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SciComm FOCUS | Introduction to Storytelling for Scientists

A workshop offered by the Bonn Graduate Center

Develop your storytelling skills to transform how you communicate your scientific research, lead seminars, navigate academic discussions, and influence decision-making within the university setting.
This workshop equips participants with the essential skills for effective and professional storytelling, tailored to the unique challenges and opportunities of university contexts. Discover how to convey complex information, share knowledge, and drive change through the power of compelling narratives.

Online Workshop

Tuesday, June 11, 2024
9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Wednesday, June 12, 2024
9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.


Andrei Flueras





Target Group

Doctoral students, postdocs and research managers


Research, Research Management


16 units are applicable within the Doctorate plus or Careers plus certificate

Eine Wissenschaftlerin und ein Wissenschaftler arbeiten hinter einer Glasfassade und mischen Chemikalien mit Großgeräten.
© colourbox


Stories are the currency of human connection, as highlighted by renowned American screenwriter Robert McKee. Unlike the fleeting impact of lists and data, stories etch themselves into our memory, creating lasting impressions. In the dynamic and often digital landscape of academia, the ability to craft and share engaging stories is not just an asset but a necessity. It facilitates knowledge transfer, inspires teams, solidifies arguments, and persuades audiences more effectively than traditional fact-based presentations.

In the university environment - where daily tasks range from leading seminars and seminars to navigating the intricacies of scientific positioning and persuasive academic management - storytelling emerges as a pivotal skill. It brings to life factual information, offers solutions, and motivates behavioural shifts. Storytelling, when strategically applied, enhances communication across all academic activities including conferences, seminars, lectures, and interviews, especially when engaging with non-specialist audiences.

This interactive online workshop takes participants through each step of storytelling, from goal-setting to crafting relatable narratives for everyday academic scenarios. It is designed to arm you with a repertoire of storytelling techniques that promise not just professional success but also a profound impact on your audience, ensuring your messages resonate deeply and drive meaningful engagement within the academic sphere.


  • What are the underlying psychological and neurobiological mechanisms that make storytelling an effective tool for communication, leveraging our evolutionary predisposition towards narrative engagement?
  • Acquisition of technical, stylistic, and rhetorical techniques for crafting compelling stories, encompassing everything from PowerPoint presentations to the narrative arc of the hero's journey
  • How to source inspiration and material for compelling stories, enabling you to weave narratives that resonate with your audience
  • Developing the ability to enhance your storytelling with persuasive body language and vocal techniques, making your narratives not only heard but felt by your audience

More science communication?

This workshop is part of SciComm - our qualification offerings within science communication. The workshops are offered in three different levels of competence: SciComm BASICS | SciComm FOCUS | SciComm ADVANCED.


Bonn Graduate Center


+49 228 73-60141


Alte Sternwarte
Poppelsdorfer Allee 47
53115 Bonn

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