09. Februar 2023
Apolline Taillandier, Stephen Cave, Kanta Dihal, Thomasz Hollanek, Hirofumi Katsuno, Yang Liu, Daniel White, The Meanings of AI. A. Taillandier, S. Cave, K. Dihal, T. Hollanek, H. Katsuno, Y. Liu, D. White, The Meanings of AI.
![Apolline Taillandier, Stephen Cave, Kanta Dihal, Thomasz Hollanek, Hirofumi Katsuno, Yang Hermann Traub (21.08.2023) @pixabayLiu, Daniel White, "The Meanings of AI." In Stephen Cave and Kanta Dihal (eds.), Imagining AI: How the World Sees Intelligent Machines (Oxford University Press, 2023), 16-36. Apolline Taillandier, Stephen Cave, Kanta Dihal, Thomasz Hollanek, Hirofumi Katsuno, Yang Hermann Traub (21.08.2023) @pixabayLiu, Daniel White, "The Meanings of AI." In Stephen Cave and Kanta Dihal (eds.), Imagining AI: How the World Sees Intelligent Machines (Oxford University Press, 2023), 16-36.](https://www.uni-bonn.de/de/forschung-lehre/forschungsprofil/transdisziplinaere-forschungsbereiche/tra-4-individuals/publikationen-1/apolline-taillandier-stephen-cave-kanta-dihal-thomasz-hollanek-hirofumi-katsuno-yang-liu-daniel-white-the-meanings-of-ai/apolline-taillandier-stephen-cave-kanta-dihal-thomasz-hollanek-hirofumi-katsuno-yang-liu-daniel-white-the-meanings-of-ai-in-stephen-cave-and-kanta-dihal-eds-imagining-ai-how-the-world-sees-intelligent-machines-o.png/@@images/image/leadimagesize)
Apolline Taillandier, Stephen Cave, Kanta Dihal, Thomasz Hollanek, Hirofumi Katsuno, Yang Hermann Traub (21.08.2023) @pixabayLiu, Daniel White, "The Meanings of AI." In Stephen Cave and Kanta Dihal (eds.), Imagining AI: How the World Sees Intelligent Machines (Oxford University Press, 2023), 16-36.
© Hermann Traub @pixabay
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