W3 Professorship "Animal Breeding"
Published on: 05.12.2024
The University of Bonn is an international research university with a wide education and research profile. With a 200-year history, approximately 31,500 students, more than 6,000 staff, and an excellent reputation at home and abroad, the University of Bonn is one of the most important universities in Germany and is recognized as a university of excellence.
The Faculty of Agricultural, Nutritional and Engineering Sciences at the University of Bonn, Germany, invites applications for a full
Professorship (W3) - Animal Breeding
to be filled at the earliest possible date.
The professorship is part of the Institute of Animal Sciences (ITW).
Faculty of Agricultural, Nutritional and Engineering Sciences
15th February 2025
Starting Date:
at the earlist possible date
The future holder of the position should have international recognition and should focus on researching the genetic bases of traits in farm animals related to sustainable production of animal-based foods, taking biodiversity into account. Special emphasis should be placed on resilience traits, resource efficiency, and/or quality of animal products.
The methodological focus may include quantitative genetics and breeding methods, the development of statistical models and methods, the use of sensor-based data, or molecular genetics as well as the analysis and use of molecular genetic (omics) phenotypes in animal breeding.
In teaching, the field of animal breeding will be represented in the Bachelor degree program “Agrarwissenschaften” (Agricultural Sciences) and in the Master degree programs “Tierwissenschaften” (Animal Sciences) and “Agricultural Science and Resource Management in the Tropics and Subtropics”.
The appointee is expected to actively participate in the profile-forming research focus areas of animal sciences under the mission statement of “Animal Science for food system sustainability and healthy diets” (https://www.itw.uni-bonn.de). Collaboration in joint research projects with working groups of the Faculty of Agricultural, Nutritional and Engineering Sciences, the transdisciplinary research areas of the university (TRA 'Innovation and Technology for Sustainable Futures' and 'Life and Health'), as well as within national and international agricultural science research, is expected.
The Faculty of Agricultural, Nutritional and Engineering Sciences, with the Frankenforst Campus as the central research infrastructure for animal sciences, forms the basis for future-oriented experimental animal research and practice-oriented teaching and enables the transfer of scientific findings into agricultural practice and society.
The conditions of employment are according to §36 Hochschulgesetz NRW.
For further information on this professorship, please contact the chair of the search committee, Prof. Dr. Heiko Schoof, by e-mail (dekan@lwf.uni-bonn.de).
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Die Universität Bonn fördert aktiv die Vielfalt und Gleichstellung aller Mitarbeitenden und ist als familiengerechte Hochschule zertifiziert. Ihr Ziel ist es, den Anteil von Frauen in Bereichen, in denen Frauen unterrepräsentiert sind, zu erhöhen und deren Karrieren besonders zu fördern. Um die Heterogenität der Gesellschaft als Querschnitt abzubilden, begrüßt die Universität ausdrücklich Bewerbungen von weiteren Personen, die von Diskriminierung betroffenen sind, darunter BIPoCs sowie Menschen mit Rassismuserfahrungen, genderdiverse und queere Personen. Die Bewerbung geeigneter Menschen mit nachgewiesener Schwerbehinderung und diesen gleichgestellten Personen ist ebenfalls ausdrücklich erwünscht. Alle Bewerbungen werden in Übereinstimmung mit dem Landesgleichstellungsgesetz behandelt.