2025 - 31.12.2026
Principal Investigator
Dr. Rajula Srivastava
Mathematisches Institut
Endenicher Allee 60
53115 Bonn
School of Mathematics, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, United Kingdom
16.10.2024 - 15.10.2025
Principal Investigator
Dr. Eva Lehner
Bonn Center for Dependency and Slavery Studies
Niebuhrstr. 5
53113 Bonn
International Institute of Social History Amsterdam, The Netherlands
01.08.2024 - 31.01.2025
Principal Investigator
Dr. Bahareh Kamali
INRES Pflanzenbau
Katzenburgweg 9a
53115 Bonn
ETH Zürich Dep. of Environmental Systems Science, Zürich, Switzerland
01.01.2024 - 30.12.2024
Principal Investigator
Dr. Veruschka Wagner
Abteilung für Islamwissenschaft und Nahostsprachen
Institut für Orient- und Asienwissenschaften
Brühler Str. 7
53119 Bonn
Department of History, Bilgi University, Istanbul, Türkiye
01.09.2023 - 31.08.2024
Principal Investigator
Dr. Farah Noreen Afzal
Helmholtz-Institut für Strahlen- und Kernphysik
Nussallee 14-16
53115 Bonn
Department of Physics, College of William & Mary, Williamsburg, Virginia, USA
01.04.2023 - 01.10.2023
Dr. Robert Radu
Poppelsdorfer Allee 47
53115 Bonn
Gefördert vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) und dem Ministerium für Kultur und Wissenschaft des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen (MKW) im Rahmen der Exzellenzstrategie von Bund und Ländern

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